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Why can't Curse Weapon have a buff bar icon?

Jimmy Pop

Stratics Veteran
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And others?

I thought that was the purpose of the bar in the first place... forget about some?

Any reason it's NOT on the bar? Any dev comments on having it added to the buff bar?


Grand Poobah
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Uhhh, because the bar is for your character, not what he/she is holding? Just a guess...

Stupid Miner

Yea, the buff isn't tied to a specific weapon like focus attack but applies to any weapon you might switch to.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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It's not on there for the same reason that concecrate weapon isn't on there..... why put that on and not others....

Stupid Miner

It's obvious anyway when consecrate weapon ends: you start doing a lot less damage.
Also, for some templates Curse Weapon is their main source of healing. It'd be handy to know when we're no longer healing ourselves.

Bomb Bloke

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That's not to say MalagAste doesn't have a good point. There are a few things that should be turning up on the bar that aren't. Wait times for abilities such as Honor or Ethereal Voyage. Effects from barding abilities ($%#$ing calm!). What else are we missing?


Personally i think its quite obvious.

Its not a buff. Its a mod. It doesnt increase/decrease anything on the character, its modifies the weapon. Therefore it has no place on the Buff bar.

Now the peacing, that would be nice to see!


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
I suspect all these missing effects were accidental omissions.

"Please may we have", with reasons why, is a nicer appriocah than "Why cant I have?", I think.


Arg some of these posts drive me insane, it is a spell that effects your character directly I see no good reason to not have it in the buff bar, or consecrate weapon!

At the very least have the spell icon that you can remove from your book flag red while the spell is active like evasion !

(pretty pls can we have one or other of these in reposnse to above post :D )

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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My theory was always, the buffs and de-buffs that appear on the bar are all applied to your character.

consecrate weapon, curse weapon etc are not, they're applied to an object, ie your current weapon. What would happen to the buff icon if you cast 'consecrate' and then switched weapons?


Arg some of these posts drive me insane, it is a spell that effects your character directly I see no good reason to not have it in the buff bar, or consecrate weapon!

At the very least have the spell icon that you can remove from your book flag red while the spell is active like evasion !

(pretty pls can we have one or other of these in reposnse to above post :D )
Please explain how it directly affects your character??

As far as i read, its imbues your WEAPON with hit life leech...not your character. How does consecrate WEAPON affect your character, it changes the damage type of your WEAPON.

The only thing i could see that would make sense to add, is doing it the same way as focus attack.


Please explain how it directly affects your character??
Your kidding right? does my weapon receive the life leech? no my character does, therefore it is directly affecting my character. I really don't get this line of argument, sure maybe some spells affect my weapon, but I am using that weaponso any of its properties affect my character

As I said the evasion/focus attack style of the ability being active would be more than sufficient but I see no harm in them being on the buff bar


Your kidding right? does my weapon receive the life leech? no my character does, therefore it is directly affecting my character. I really don't get this line of argument, sure maybe some spells affect my weapon, but I am using that weaponso any of its properties affect my character

As I said the evasion/focus attack style of the ability being active would be more than sufficient but I see no harm in them being on the buff bar
They arent buffs!!!

They enhance a weapon not your character, from what your saying if you have a weapon with HML as you recieve that bonus it should go on your buff bar.


For a start hml is always active, there is no need for the player to cast it for it to work therefore no need for there to be an indicator for it. One of the most usefull things about the bar is that it shows what is still in effect or what has just run out, it is usefull to know when u need to recast curse wep/consecrate/ any other spell , and the noises they put in to indicate said expiry can all to easily be lost during combat.

The weapon is an extension of the character and anything that affects it affects the characters performance. Why do people feel the need to seperate these 2 aspects when it comes down to the same thing?


"Buff Bar, Buff/Debuff Gump, and Buff/Debuff Icon System are all terms that refer to a game interface. The Buff Bar allows players to identify certain magic effects that are currently affecting their characters"


This is taken from uo guide, admitedly not uo.com but pls don't hesitate to point me to a more original description of the bar! the spells under discussion are magical effects which affect the characters some way or another. Whats the problem?


"Buff Bar, Buff/Debuff Gump, and Buff/Debuff Icon System are all terms that refer to a game interface. The Buff Bar allows players to identify certain magic effects that are currently affecting their characters"


This is taken from uo guide, admitedly not uo.com but pls don't hesitate to point me to a more original description of the bar! the spells under discussion are magical effects which affect the characters some way or another. Whats the problem?
The problem is you STILL dont get it! :wall:


Maybe thats clearer


How can you not understand this!?!

It adds Hit Life Leech!!!

That is a WEAPON MODIFIER not a Character enhancement!

Its exactly the same as Hit life leech already found on weapons, you want that in the buff bar?


mentioning hll allready on the weapon is just as poinltess as your mention of hml, it is allready on the weapon. The life leech from curse weapon is a magical effect imposed by the player upon casting the spell which affects my character for its duration.

What is your obsession with it being a weapon? I am holding the weapon and anything done to it, effects me as well

By all definitions of a buff this is what it is, a temporary magical effect which directly effects my character.

I understand totally what your saying, I just disagree with you in thinking the weapon should not be considered part of my character for the purposes determining buffs!

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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No. Because you can change the weapon at will. It is not a permanent aspect of the character.

If you cast 'consecrate', then change weapons, the buff is lost. It's applied to the weapon.


There not buffs, Bless directly affects your character by giving you additional stats.

Curse weapon adds an item property to the item, it has no bearing on your character directly. If you dont use the weapon you dont use the mod, hence its an item property not a buff.


No. Because you can change the weapon at will. It is not a permanent aspect of the character.

If you cast 'consecrate', then change weapons, the buff is lost. It's applied to the weapon.
None of the other buffs are permanent aspects of your character all can be changed. Your point about the weapon is valid however as you yourself said the buff is lost when weapon is changed and must be reassigned.
Whatever weapon you are using is an extension of your character and despite rich's protestations the effects that are bestowed upon the weapon DO effect ure character

"There not buffs, Bless directly affects your character by giving you additional stats.

Curse weapon adds an item property to the item, it has no bearing on your character directly. If you dont use the weapon you dont use the mod, hence its an item property not a buff."

It IS a buff , a buff is anything which effects your character, fine its cast on the weapon, but it DOES effect your character

what does using the weapon have to do with it? the effect is still in effect shpould the weapon be used. If your under the effect of any buff but doing nothing the buff is still there, just not being taken advantage off the only difference is the lack of an icon in the bar, which is what this discussion is about!


If you cast bless (an undisputable buff) it remains on your character and you remain under its benefits no matter what you do.

If you cast enemy of one, you are under the effect of it regardless if you engange in combat.

If you cast curse weapon, yes your weapon is under the effect but you arent.

Its a buff for your weapon sure, ill accept that. As its not a character buff its not in the buff bar.


But the weapon is part of my character, if i switch the next one becomes part of my character! I feel we are looking at a simple difference in how we regard our characters/ components off.

For the sake of argument lets defer to the evasion/focus method of displaying an active ability would anyone object to this?


No i got no problem with that, i still dont understand how you can say a weapon you wield is a part of your character?

Its an object, its not part of you.


In just the same way that a magical spell can imbue ure armour with certain properties yet be considered a "character buff"

My character is a warrior, his most important feature is the weapon he has, without it he is nothing I therefore consider that the weapon is an integral part of him (whichever one he is using)

Not trying to argue my point so much as answer your question :)


If you cast bless (an undisputable buff) it remains on your character and you remain under its benefits no matter what you do.

If you cast enemy of one, you are under the effect of it regardless if you engange in combat.

If you cast curse weapon, yes your weapon is under the effect but you arent.

Its a buff for your weapon sure, ill accept that. As its not a character buff its not in the buff bar.
Granted, this is all correct, but it would still be nice to have spells like Curse Wep and Cons Wep on the buff bar if for nothing else than the timer. While we're on the subject, why aren't Vamp Form and Wraith Form on the buff bar? They're both spells that directly affect the character.


While we're on the subject, why aren't Vamp Form and Wraith Form on the buff bar? They're both spells that directly affect the character.
Agreed, that also goes for Reaper form, lich form, horrific beast...all forms actually. I see no problem with that and no reason why it shouldnt.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Actually it really would be great to have an icon for all spells that have a timer associated with them. I usually play late at night, so I can't turn the sound up loud enough to hear when curse weapon ends (wife & kids sleeping).

I'm sure you were joking about the forms being on the buff bar, since being in the form is pretty much telling you its active. But then again, they have an icon telling you when you're hiding or invisible, even though your character is grayed out.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Personally i think its quite obvious.

Its not a buff. Its a mod. It doesnt increase/decrease anything on the character, its modifies the weapon. Therefore it has no place on the Buff bar.

Now the peacing, that would be nice to see!
Well in your eyes, hiding or invis shouldnt be there....


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So then why does it not display on said cursed/consecrated weapon that there is an affect timer in progress i can accept that its not on buff icon but i can't fathom why it is not displayed on the weapons it affects focus attack shows on weapon quite often i leave focus attack active to mess with the non ninja's by showing up at the bank with 80+% hit cast and 90+% leech fast weapons gotten some pretty insane offers on the weapons lol never sold or told whats up but at least it displays something. Personally its not a real big issue since i listen to the sound of it wearing off and have the time timed so i can recast when i need it. But HLD HLA and a few other mods that would be nice to see register on the bar that do not kinda irk me.


UO Forum Moderator
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Actually, the stated reason by the Devs was that the durations of Consecrate Weapon and Curse Weapon were TOO SHORT.

To which, most of us replied - We don't care, we still want the Icons.

There are many other effects that DO have icons that are shorter.

And, in my experience, Consecrate seems to stay with me, not the weapon, when I swap a weapon during the effect.

The "weapon" effects are treated as a "Self" target, after all, automatically - you don't have to target a specific weapon, with a cursor.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Actually, the stated reason by the Devs was that the durations of Consecrate Weapon and Curse Weapon were TOO SHORT.

To which, most of us replied - We don't care, we still want the Icons.

There are many other effects that DO have icons that are shorter.

And, in my experience, Consecrate seems to stay with me, not the weapon, when I swap a weapon during the effect.

The "weapon" effects are treated as a "Self" target, after all, automatically - you don't have to target a specific weapon, with a cursor.
Bull**** they're too short, I know my curse weapon lasts a lot longer than my divine fury does.


I'm sure you were joking about the forms being on the buff bar, since being in the form is pretty much telling you its active. But then again, they have an icon telling you when you're hiding or invisible, even though your character is grayed out.
There is an icon for animal form. I don't think it's the lack of icons that is the problem... it's the inconsistency with which they're included. If one kind of form is included, all of them should be. Same with the buffs.

We can argue over the semantics of whether or not consecrate or curse weapon is considered a buff or not (nevermind most games consider weapon buffs to be buffs regardless of whether or not they apply to the weapon or the character itself) but the fact of the matter is, they're a timed effect... they should be included. It can't be THAT hard to add them.