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Soloing a Peerless : What is the best Template for what Peerless ?


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
I was wondering if a guide to soloing Peerless was ever done explaining what template works best for what Peerless and with what tactiics and gear/weapons.

If such a guide was never done, how about adding your personal experience to this thread so that all players looking for good input and advice can find it all in one thread ?



Crazed Zealot
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For the Monsterous Grizzle, bring a tailor. You can kill seven in one blow.

Diomedes Artega

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was wondering if a guide to soloing Peerless was ever done explaining what template works best for what Peerless and with what tactiics and gear/weapons.

If such a guide was never done, how about adding your personal experience to this thread so that all players looking for good input and advice can find it all in one thread ?

There's numerous guides already under the Warrior's forum.


There's numerous guides already under the Warrior's forum.
Yep, this is very true. It may be a bit much to ask the OP to actually go to that forum and read the threads there though. He'll probably demand all of the info be repeated here so he doesn't have to click an extra button. :danceb:


Always Present
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On a side note doesn't :danceb: <-- that look like a green banana with an afro?


Diomedes Artega

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pops, see http://vboards.stratics.com/showthread.php?t=142703&referrerid=83679

Man, a lot of you folks seem not to care much for this fella. Did I miss something? Look Maplestone, I finally posted a link!
I wouldn't personally say that. The information has been hashed and re-hashed over and over.

Okay look...there are many combination(s) towards soloing stuff in this game. The most infamous one right now is sampire. You use vamp form., real skill of 99, max bushido, weapon, and parry (some use healing skill instead) and you basically wallop the stuffing out of everything (nothing is a contest).

READ, ALL of these threads (stratics really needs a topic break down like other gaming forums):

all I really did by the way was a search by forum and then the word sampire. Okay and they're off >

1. Best for Doom: Sampire or Whammy


2. Sampire: What am I doing wrong?


3. Sampire: how? Noob questions


4. Bushido Shield Questions (this relates to sampire...why? = bushido)


5. The sampire learning curve slaps me upside the head


Really I could go on and on and on. I am not going to. It would make my reply pages and pages long. This is not even in the past month threads in the warrior forum.

Last but not least AND most important of all...if you have not read this, then please do: http://vboards.stratics.com/showthread.php?t=44220

The above is the Samurai 侍 FAQ. Read about each ability if you aren't familiar with them.

Then most importantly, the concepts of honor and perfection.

Anyways why sampire? Because I never have to rest, never have to regroup and armed with the right weapon, am unstoppable. End of story.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Really, if you can keep your karma up (which really isn't that hard), I'd say wraith is so much better than vamp.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh how the mages love their wine!

The answer is many parts to be honest

The best to solo peerless depends on the peerless you decide to tackle

#1 Lady melisand: This woman is a tamers delight. Spellweave mage tame lore vet med heaps of mana regen gear with 100 lrc or like 500 of each reg a good supply of bandages and some honor you can take her down in the time allowed. Suggested to take a backup mage with you to rez when disaster strikes usually in the form of satyr's. I would love to see it done with a dexxer but her slow aura thing SUX BIG BIG BIG TIME even with a godly pvm weapon curse weapon + trying as vamp she just kicks my ass though i will try wraith on her soon have not had chance to yet but i will. just swinging to slow got me away from trying her solo on a warrior build.

#2 Shimmer : Grab a lute and brain that beast with song. Provoke disco bard will rock shimmers world. Provoke, disco, music, 120 120 120 possible with less to be honest but 120 is best to have :p and magery keep ev's cast and all should be ok you can rez at this boss so don't get upset if you die 50 times hehe just keep trying. Oh and a tip provoke wisps onto the essences ext shimmer spawns.

#3 Grizzel: I like archery myself mixed with spellweave natures fury distracts him while my sammy archer nope not a vamp A WRAITH for this guy plucking bow strings. Poi dmg is his weakness so either take a Blight gripped longbow or keep consecrate weapon cast alot. Though i know one guy who done griz with a melee template i suspect he used Lots of POF to do it.

#4 Chief Prox: Sampire or Wammy.. I like to take a fient weapon either a leaf blade or a diasho and keep the fient going every 4th swing works nice and if you run into problems you just back off a little he is not that fast. Many like archers for him and i have done with archer also but i am as of yet undecided as to which works best.

#5 Dread Horn! : This peerless is putty in a sampires hands wammy also. tactics well just go honor and beat the horn into its head violently. again fient weapon is nice but not needed vs this critter.

#6 Travesty: this boss is fun to best. Done it on tamer and on dexxer.
Tame lore vet fencing focus 50 chiv 4/6 fc fcr and a bunch of filler skill points to keep trav from useing them against you. Take either mare bug or bake bug combo greater dragons are nice but to slow. oh and use a serpents fang.
have also done on standard tamer with mage weave med but must be careful going this rought.

Dexxer basicly same build but no tame lore vet instead anat tactics and bush.

He copys skills above 50 that you have so you can use that against him if you plan it right. Suggest you do not take any skills above 50 that have a good form of healing or you will be up to your neck in ninja's. serpents fang is my choice of weapon for this peerless due to the 100% hit poison area, It wipes out the mirror immages.

Also concerning gear yeah.. Um that is something best left to each and every player to decide for him or her self. Handy suggestions

Casters need :
Lower mana cost 30+
Lower reg cost 100 preferably though some still carry regs
Mana Regen big time! like 12+ is a good start heh
Luck! Since you will not be toe to tow luck is nice for the loot

Hit chance increase 35+ min
Defense chance increase 45 min 65 if you like to use divine fury
Lower Mana cost 20+
+ hp is handy vs proximus
Hit lower defense either on weapon or glasses you want this mod!
Hit lower attack is good you will get hit less = survive better
LEECH major importance get leeches Mana and Stamina the most useful Life is easy go vamp or use curse weapon.
and of course resists you want your suit to be all 70's in your form of choice.

this is an introductory course to peerless solo 101 enjoy and may you get as frustrated as the rest of us when you are developing your own unique blend of skills used to solo a peerless ;)


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
There's numerous guides already under the Warrior's forum.

Thank you for the information, being in the Warrior Forum, are these Guides limited to melee templates or do they also consider ranged attack or tamer or bard templates ?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There are also guides in the tamer forum and the bard forum.

Odds are, if your search of a forum reveals nothing, then the community as a whole has decided that a particular template isn't good for soloing.

Conclusion: search for terms like "Peerless" "Grizzle" "Travesty" etc.


Yep, as farsight said although this may help you refine your search

Dread/Trav/Paroxy-Warriors forum search

Grizzle/Mel-Tamer forum search

Shim-Bard Forum search


Great post Wild. thanks for taking the time to put it all down.

I will add one thing, Tamer/Mage w/ greater can solo Griz as well. Just stand there and vet this thing till the cows come home. If you got weaving, hit him in the end with WoD and you've saved yourself 20 minutes.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There are also guides in the tamer forum and the bard forum.

Odds are, if your search of a forum reveals nothing, then the community as a whole has decided that a particular template isn't good for soloing.

Conclusion: search for terms like "Peerless" "Grizzle" "Travesty" etc.

Thanks, I noticed various partial threads on Forums here and there considering this or that template for a particular Peerless, but I was wondering whether a comprehensive Guide had ever been done which analyzed the best possible Template for a given Peerless accompanying it with advice on gear and tactics best to be used.

Diomedes Artega

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks, I noticed various partial threads on Forums here and there considering this or that template for a particular Peerless, but I was wondering whether a comprehensive Guide had ever been done which analyzed the best possible Template for a given Peerless accompanying it with advice on gear and tactics best to be used.
To answer your question, no nobody has sat down and written an overall comprehensive guide. It is as you have stated for the most part. There are various guides strewn out, BUT...there is no all encompassing guide.

It is a bit difficult too since the post would have to be stickied to one of the main forums since there are 4 different forums that the information would be applicable to (bard, warrior, mage, and tamer).


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I understand that, but I want to know why one would not write such a comprehensive guide ?

Correct me if I am mistaken, but many people, myself included, could use such a guide and develop the appropriate character.

Is it so wrong to ask for someone to write a guide that would be useful ?

/end sarcasm


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ty for the positive feedback on the post i left i admit i was 1/2 asleep when i did it and i know i left out quite a few possible ways but its just to give some idea's for peerless. though i should mention my meli killer build also has 20 necro and 30 ss so i can mana leech when i word of death and keep casting it like a mad man hehe forgot about that important tidbit. If you get a good arcane focus it makes it so so so much faster. Level 5 or 6 and you will be doing meli pretty darn fast for solo.