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How big of a deal is it to get a Valorite Hammer on your shard?


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Are they fairly common? Expensive? I know it is a big deal where I play... Just wondering.


On my shard, one vendor currently has 10 of them for sale for 19mil each. Coughcoughreallysuspiciouscoughcough.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
We are wondering if this is just the second known instance of one on Siege. There are some serious bod folk on Siege but this does not happen often. In fact, I am pretty sure it is the first I have ever seen, and I have been on Siege for a while.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
sORRY even after over 8 years i still cannot grasp why someone will pay near 30m for a hammer that gives u only 15 chances to make something worth the amount you have to pay for the hammer in the first place.. and hey craftable stuff is very hard to sell.....LOL.. maybe its me..whatever


On Chessie they're back up to 19 mil, and have fluctuated from 15-23 mil since "introduced." There's somewhere between 25 and 30 on Luna vendors ATM (unless more are "stacked"). After market sites have them on par with the 19 mil level, I don't know if the chicken or the egg came first, i.e. whether in game or out of game "sells" set current levels. I'm still sickened by this particular debacle, it just shows you that once all fear of reprocussion is gone and the gates open wide, what actually does happen. It's too late now though, too much of the money that flows around and through UO has rendered any future action a bad idea. It could have been headed off at the pass, but alas, no.

Natalie Black

I have had one in my entire time in this game and it took years to get that one. I think anyone with 10 is definetly duping.


Are they fairly common? Expensive? I know it is a big deal where I play... Just wondering.
Depends. If you got it from the haven blackrock event then the player will have alot of them. If you got it from the the dupe thats closed now should have alot of them if you got them from powergaming bods maybe 2-3 a month since the changes so a year you should have around 24 to 36 val hammers in you're possesion not counting any from before, If you resell then you should have a couple thousand from buying from venders and selling at higher amount though they never stay on youre possesion for long. If not a power gamer then should have maybe 1 every few months or more.


I have had one in my entire time in this game and it took years to get that one. I think anyone with 10 is definetly duping.
We pursued BODs for several years, and even had two accounts with nothing but smiths/ tailors to aid in the effort. We never made it more than halfway. Whether or not these were duped wasn't really open to debate or interpretation from the time the first few appeared through to today, but by this point, hundreds (thousands including all shards) of them have been bartered and sold, and hundreds (thousands) more used to make and sell armor pending Mythic's inaction. We did buy a couple, more in a sec....

sORRY even after over 8 years i still cannot grasp why someone will pay near 30m for a hammer that gives u only 15 chances to make something worth the amount you have to pay for the hammer in the first place.. and hey craftable stuff is very hard to sell.....LOL.. maybe its me..whatever
From the two we bought, one made weapons, the other armor. The weapons weren't particularly good, it's too difficult to "weed out" unwanted properties due to the list of what properties might appear. Of the 15, one was decent, but far from our best. Armor was another story altogether. You have to use an ASH, but you'll bang out 15 of 15 "keepers." If you add up property %s, including the metal and skill enhancements, every piece will exceed 600% (700% if you consider mage armor as a property). Obviously some pieces work better for some character types than others, but I'm not kidding when I said 15 of 15 were keepers. As for "selling" the pieces and what they're worth, I have no idea as these won't be sold, but you can get some determination by looking at the Luna vendors who do sell the stuff on your shard. And while you look, remember this when you see the ones selling the val hammer based weapons, for every "winner" you see, 10 were tossed into a trash barrel. It'll give you a better idea of how many of the damn things there actually are. So are 15 armor pieces at 6-700% worth 19 mil? Your call.


I have had one in my entire time in this game and it took years to get that one. I think anyone with 10 is definetly duping.
Spending lots of time bodding since it was introduced I have NEVER been able to get a Val hammer only recently did I acually start getting barbed kits from bods older than a lot of accounts
Some vendors suddenly selling these items on my home shard I feel are buying them out of game for it seems to be easy enough to do every second day there is a splatter of books around Luna giving details prior to this there was never a val hammer in sight.
Also a lot of other high end items have hit the market:talktothehand:
And reporting it has NOT stopped it or removed the char who scribes them :cursing:


Are they fairly common? Expensive? I know it is a big deal where I play... Just wondering.
I've gotten thousands of smithy bods on Chessy since bods were introduced and believe it or not on my Legendary smith, I've never gotten a single Valorite bod, large or small!


And reporting it has NOT stopped it or removed the char who scribes them :cursing:
Absolute fact. I reported several times times daily, for several months and was quite the "pest" for the GM staff on this issue. Nadda. I am certain they did not "make the call."

I've gotten thousands of smithy bods on Chessy since bods were introduced and believe it or not on my Legendary smith, I've never gotten a single Valorite bod, large or small!
At our peak, we had an incredible collection on dear old Chessie, and got "half way" before finally giving up. One of the three smalls we did have we traded for, or we wouldn't have gotten that close. These are dupes, someone with less than honorable motive finally produced one, and then were off to the races. Someone either within Mythic or EA chose not to agressively and comprehensively address this, and while I'm sure they had reason, I wish they had done otherwise. My "beef" all along was that unlike previous large scale dupes (gold from what I could tell), this one would actually impact play based on items the hammers would produce. I hoped, and still maintain some diminished hope, that imbuing allows players to legitimately offset the advantages provided by products produced from these hammers. We'll see.


What is the new chance to get a Val hammer bod? 1 in 1000?
Well I believe they fix a distribution issue with gm to legendary smith chances with color bods are more likely at legendary. Not sure of the numbers Basara has great calculating skills and probably have somewhere a test on the ratio val bods pop up.
But assumming 1 in 1000 we are playing with the rng here I do at least 500 iron bods a week tmes 400 of them received that are useless to me so turn that in I end up with maybe 1500 turn in chances from that 500.
Once a month do my color bods and when I run short turn in my dull bods.
Average 1-3 val hammers a month and many other hammers. Ofcourse those larges I don't fill I have them stored over to the next month untill they finally are filled being doing that through the years so like I said in a previous post am always 1 or 2 bods away from a val hammer.
The main thing is look at it as a collection of cards,coins or whatever. First you have to build up you're collection over time "faster if you buy those iron bod books they sell for over a mil" then all you need to do is fill each series.

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
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Do not forget Idoc collectors, I have seen some massive bod collections drop. I have completed two val hammers that way.

Some one mentioned black rock... I turned in over 300 large pieces and still have aggy's and 60+ ash left over.


Spending lots of time bodding since it was introduced I have NEVER been able to get a Val hammer only recently did I acually start getting barbed kits from bods older than a lot of accounts
Some vendors suddenly selling these items on my home shard I feel are buying them out of game for it seems to be easy enough to do every second day there is a splatter of books around Luna giving details prior to this there was never a val hammer in sight.
Also a lot of other high end items have hit the market:talktothehand:
And reporting it has NOT stopped it or removed the char who scribes them :cursing:
Of course not the venders are usually resellers. The venders buy these items at lower prices from another player that act's as the supplier and usually never has a vender ,then reseller just add a few million to the price that they bought it for. These trades are done all the time with many items the reseller has no idea where there suppliers get it from they only know they have a cheaper than going price for bulk. If the supplier is a duper then he will never get caught and the reseller is the only one who suffers even though he didn't do anything.
Im a reseller and it's they way to make good gold in UO. It's a whole merchant class of players. The risk is when we deal with unknown suppliers we have no idea. Last banning was resellers caught on it. Most of them never duped a item in there life if they did they wouln't do anything on there main accounts. Lucky for many resellers when we see suspicious activities like massive influx of a possible dupe we are weary in purchasing such items from suppliers. Unfortunetly for those who didn't take the procaution and had there very old accounts banned for just buying from another player. The massive banning missed most of the dupers sadly as the only way to catch them is in the act of duping or them storing massive items in a trow away account. Those who stored those items in a main account were definetly resellers.
Though if somehow you manage to remove a vender it will not be a dupers vender as they don't have any. No way to trace to see if item is duped either.
If you truly want to catch someone you need to find out a method of duping and wait there to see who does it. Of course it will be a trow away account so best thing to do is go straight to the dev to close that duping hole.


Do not forget Idoc collectors, I have seen some massive bod collections drop. I have completed two val hammers that way.

Some one mentioned black rock... I turned in over 300 large pieces and still have aggy's and 60+ ash left over.
Yea that blackrock turn in really made a giant influx of high end runic in the shards. Idocs do have mnany in there collections I should go do a little idoc hunting again. Used to do it alot a year ago.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
I went from thinking I would never buy a duped item to buying myself one of these recently. There's hundreds of them available if you can afford 20M or 40 cents per mil from a broker.
I don't think I care anymore. The game is so broken down and manipulated that it really has just disillusioned me. You realize people afk macro killing monsters? Farming peerless... afk.... speed hacks... thousands of val hammers and other runics duped.... speed hacks... this program does this that program does that... heres a script that will automatically open a trap box for you if you get paralyzed... oh here's a script that auto loots corpses.... oh here's one to pick up the gold off of the ground....... gah!
To think I still make potions by hand. Why do I do this? What's the point of not cheating and not duping? So I can fall behind "Everyone" else?
Thanks for caring ea.

(sorry Kelmo you got me started again...)


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
I went from thinking I would never buy a duped item to buying myself one of these recently. There's hundreds of them available if you can afford 20M or 40 cents per mil from a broker.
I don't think I care anymore. The game is so broken down and manipulated that it really has just disillusioned me. You realize people afk macro killing monsters? Farming peerless... afk.... speed hacks... thousands of val hammers and other runics duped.... speed hacks... this program does this that program does that... heres a script that will automatically open a trap box for you if you get paralyzed... oh here's a script that auto loots corpses.... oh here's one to pick up the gold off of the ground....... gah!
To think I still make potions by hand. Why do I do this? What's the point of not cheating and not duping? So I can fall behind "Everyone" else?
Thanks for caring ea.

(sorry Kelmo you got me started again...)
*smiles* We only know of two on Siege... The first was several years ago... There may have been others. *shrugs* I doubt it, though. I would have heard.

Lady Flutter, I meant to stir the pot some. Do not blame yourself. On Siege we kill scripters... We can not dupe much either, I guess. I would have heard of it.

Yeah, Siege ain't perfect. We don't have so many players as some others. I wonder why. *smiles*


I went from thinking I would never buy a duped item to buying myself one of these recently. There's hundreds of them available if you can afford 20M or 40 cents per mil from a broker.
I don't think I care anymore. The game is so broken down and manipulated that it really has just disillusioned me. You realize people afk macro killing monsters? Farming peerless... afk.... speed hacks... thousands of val hammers and other runics duped.... speed hacks... this program does this that program does that... heres a script that will automatically open a trap box for you if you get paralyzed... oh here's a script that auto loots corpses.... oh here's one to pick up the gold off of the ground....... gah!
To think I still make potions by hand. Why do I do this? What's the point of not cheating and not duping? So I can fall behind "Everyone" else?
Thanks for caring ea.

(sorry Kelmo you got me started again...)
Heh you know don't ever use 2d to do most of these things. Kr auto loot,macro auto pop trap box, farming peerless well that needs to be done unless anybody is happy from killing just one peerless and going back to ogre lords. The rest well as you can see EA solution is to make kr client- sa client to be able to do what outside programs can do except with a few restrictions.

Craft by hand now that's just insane!! KR craft macros or at least uo assit. That's just self punishment. That goes for any repetitive task. The duped items are not trackable so unless the guy actually said this one is not a dupe and i sell it for 45mil and that one is a dupe and i sell it for 20mil then no way to tell. Either way it's just a game just enjoy it. Once you don't enjoy it move to something else untill that gets boring and move to the next one thats it oh and date and maybe marrage heh.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
I went from thinking I would never buy a duped item to buying myself one of these recently. There's hundreds of them available if you can afford 20M or 40 cents per mil from a broker.
I don't think I care anymore. The game is so broken down and manipulated that it really has just disillusioned me. You realize people afk macro killing monsters? Farming peerless... afk.... speed hacks... thousands of val hammers and other runics duped.... speed hacks... this program does this that program does that... heres a script that will automatically open a trap box for you if you get paralyzed... oh here's a script that auto loots corpses.... oh here's one to pick up the gold off of the ground....... gah!
To think I still make potions by hand. Why do I do this? What's the point of not cheating and not duping? So I can fall behind "Everyone" else?
Thanks for caring ea.

(sorry Kelmo you got me started again...)
Heh, ironic, I'm making potions right now by hand as I read this thread. Well, UOA if that counts. I care about providing stuff for my customers, though I too have gone through the phases of being angry/disgusted at the rampant cheating. Pretty much my enjoyment comes from doing housing and vendor related stuff. I think you can only be angry so long, then you either quit playing (I did that for a year) or you just stop being angry. As long as I feel like I'm not completely surrounded by cheaters then I'll keep being interested in playing UO.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
UOA is cool...


Heh, ironic, I'm making potions right now by hand as I read this thread. Well, UOA if that counts. I care about providing stuff for my customers, though I too have gone through the phases of being angry/disgusted at the rampant cheating. Pretty much my enjoyment comes from doing housing and vendor related stuff. I think you can only be angry so long, then you either quit playing (I did that for a year) or you just stop being angry. As long as I feel like I'm not completely surrounded by cheaters then I'll keep being interested in playing UO.
The only cheating that makes me angry is dupers I hate when my hard work goes down the drain.
If it wasn't for uo assit and kr macros I would of quit this game long ago. No way will I do things by hand "I've already lost my best fingers from the first couple of years of UO :)

red sky

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have had one in my entire time in this game and it took years to get that one. I think anyone with 10 is definetly duping.
What do ya mean? I filled out like 5 val hammer bods yesterday. I usually average about 50 hammers a month from all the bods I get. Then I sell them on my vendor for around 19-23 mil. (sarcasm)



We all know that ppl selling like 10 valorite hammers are not getting em with fair play.

There's either duping involved, or then bunch of accounts with smiths/tailors ran by script collecting bods.

But prolly duping I quess...


I'm on Catskills. I don't think we see all that many valorite hammers selling on Luna vendors, but then again I don't look there constantly. I definitely have seen some over time.

Personally, I have 17 smith/tailors nowadays who run bods usually 2x a day every day year in year out. All of them are GM or above and the majority of them are legendary in both skills. I've been doing bods since day 1 of each type. In all that time, I have never gotten a valorite hammer-giving lbod, and just 2 valorite hammer-giving bods. I'm overjoyed when I get gold hammers, heck, even bronze :)

I wish with all my heart that people hadn't duped the high end hammers. Having said that, I still hope to get one some day, going about it the plain old fashioned way of hard work and trading with friends. On the day I do, I will be just as proud and excited as though it were the first and only such hammer in existence (which it will be for me :)).
Power bod collectors have smiths/tailors with low smithing/tailoring so they can collect 1 bod each hour. So with 17 smiths that would do 17*23=391 bods per day.

Then they just make and swap the crappy ones.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Power bod collectors have smiths/tailors with low smithing/tailoring so they can collect 1 bod each hour. So with 17 smiths that would do 17*23=391 bods per day.

Then they just make and swap the crappy ones.
7 characters per account * 23 hours per day * 30 shards = 4830 smith bods per account per day.

Or, 4830 * 2 = 9660 bods per account per day, if you include tailoring bods as well.

If you run 5 accounts, that is almost 50,000 bods per day.

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
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7 characters per account * 23 hours per day * 30 shards = 4830 smith bods per account per day.

Or, 4830 * 2 = 9660 bods per account per day, if you include tailoring bods as well.

If you run 5 accounts, that is almost 50,000 bods per day.
no normal person can do that though without scripting... i mean you have to sleep at one point , may even have to go to work...

considering getting bods and then filling them on top of that??? Who has time to do that manually on 5 accounts?

nm the mining for all the ingots you burn


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
no normal person can do that though without scripting... i mean you have to sleep at one point , may even have to go to work...

considering getting bods and then filling them on top of that??? Who has time to do that manually on 5 accounts?

nm the mining for all the ingots you burn
Of course they can !! All they have to do is come here and say they do it by hand, and everyone believes them...including the Devs. Which is why they refuse to act on anything that doesn't personally slap them directly in the face..


And now there's another vendor, in the same vendor house as the other one mind you, that has 5 valorite runics, also priced at 19mil each. That makes 15 valorite runics total in one vendor house. As far as I'm concerned, it's less even that whoever made these scripted/duped/whatever, and more I'm just amazed by their stupidity, greed, laziness, and carelessness. What would possess any sane person to sell off 15 valorite hammers at once, basically declaring to all the world that "I AM A DUPER!", just so that they don't have to restock more than once a week?


So, if I am able to get a gold or better runic hammer it means I am some cheating scripter with 500 mule accounts (exaggeration on the number)?

I have gotten several valorite bod's, not enough to get a runic from it, but I have still gotten about 6. And I have several verite too (about 13), and I am 2 bods from getting a gold runic. I have one account that gets bod's and I go buy junk bod's and fill them out and turn them in(manually through KR, not UOA or anything else). It doesn't mean I am cheating to do it.

This is why I wonder why I bother, if having a high end hammer means I am labeled some sort of evil piece of poo, why bother...


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Are they fairly common? Expensive? I know it is a big deal where I play... Just wondering.
*tinkers up a valorite smithing hammer* pretty common, but why would I ... oh ... that's not what you meant, is it? :)

You know, what really amazes me is how resilient UO is. How often has the economy been destroyed by dupes, scripts and exploits? Yet somehow, by the time the next waves of cheating comes, the pain and frustration returns as if *this* time it really mattered. Somehow, between these waves, the game's economy heals itself back into a state where there is something to be damaged.

Don't get me wrong - I'd pay to see the cheaters (and those profiting off of them) castrated. But no matter what *other* people have, there is a still a game to be played, still challenges to find and fun to be had. To me the joy of a MMORPG is in the *illusion* of ever-increasing wealth and power. If you "win", you lose.


I've gotten two valorite bods. Both small, neither exceptional, one helmet, and one shield.

How annoying is that? Finally get a valorite bod, and its not one you can even combine with a large of any kind.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
So, if I am able to get a gold or better runic hammer it means I am some cheating scripter with 500 mule accounts (exaggeration on the number)?

I have gotten several valorite bod's, not enough to get a runic from it, but I have still gotten about 6. And I have several verite too (about 13), and I am 2 bods from getting a gold runic. I have one account that gets bod's and I go buy junk bod's and fill them out and turn them in(manually through KR, not UOA or anything else). It doesn't mean I am cheating to do it.

This is why I wonder why I bother, if having a high end hammer means I am labeled some sort of evil piece of poo, why bother...
Why bother scripting when you can buy one filled val bod from a broker and dupe it as many times as you want?


Why bother scripting when you can buy one filled val bod from a broker and dupe it as many times as you want?
Can't do that anymore they closed that dupe months ago during the ban


Can't do that anymore they closed that dupe months ago during the ban
What ban? Every vendor on Chessie that had them in the beginning, continued to have them to date, and restocked daily. These players had no action taken against them, not even a 24 hour suspension it certainly seemed. All that has changed, is now they display more of the hammers openly, rather than stacking the hammers in a corner of the bags, and additional vendors have the items now - owned by the same accounts of course!


*tinkers up a valorite smithing hammer* pretty common, but why would I ... oh ... that's not what you meant, is it? :)

You know, what really amazes me is how resilient UO is. How often has the economy been destroyed by dupes, scripts and exploits? Yet somehow, by the time the next waves of cheating comes, the pain and frustration returns as if *this* time it really mattered. Somehow, between these waves, the game's economy heals itself back into a state where there is something to be damaged.

Don't get me wrong - I'd pay to see the cheaters (and those profiting off of them) castrated. But no matter what *other* people have, there is a still a game to be played, still challenges to find and fun to be had. To me the joy of a MMORPG is in the *illusion* of ever-increasing wealth and power. If you "win", you lose.
It's not easy to get the economy back in track. In a way UO balances it self eventually but it takes active efforts by the resellers and active merchants in the background to rebalance it. Of course we get alot pressure from those undercutting with the items they getting cheaply but eventually the dupe is closed and the items are used up to stabalize.
Unfortuetly we can't do much with undesireble items and items that don't get used up. That usually is a permenent price adjust downward and only way to counter act that is massive infusion of new players,shard wipe of items, a use for the items like a spring cleaning or the loop hole is closed down as fast as possible.


What ban? Every vendor on Chessie that had them in the beginning, continued to have them to date, and restocked daily. These players had no action taken against them, not even a 24 hour suspension it certainly seemed. All that has changed, is now they display more of the hammers openly, rather than stacking the hammers in a corner of the bags, and additional vendors have the items now - owned by the same accounts of course!
They are just resellers the dupers are the ones they missed. The massive ban got alot of merchants but missed most of the real dupers which actually were probably less than 20 in all uo who supplied anybody who wanted to use or resell. These dupers always used trow away accounts and never have a vender.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In a way UO balances it self eventually but it takes active efforts by the resellers and active merchants in the background to rebalance it.
I strongly disagree. Resellers and merchants are no use whatsoever.

All it takes is for each person to say to themselves "no, I'm not going to spend $1 on stuff outside the game. I'm not going to buy gold. I'm not going to buy items. I'm not going to care what so-and-so is wearing. I'm going to log in and I'm going play the game I have". The game will spontaneously heal itself.

(although nuking resellers is a good gold sink)


no normal person can do that though without scripting... i mean you have to sleep at one point , may even have to go to work...

considering getting bods and then filling them on top of that??? Who has time to do that manually on 5 accounts?

nm the mining for all the ingots you burn
Poor topic got derail a bit. But to add to this it's possible for a non script using person to do at least half this in a week with 7 accounts and end up with 25k bods and no need to collect again for another 3 months. They just recycle the 25k bod till they can't recycle anymore. Just have to do it for 1 week and take a long break afterwards. "Use KR to fill the bods"
In addition buy 500 junk bod books from bod sellers and buy resources from resource venders and gypsies. Fill only the iron and the no large bod singles save the rest and fill what needed. Use the rewards and gold from filling to buy more resources. Keeping only what you need.
People have trained taming for years everyday this is much easier heh.


I strongly disagree. Resellers and merchants are no use whatsoever.

All it takes is for each person to say to themselves "no, I'm not going to spend $1 on stuff outside the game. I'm not going to buy gold. I'm not going to buy items. I'm not going to care what so-and-so is wearing. I'm going to log in and I'm going play the game I have". The game will spontaneously heal itself.
No not resellers on websites. The reseller class in UO they have no websites they just buy low sell high and keep a equilibirium whith the other uo venders to keep the price from fluctuating too much.


Nerf merchants.
lol. Everything should be free. Want a pvp armor make it youreself,want pvp wep make it yourself,want resources gather them youreself, want rares find them youreself, want sampire suit and wep make it. Want to get power scrolls hunt in fel youreself, want apples cook them youreself,potions brew them youreself,etc...

I think they will need to change the game to a adventure type game for that to happen.


I have gotten a couple of small valorite bods in my 3.5 years of playing, 1 account, 1 shard, 1 crafter. I try to log in to grab bods at least 2 times a day, sometimes 3. But I've never been able to fill a bod to get anything larger than Bronze Hammers, and +30ASH. Although I do see the same vendor on Baja selling valorite hammers for 22mill. I would like to know his secret.


I have gotten a couple of small valorite bods in my 3.5 years of playing, 1 account, 1 shard, 1 crafter. I try to log in to grab bods at least 2 times a day, sometimes 3. But I've never been able to fill a bod to get anything larger than Bronze Hammers, and +30ASH. Although I do see the same vendor on Baja selling valorite hammers for 22mill. I would like to know his secret.
I just made a tour around the outskirts of my shard in the boomdocks. Found around 3 val hammers for about 20-21 mil from 3 different venders in far away places from each other. Luna prices have them for 25 mil. All I need to do is buy those 3 then head to my vender in luna and sell them for going price of 25 mil and I just made almost 15 mil for a little bit of searching through my marked spots. My vender will have 3 val hammers there at the moment plus maybe 2 more I got my self from bod filling for this month. So my vender will have 5 val hammers all together. Making myself 65 mil :)

Youre method will only earn you a val hammer in like 2 more years. It's too slow. I assume you have 7 characters in that 1 account give each one .1 smith and .1 tailor except for youre crafter. that leaves you with 6 characters grabbing bods. so instead of just 3 times with 3 bods a day instead youcan log those 3 times and grab 21 bods for the day. And ofcourse more as you can grab 1 per hour per character if you log in.

At the end of the week you have 147 bods fill them in swap them immediately for 147 more most likley only 30 of those are keepers fill the others in and swap again untill all are keepers repeat again next week. 6 months from now you should have a collection of over 3000 bods smith bods and 3000 tailor bods as keepers and you cycled through at least 16000 bods smith and 16000 for tailor to receive those keepers then youre usually only a couple away from a val hammer so every month you usually need only 1 or 2 bod for another hammer. This is assuming only collecting 3 times a day with 7 characters.
If you buy bods this speeds it up, if you log in more to collect then it will be alot more.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
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Stratics Legend
every valorite hammer on every vendor on every shard is 100% duped, given ive played over 8 years and have only filled 1 valorite runic hammer L bod myself, 4 of the small bods having gotten from an idoc, it is impossible that those hammers have been legitimately filled


every valorite hammer on every vendor on every shard is 100% duped, given ive played over 8 years and have only filled 1 valorite runic hammer L bod myself, 4 of the small bods having gotten from an idoc, it is impossible that those hammers have been legitimately filled
No way. There are impossible to tell which ones but not the ones i get monthly from bod filling myself nor the ones that people got from the BLackrock event. Don't count bod filling before the swap change as then it was almost impossible to get anything and the fix for ratio on color bods which I believe tailor bods still need that fix. So Bod filling when it first came out till they make those chages don't place them in the equation cause not even I was able get val back then.

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
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As one poster hoped the Imbueding will balance out the val hammer problem............is way off. Those with all theese hammers will just be selling loads of the high end Imbueding ingredient from unraveling things that are not perfect. The near perfect will be adjusted through Imbueding and this flood of third tier ingredients from all the hammers. Just going to see closed accounts with bank boxes/back pack/beetle loads of hammers activated to flood the market for the new skill crack.