Got a bunch at an IDOC:
"A keg of red liquid""keg of white liquid" etc.
Names of the entire keg changes to "A keg of greater strength potions" or "A keg of total refreshment potions" etc when you use a bottle.
I understand kegs are usually like this, but most of these are half-full, some are almost to the top, others a quarter full. I thought they changed first time anyone takes a bottle out?
"A keg of red liquid""keg of white liquid" etc.
Names of the entire keg changes to "A keg of greater strength potions" or "A keg of total refreshment potions" etc when you use a bottle.
I understand kegs are usually like this, but most of these are half-full, some are almost to the top, others a quarter full. I thought they changed first time anyone takes a bottle out?