Be warned, this is a slight rant, but some things i've been thinking of for a while and wanted to get off my chest, feel free to add thoughts as appropriate 
Tonight was the final nail in the coffin for me in terms of Factions and possibly PvP in general.
Tonight, a well known speedhacker from the number one speedhacking guild on my shard bounced onto the screen on a dog with orc brute in tow and attacks me, up until he arrived my connection was good, no real lag to speak of.
Here's what happened:
XXX Is attacking you
I attempt to move out the way of the Dog/Brut/Nerve Strike
Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag (1 or 2 seconds)
Computer catches up
You are dead
Note the huge lag spike, despite the fact my connection is running beautifully tonight..
To summarise, without even having a chance to defend myself, my all 70s dci/hci suit was completely negated by his overpowered template, combined with what I would describe as probably one of the most effective speed hacks i've seen being used on europa to date. Without exagerating the guy literally bounces on to the screen jumping 4 tiles at a time.
Not only does the speedhacker get a massive advantage in their own speed but it lags out anyone else on the screen, rendering the opponent, well defenceless...
If this was an isolated case and this guy was in the minority I might be able to brush it off and try my best to just avoid the dude, but unfortunately, Europa PvP revolves around speedhacks now.
The 2 Major Issues As I See It
1) Devs have displayed complete and utter impotence in dealing with speedhackers and cheats in general. There is nothing for cheats to fear, so players that don't mind cheating can do so with confidence that there will be no bannings and because of this they are becoming more and more obvious with it.
2) Many players see speedhacks and all the other cheats as just another power-up. You almost always find that the guys cheating already have all the gold they could ever need, they have all the items and powerups you can imagine and having a top end speedhack is to them, just another powerup. Thats the stage its gotten to. I can just imagine them all comparing notes and trading programs etc.
I am quite sure the majority of people using the cheats have absolutely no guilt when they kill someone in seconds and im sure they take just as much delight in the victory as they would have if they had done so without the assistance of illegal programs.
If you are in any doubt of the level of cheating currently taking place in fel, log on to one of the many PvP forums for a real eye opener. Europa's UCH forum is a great place to start.
So to sum things up, i'm not actually asking for anything to be done, because I really don't expect anything will be at this stage...
I love UO and will continue to play for the time being however the fact that I am unable to take part in what I see as the "End Game" means that I am somewhat less happy with the game overall than I used to be, and I would definitely say, at least one step closer to calling time on my UO career.
I want no further part in a PvP scene that is dictated by who has the best hack.
I'm out.
Tonight was the final nail in the coffin for me in terms of Factions and possibly PvP in general.
Tonight, a well known speedhacker from the number one speedhacking guild on my shard bounced onto the screen on a dog with orc brute in tow and attacks me, up until he arrived my connection was good, no real lag to speak of.
Here's what happened:
XXX Is attacking you
I attempt to move out the way of the Dog/Brut/Nerve Strike
Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag (1 or 2 seconds)
Computer catches up
You are dead
Note the huge lag spike, despite the fact my connection is running beautifully tonight..
To summarise, without even having a chance to defend myself, my all 70s dci/hci suit was completely negated by his overpowered template, combined with what I would describe as probably one of the most effective speed hacks i've seen being used on europa to date. Without exagerating the guy literally bounces on to the screen jumping 4 tiles at a time.
Not only does the speedhacker get a massive advantage in their own speed but it lags out anyone else on the screen, rendering the opponent, well defenceless...
If this was an isolated case and this guy was in the minority I might be able to brush it off and try my best to just avoid the dude, but unfortunately, Europa PvP revolves around speedhacks now.
The 2 Major Issues As I See It
1) Devs have displayed complete and utter impotence in dealing with speedhackers and cheats in general. There is nothing for cheats to fear, so players that don't mind cheating can do so with confidence that there will be no bannings and because of this they are becoming more and more obvious with it.
2) Many players see speedhacks and all the other cheats as just another power-up. You almost always find that the guys cheating already have all the gold they could ever need, they have all the items and powerups you can imagine and having a top end speedhack is to them, just another powerup. Thats the stage its gotten to. I can just imagine them all comparing notes and trading programs etc.
I am quite sure the majority of people using the cheats have absolutely no guilt when they kill someone in seconds and im sure they take just as much delight in the victory as they would have if they had done so without the assistance of illegal programs.
If you are in any doubt of the level of cheating currently taking place in fel, log on to one of the many PvP forums for a real eye opener. Europa's UCH forum is a great place to start.
So to sum things up, i'm not actually asking for anything to be done, because I really don't expect anything will be at this stage...
I love UO and will continue to play for the time being however the fact that I am unable to take part in what I see as the "End Game" means that I am somewhat less happy with the game overall than I used to be, and I would definitely say, at least one step closer to calling time on my UO career.
I want no further part in a PvP scene that is dictated by who has the best hack.
I'm out.