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Gargoyle Flying Vs Ninja Animal form?



Since the gargoyle flying ability is being made so similar to being mounted, can we assume they will only have 4 taming slots? Or will they be able to fly with a greater dragon?

Possibly requiring a control slot for gargoyles while they are flying is something that the team is still currently evaluating.


So, if this goes ahead would it be safe to assume that ninja forms will at last take a control slot??


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Probably not. Ninja form requires skill in order to go into form, and gargoyle flying does not. If they do not make it where flying takes up a control slot, then every ninjitsu tamer will just change to a gargoyle and move their points to something else. While I don't like it where the tamer can run around in wolf form and if they get into trouble they can just run away and either log out or pet ball their pet back to them, they did invest the points into that skill.


Actually i couldnt see any negative effect of making ninja take a control slot. The GD has already been deemed overpowered by devs, although this wouldnt "fix" the problem it would cut down there use. The initial design of the GD was that they where so powerful one must walk to compensate for there extreme power. Ninja form circumvents this design.

No other temlpate would be adversly affected in anyway, 4mirror images is more than enough. All it would do is prevent the use of GD's in everday pvp.

From what i heard, the gargoyles will be easily dismounted as it will require a "mounting" timer to get into flight, personally id rather Gargoyles dont take control slot but ninja does. From what ive read, gargoyles are going to be at a serious disadvantage in terms of PvP.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You can also knock a ninja out of form as well. Even if they made ninja form take a control slot, all the tamer would do is change their template and add stealth, hiding, and maybe magery. Then just invise the dragon and themselves and wait for someone to come by. Dismount by bola, have dragon attack, use a smoke bomb or invise and stealth away.

I believe they had a chance to address this problem shortly after the GD were introduced and their solution to the problem was to put a delay on recalling a pet via pet ball, making it so that you can be disrupted while using a pet ball, and not being able to use a pet ball while invisible (you can, but it will reveal you now).


You can also knock a ninja out of form as well. Even if they made ninja form take a control slot, all the tamer would do is change their template and add stealth, hiding, and maybe magery. Then just invise the dragon and themselves and wait for someone to come by. Dismount by bola, have dragon attack, use a smoke bomb or invise and stealth away.
Thats better than present, dismount all kill. If they take any damage cast an uninteruptable spell and are of at mounted speed!

Id rather see them walking at normal speed with magery than running mounted anyday.

Edit: I think thats one of my major gripes with it actually...you cant fizzle animal form, you can disrupt a person mounting any other way but not ninja

red sky

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
All it would do is prevent the use of GD's in everday pvp.
So which shard do you play anyhow? I raided 4 tamers (all 4 had greater dragons) doing a spawn in T2A solo with my necromage and destroyed them all before they could say "all kill". Get over it, the overpowered parts about the greater dragon templates have been fixed. I'm not going to go into why they have been fixed but I can tell you this. Why don't you get on test center and try to go PK people in fell yew or choke point Despise and see how long you last, since you think that they create this almighty god-like template.

P.S. I do have a ninjitsu tamer who I use to kill the champs that we raid. I would be seriously mad if it took 10 mins to run somewhere everytime I had to get to a place. Suck it up and quit the whining about something that has been nerfed. If you should whine about anything it is the Dread Mare pre-set fireball exploit. That my friend is where the money is. The only reason its not the #1 complaint is because there aren't that many good dread mares.


My exact point has been proved, the only ones who would complain are the ones that use this temp!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maybe you just came up with a solution and that is to make it where you can disrupt people as they try to get into form. I know that you can dismount them out of form via weapon, I would assume that you could use a bola to knock them out of form, and I'm pretty sure you can't use a ward removal talisman to knock them out of form (maybe that should be changed as well).

The gargoyle taking a control slot when flying seems to be a no brainer. The ninja form taking a control slot can be debated either way, but then if they make it where being in ninja form requires a control slot then people will begin to argue that necro forms should also take a control slot.

I have no ninja tamer, but the way I see it is if they invest 100-120 skill points into a skill then they should be able to use it. It isn't like they have an extra pet because they are the animal, and by being in that form they also take the limitations that were placed on it in that they can't do specials or cast. The gargoyle race as it is now will take no skill to be able to fly at mounted speed, will be able to perform any skill or special as if mounted, so in effect it should be treated as if they are mounted.


Maybe you just came up with a solution and that is to make it where you can disrupt people as they try to get into form. I know that you can dismount them out of form via weapon, I would assume that you could use a bola to knock them out of form, and I'm pretty sure you can't use a ward removal talisman to knock them out of form (maybe that should be changed as well).

The gargoyle taking a control slot when flying seems to be a no brainer. The ninja form taking a control slot can be debated either way, but then if they make it where being in ninja form requires a control slot then people will begin to argue that necro forms should also take a control slot.

What real benefit do you get from Wraith or vamp form pvp wise, your still slow as hell!

Althuogh i can see that point. Then why not just make it llama/ostard/wolf/ki-rin/uni all the "mounted" Forms that take a control slot?

Definatly think it should be disruptable as well.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So going into dog form shouldn't take a control slot because it is slow? Your basing the arguement on that just because you can go into a ninja form and move at mounted speed then that form should take a control slot. There will be those then then argue that going into beast form with its HP regen, should also take a control slot then since basically its the same principle in that your going into another form other than human or elf to gain an advantage. For ninja form it is speed, damage increase, HP regen, and for necro its for HP regen, mana leech, mana regen.


Actually, yes, thats my exact argument.

Its all about the movement speed. Using a 5control slot pet was meant to mean the player had to walk places. That was the desing and it no longer works. Dog form is a pain yes but at least the person cant run mounted once they dismounted the player...even if you pull them out of form once the timers up they can pretty much instanly "mount" again.