Let it be known that on this day, we do commission and authorize all citizens and allies of Tokuno and realms of Tokuno, to subdue, seize, and take any armed or unarmed British vessel and/or individuals, public or private, which shall be found within the jurisdictional limits of Tokuno, or elsewhere within the dominions of Britannia itself. Such captured vessel, with her apparel, cannons and appurtenances which shall be found, together will all persons found acting on the behalf of Casca, be left to the mercy and convience of those acting on Tokunos' interest in freeing our lands from the control of the false king known as Casca. This also includes the retaking of any vessel, goods, and effects of the people, which may have been captured by the supporters of Casca in order that proceedings may be had concerning such capture or recapture in due form of law, and as to right and justice shall appertain. A quote From Kryptman
As you read all persons found acting on the behalf of Casca.Plus this was writen prior of Casca invading of the Tokuno Islands about him invading Now its about the fredom of Britannia . Any of Casca ship found in the realm of Tokuno will be sunk to the bottom of the ocean and any of Casca ship found in the waters of our allies or cities ask for our help will will be sunk ...It is time Britannia stand up and take your freedom back Casca is a agent of shadowlords . Britannia the people of Zento will stand by your side in this fight !!!!!