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How big of a deal is it to get a Valorite Hammer on your shard?



Reading through this read I noticed a few people point out the val hammers that were given out from the Old Haven traders; Now two points here, one - I remember asking round people carting there blackrock to the traders, I don't remember one person saying they recieved a hammer above aggy - they mined there blackrock as well. Now the oldest blackrock in this event cycle spawned when the ophidian gates were shattered down in terra keep on both facets, slightly larger blackrock pieces spawned around the gate and a lot was dispersed all over the lands; back on track though as I understood it only the blackrock from around the gate when it was shattered (limited amount) and the blackrock pillars from the Magancia invasion had a chance of rewarding a player with a val hammer when turning in to the shifty traders; Anyway my thoughts on the hammers is - when I see one (I'd say 95%) on Luna vendors I just walk past the vendor shop (usually has a plentiful supply of PoF for under 25k/all the other hammers/heartwood runics etc) I'd also hazard a guess like many others have pointed out in this thread that in a lot of cases they originate from said bod trick or from scripting. One solution would be to not purchase these ill gotton hammers at all if you feel so strongly about the issue.


Reading through this read I noticed a few people point out the val hammers that were given out from the Old Haven traders; Now two points here, one - I remember asking round people carting there blackrock to the traders, I don't remember one person saying they recieved a hammer above aggy - they mined there blackrock as well. Now the oldest blackrock in this event cycle spawned when the ophidian gates were shattered down in terra keep on both facets, slightly larger blackrock pieces spawned around the gate and a lot was dispersed all over the lands; back on track though as I understood it only the blackrock from around the gate when it was shattered (limited amount) and the blackrock pillars from the Magancia invasion had a chance of rewarding a player with a val hammer when turning in to the shifty traders; Anyway my thoughts on the hammers is - when I see one (I'd say 95%) on Luna vendors I just walk past the vendor shop (usually has a plentiful supply of PoF for under 25k/all the other hammers/heartwood runics etc) I'd also hazard a guess like many others have pointed out in this thread that in a lot of cases they originate from said bod trick or from scripting. One solution would be to not purchase these ill gotton hammers at all if you feel so strongly about the issue.
Youre right that haven thing usually you needed the highest type of blackrock for I think. Though probably didn't stop anybody from duping that blackrock if it was possible.
Though like I said before the Dupers never hold public venders as that ties back in to a account and they can lose all the gold if left there and caught.

Those venders are definelty resellers. And if they are bod collecting to have val to sell then I would be suspicious if they didnt have pof and other lower hammers for sale as you gonna go through alot of lower rewards to keep up the funds to buy resources for all the swaps you need to do to get val bods.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
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Stratics Legend
No way. There are impossible to tell which ones but not the ones i get monthly from bod filling myself nor the ones that people got from the BLackrock event. Don't count bod filling before the swap change as then it was almost impossible to get anything and the fix for ratio on color bods which I believe tailor bods still need that fix. So Bod filling when it first came out till they make those chages don't place them in the equation cause not even I was able get val back then.
ive never once gotten a valorite runic hammer small bod from collecting bods and ive done a lot of collecting.... also all of the val hammers obtained from the blackrock turn in are long gone, those were given out years ago


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You should probably bring it to the bank this evening. I'll take a look at it (leave it in your pack). I hear there is a duped one floating around. I'll let you know if this is the duped one. ^^ ...la


ive never once gotten a valorite runic hammer small bod from collecting bods and ive done a lot of collecting.... also all of the val hammers obtained from the blackrock turn in are long gone, those were given out years ago
Got to check youre methods or worse see if youre bugged switch youre skills to another character cause the rng is not smiling on you.

I'll give you my ratio for today as im organizing them now. I just did this morning 471 iron bods received back 232 iron, 85 color wont fit in large bods
151 dull and higher bods. The important part 1 10x ringmail leggings val normal, 1 20x metel val shield exec , 1 chainmail 15x large val exec, 1 15x ringmail tunic exep, and 1 20x platemail helm val exec. Oh and got my self a verite exep 20 count platemail large with other verites as well.
This is the usual numbers I receive though a val hammer bod usually pops out at least through a couple more cycle throughs. Now am going to take the 232 iron and the 85 color singles fill them and go to my second cycle the rest will be saved in my bod books with the rest of the collection to fill larges at the end of the month except the dulls I'll fill them when I have too many to hold for swaps.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
At the risk of posting something that is not appropriate ....

Didn't I see a change a while back that basically set all Runic tools to be the same intensity?

If so would there be any value to having a Valerite Tool?


At the risk of posting something that is not appropriate ....

Didn't I see a change a while back that basically set all Runic tools to be the same intensity?

If so would there be any value to having a Valerite Tool?
They just changed the maximum intensity possible, While the lower range intesity is higher on better runics the maximum is always 100. Max and min Properties also varies per runic.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They just changed the maximum intensity possible, While the lower range intesity is higher on better runics the maximum is always 100. Max and min Properties also varies per runic.
Thanks for that update.

To restate, your saying the change allowed all runic tools to achieve maximum intensity. The remaining difference between tool levels is the effective number range the Random Number Generator is applied over. With the Higher end tools having a narrower range oriented more to the maximum and the lower end tools have a complete number spectrum.

With the net effect being that all tools can make the maximum intensity but the higher the tool is the better the odds are (theoretically).

Now then if I can buy 100 Dull Copper Hammers at 1K each and a Valorite Hammer at 1,000,000 each, then is there a real economical point in pursuing a Valorite Hammer?

While the above may seem to be rhetorical/argumentative, it is not.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The remaining difference between tool levels is the effective number range the Random Number Generator is applied over.
Don't forget the difference in the number of properties. A dull copper hammer will still only have 1-2 properties while a valorite would have 5.


Thanks for that update.

To restate, your saying the change allowed all runic tools to achieve maximum intensity. The remaining difference between tool levels is the effective number range the Random Number Generator is applied over. With the Higher end tools having a narrower range oriented more to the maximum and the lower end tools have a complete number spectrum.

With the net effect being that all tools can make the maximum intensity but the higher the tool is the better the odds are (theoretically).

Now then if I can buy 100 Dull Copper Hammers at 1K each and a Valorite Hammer at 1,000,000 each, then is there a real economical point in pursuing a Valorite Hammer?

While the above may seem to be rhetorical/argumentative, it is not.
You pass by my venders depending how far from luna they range fromm 100-500 each. I just try to get rid of them I have so many and I hate to trow away anything.
But your assumption is correct. Though I will illustrate if you making something with a dull runic even 100 of them you will get mostly junk but they will be able to hit 100 intensity but the range of prop for those is 1-2 and thats where it would hurt it As well the minimum intesity is 40%. A shadow will always have 2 proprities and 45% lower minimum.
On the other side of the spectrum a val will always have 5 props with every prop having aminimum intensity of 85%. You can run with verite 70% minimum intensity more charges and 4-5 props. You can make a val hammer item from verite but you will need those extra chances to do so.

On a side note for all those smiths out there use iron on weps you gonna want to unravel them later on ,if you do make a good wep add powder to it for the durabilitie and youre set. Using Iron on armor or plain leather defeats the purpose in making armor so it won't matter too much.


My gut feel on this thing, as earlier, is that the hammers are duped, or from a duped origin, even the two I bought after market. Sure, players may buy low and sell high. IDOC campers may find BODs that lead to limited completions. The nature of IDOCs and competitiveness of the collapses do not render this a consistent strategy, at least where I play. One of the events during a time frame I was unable to play had them built into the scenario, I can’t comment as I wasn’t present, but the timing of this round of dupes had nothing whatsoever to do with said event, it had long since run its course. Limited, not mass bannings, did occur. Whether they got the right or wrong folks - who knows, they usually are very cautious and ban only as a last result and with legal sufficiency. They clearly did not get them all, and would not action vendors reported by players, no action at all. It has been, as it was before, a very consistent theme among BOD collectors that the influx could not have occurred within designed parameters, though there have been a few dissenting opinions.

The only possible offset does seem to lie in imbuing, but certainly, the same folks involved with dupes will simply turn out relics for sell that stem from the duped items. The difference is, players don’t have to buy them, they can get them through game play if imbuing is set to the right levels. A course of action might be to delete every hammer, val and verite as both exist in abundance (and don’t forget the fletching kits). The impact of the things, IMO, has been/ continues/ will be too great. If announced, of course the hammers turn into items for use in imbuing, but at least the few players who attained them legitimately wouldn’t be robbed of efforts and accomplishments. If unannounced, well….


My gut feel on this thing, as earlier, is that the hammers are duped, or from a duped origin, even the two I bought after market. Sure, players may buy low and sell high. IDOC campers may find BODs that lead to limited completions. The nature of IDOCs and competitiveness of the collapses do not render this a consistent strategy, at least where I play. One of the events during a time frame I was unable to play had them built into the scenario, I can’t comment as I wasn’t present, but the timing of this round of dupes had nothing whatsoever to do with said event, it had long since run its course. Limited, not mass bannings, did occur. Whether they got the right or wrong folks - who knows, they usually are very cautious and ban only as a last result and with legal sufficiency. They clearly did not get them all, and would not action vendors reported by players, no action at all. It has been, as it was before, a very consistent theme among BOD collectors that the influx could not have occurred within designed parameters, though there have been a few dissenting opinions.

The only possible offset does seem to lie in imbuing, but certainly, the same folks involved with dupes will simply turn out relics for sell that stem from the duped items. The difference is, players don’t have to buy them, they can get them through game play if imbuing is set to the right levels. A course of action might be to delete every hammer, val and verite as both exist in abundance (and don’t forget the fletching kits). The impact of the things, IMO, has been/ continues/ will be too great. If announced, of course the hammers turn into items for use in imbuing, but at least the few players who attained them legitimately wouldn’t be robbed of efforts and accomplishments. If unannounced, well….
The dupes concerning the runics was duping of bods which in turn made a untraceble hammer with new properties. That definetly hurt the balance in ways that will take a long time to recover. Suppliers was selling these in droves. Resellers that didn't take caution said wow im getting a 50mil item for 8-10mil if I buy them in bulk!
So they cough up a good 500 mil from reseller funds or if they were in a reseller guild the whole guild pitched in with billions of gold to buy them and first tried to sell them at going rate just a little below but more and more kept coming into the market. Competiton was being build up and in attempts to out price each other they had to sell many at once bringing the price down to 15mil or so.
But the dupe was left active for many months and dupers were flooding the market selling to each of the resellers competions playing both sides. Finally the dev decided to ban any of those who had too many hammers after finaly closing the hole... The problem most of the dupers unloaded them already and there fake acounts got banned with dupe items still in but caught in the sweep those resellers that decided to hold on to too many items on there main account because they didn't dupe. They were banned as well.
Dupers got away with it scott free.
I being around long enough to know when a new dupe pops up and to be cautious with suppliers. Of course no one will be able to really tell at least a few weeks into the process before they relize hey this influx of this item is gained illegaly. By them many will have the gold fever getting high end items for little amount of gold.
Now this blanket of banning account was really the only thing to do to keep the masses happy. There was no way for them to track dupe hammers as the hammers all had a unique code they could only go by the amount a account had this was a mistake on there part but what else could of they done? I would think work with the reseller to see where they got there products and perform a sting. Would be nice but still it's a trow away account so it doesnt matter.
So yes there are still dupe hammers out there but not many as everyone got spooked and decided to burn there hammers into high price items.
Now the heartwood runics I haven't heard anything of dupe with them. I haven't seen enough around to make any dent into the economy. Most likley it's cross shard reselers or suppliers. They go to a shard with all items priced cheap then bring those items to a more expensive shard and sell for that shards going rate. They make plenty to buy transfer tokens and the items and profit greatly by it. I believe most of the runics comes like that.
I have a cross shard supplier that comes along every week to 2 weeks with high end items priced for resell. For example heartwood runic is going for 14445000 in pacific now a cross trader will buy them out and transfer to ls where the same runics are selling for 25mil. Ofcourse they will bring alot more stuff with them.
Though I don't rule anything out as anything is possible since i found out many years ago about rough gms and others this is one explanation for certain influxes in the market that don't pose too much a dent.