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[UO Herald] FoF: Beta Launch



This is a problem that has plagued UO since the beginning (and other MMOs too). Things are CONSTANTLY in flux about what features, additions, and special bonuses are going to be included in the next patch/expansion/update.
The devs talk about what they have planned, and far too many people take that as a promise written in stone.
Fair enough. But EA/ Mythic/ dev also have responsibilities to the players that occasionally are actually ignored. An example might be Mythic moving UO's GM support to support the release of Warhammer. On the surface, yes, a resource reallocation. But perceived, and perceived correctly, as both discourteous and disrespectful to the folks who had vested years into a product (UO) for which Mythic also had oversight. In this case specifically, players make decisions on when, and how, to spend their money, money in addition to their monthly "dues." Consistency, and accuracy, is an expectation in such matters between a consumer and a professional corporation. I'll give you an example of a "little thing," that while it meant little to me, may have legitimately been a major irritant to someone else. I looked at a GGS chart on Stratics, and as it appeared to source from the UO playguide, took a look there as well. I was struggling putting taming on a character who basically is an archer, and post 100 the taming skill doesn't like to cooperate. The GGS chart, sourced from the playguide, told me I could dump 500 skill points onto soul stones, and get a GGS taming point every 8 hours. So I bought 5 soul stones and transferred the skills. Low and behold, the chart is wrong; I can gain .1 a day for that character, which was not what I spent $50 to be able to do.

The real problem arises because Devs become extremely reluctant to talk about any future plans because of the above situation...Designer Dragon cited the exact above situation in 1999 as why he stopped talking about what upcoming changes he had planned -- because too many people took them as a promise.
Again, fair but open to interpretation. We want our team to talk to us, it’s a significant part of the overall player experience for many. Dev has considerations other than simply a desire to respond, production schedules, NDAs, legal review, staffing, etc, and yes, features that are envisioned may not make it through the QA process as originally planned. But brother Raph isn't really the best example to use; he went into a period of semi-public "reflection" once EA sent Gordon "Tyrant" Walton over to Austin to tighten a few things up a little, Raph included. So view what he said with a certain grain of salt :)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So what about no Eighth Character slot for SA? In time they will add it in. But isn't Seven character slots per-shard enough to rest comfortably??

Edit: I barely used up my 6 after like 5-6 years, hehe
You realize that just because you barely use 6 that others might use more? Do you realize some of us have more than one account as well? Think outside the Viper box. ;)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Bummer on the 8th character slot. My intention was to upgrade all my accounts to bring them up to date and enjoy the extra character slots, but without that, I think I'll stick with upgrading one account to play the SA content and leaving the rest as is. I will still activate an SA account, I suspect, but you guys could've had more money from me if you included that 8th character slot. *hint hint*


Sablestorm, I didn't know that, thanks! My guess is that at some point, it comes down to a $$$ issue. When the 7th slots were announced, we (the wife and I) were still maintaining 4 accounts. Seven slots are enough to enjoy all aspects of the game (we could never figure out how to do so with six, much less five), the older two kids who once played were out of the house, and two accounts closed. A lot of soul stones were purchased to offset "losses." As we've gotten closer to SA, it became clearer we weren't postioned to do gargoyle conversions, and two old accounts were reactivated and upgraded. So we've followed along, making decisions as infomration flowed. I don't know what would have occurred with the knowledge you've relayed, but the good news for me is that the better half no longer reads these boards!!!!!

Foolio the Bard

In fairness to Connor, an 8th Character slot was brought up at Town Halls. Initially the 7th character slot was to be added with SA, but as was mentioned elsewhere, SA was delayed, so they released it anyway as an appeasement to the players. They didn't actually say that, but that's my personal interpretation and it made sense.

It was, however, noted by Jeremy at the SD Town Hall that by releasing it early, many players would have an established character on that slot by the time SA was released thus forcing players to make the tough decision about whether to bother with the new skills and the gargoyles. This is why they were considering an 8th character slot and this is why many of us players are pushing for them.

So you're taking this post by them and making your arguments against Connor, but you have no idea what other information was discussed. I'd tone down the antagonism if I were you.
I remember the discussions on the slots pretty well, I just didn't take discussions on what features may be in an expansion as written in stone.
You obviously took the discussions as promises when none were made.


Does anyone want to comment to the Dev team and the FoF poster that cleavers and hatchets are indeed craftable? Blackstaffs no, (would be kool).
No runic tools, but question and answer clearly stated craftable, as in at all.


UO Forum Moderator
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Storm, I enjoy and appreciate your thoughts/ comments, but as mentioned a couple times here, your little icon dude is murder on my eyes as well - sorry. I thought maybe I was the only one!

I can't recall which thread it was in, but probably within the last month or so, I posted a question about character conversions, here on Stratics. Draconi said we'd be able to do conversions, for sure, based on public outcry. If you have more time than I you and can walk posts under my name back far enough you'll find it, it wasn't that long ago.

On the 7th charcater slot, Connor is right, albeit a little fisty today (I believe I noted he was on his third or fourth cup o'java much earlier today). They did state the 7th character slot would be part of SA, I can't remember if expanded storage was in that statement or not. I do remember trying to figure it out before we made our purchase, we wanted the storage, but don't recall anything being able to find anything concrete - thus the purchase. I also haven't seen anything that said current players would be charged for the SA client either, but who knows whats being considered from a marketing angle. I have gotten the very strong impression that they'd like for us to embrace SA/ KR to the point they can ultimately abandon the 2d client, thus the considerable effort to get it more toward broad acceptance, we'll see what that translates into in terms of dollars.

Regarding the FoF, I read it as do severeal others, that there would be no 8th slot, but agree the wording can lead to different conclusions.
ok so my icon is bothering people I will in a couple days post a pic storms icon post and will change it :) if you all can find a decent one that I like!

as for the rest I was just re posting past conversations in A effort to help stop the feuding and name calling these were actual conversations with the higher ups and I thought these may be things people were talking or remembering ! I was just trying to help :)


UO Forum Moderator
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Stratics Legend
They were sold as codes on the website...separately
with a little discount if you bought em together.
That is how you can have one, without the other.
Keep in mind tho, a 20% increase came with ML? I think it was
and another 20 came with the code.

If you will go to the gamecodes site, it is still listed, separately, and as a package.
was gonna post the link, can't figure out how to truncate it.
You can look it up.
ooh so if i buy the storage code I get more storage ? good to know I will buy the code if that's so!


Does anyone want to comment to the Dev team and the FoF poster that cleavers and hatchets are indeed craftable? Blackstaffs no, (would be kool).
No runic tools, but question and answer clearly stated craftable, as in at all.
Im thinking it was one of those town hall meetings that was broadcast live. Im pretty sure it was stated that in fact, yes, they were going to give us the crafting ability for black staff's, but I dont remember if cleavers or hatchets were mentioned. Kinda STOOPID, if ya ask me, as to why these are NOT craftable already.

PS....make it so DEV team, as well as making them runic-able and imbue-able.
Tis only fair, and OVERDUE.

That is all......

for now!:thumbsup:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I remember the discussions on the slots pretty well, I just didn't take discussions on what features may be in an expansion as written in stone.
You obviously took the discussions as promises when none were made.
No, you're are just being arrogant about your arguments. Just because we're pushing for them to add the 8th character slot to SA, that suddenly means we're treating this as if it were promised? No no no. But we are passionate that this is something we want in SA and we'll post here trying to get it added. So why not lower your nose a bit? It's sticking a bit too far into the air.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Please note, as someone has already tried to point out, cleavers and hatchets are craftable by use of tinkering skill, and have been for as long as I can remember.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Since the gargoyle flying ability is being made so similar to being mounted, can we assume they will only have 4 taming slots? Or will they be able to fly with a greater dragon?

Possibly requiring a control slot for gargoyles while they are flying is something that the team is still currently evaluating.

How about leaving the Gargoyle flying ability as it is but make it so Gargoyle characters can not be tamers?

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think that's a bit extreme PAS. I can see logic behind the idea that if they have a greater dragon in tow they're grounded though.

Extra Value Meal

We want the devs to communicate with us, but whenever they do, a majority of this forum turns into a pancake-and-moan circus.


Is there any progress with regards to making (for example) Black Staffs/Cleavers/Hatchets craftable? & if not, when SA comes out, will it be possible to unravel/imbue those items?

I don’t recall any plans to making black staves, cleavers, and hatchets craftable; however, you will be able to unravel/imbue those items.

I maybe mistaking but I am pretty sure I am not but, I have crafted hatchets from the tinkering menu. Maybe I am not reading this answer all the way though since I don't eat,sleep,and breathe UO. From the answer it seems Leurocian doesn't know hatchets are crafted by players but yet they are in charge of game changes. Seems to me someone higher up within UO should know by now what can be made and want can not be made. If I misread it then I am sorry but, from how its listed hatchets can not be crafted. I am sure Chrissy or whoever she is will respond with some smart a$$ answer like she did last time. That is if she responds at all.


Queen of The Outlaws
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Campaign Patron
Please note, as someone has already tried to point out, cleavers and hatchets are craftable by use of tinkering skill, and have been for as long as I can remember.
If we could get a runic tinker tools it would be great.


I very clearly remember the devs saying that a 7th character slot would be included with the SA expansion. When it was delayed they went straight for the wallet for something that should have been free imho, but that's EA for ya.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I very clearly remember the devs saying that a 7th character slot would be included with the SA expansion. When it was delayed they went straight for the wallet for something that should have been free imho, but that's EA for ya.
Who says it still wont be part of the expansion?

It could still be part of it but EA decided to let us buy the slot way-way-way-way-way ahead of time.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How about leaving the Gargoyle flying ability as it is but make it so Gargoyle characters can not be tamers?
That's just ridiculous. It will be made suitable, no need to rush to conclusions since we haven't even tested the gargoyle class.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
erm, free? The client will very probably be free, as KR was. I'll be totally amazed if the expansion were free. I'm budgeting for a code for each of our 3 accounts now.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
erm, free? The client will very probably be free, as KR was. I'll be totally amazed if the expansion were free. I'm budgeting for a code for each of our 3 accounts now.
Meant for it to mean that the addition of the character slot will be free with purchase of the expansion :p

Xanthril of LA

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Bummer on the 8th character slot. My intention was to upgrade all my accounts to bring them up to date and enjoy the extra character slots, but without that, I think I'll stick with upgrading one account to play the SA content and leaving the rest as is. I will still activate an SA account, I suspect, but you guys could've had more money from me if you included that 8th character slot. *hint hint*
Ditto. I can't believe that they would offer a new race and new skills and not give a slot to enjoy the additions. Many players have filled their six slots and I'm sure many have filled their seven slots even.

Maximus Neximus

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Speaking of gargoyles flying.... If there's a guild of them it would make fielding the despise bridge pointless as well as a number of other spots.

I'm also wondering if that means gargoyles will fly over faction or other traps since they aren't walking over them.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That would depend on just how high they can fly and what restrictions there are. Existing mob gargoyles fly only just above ground level, I don't think they can fly over an energy field?


ive noticed that melee skill points on jewels and items dont count towards combat abilities, such as special moves, hit chance increase, etc. i was wondering if that was designed to be that way or if it is a bug. spell casting skill points of items count towards those abilities. example of what im mean if i have 60 base tactics and use an item with 10 tactics to get to 70 tactics i still cant use the special moves for the weapon and get a que saying i require 70 tactics to use that move.

Melee skill points on jewelry and items not counting towards special move skill requirements is as designed.

I knew about the tactics limitation with special moves. Does anyone know if there are any other skills/ abilities that do not receive "full" benefit from items. Further, does anyone know if there are plans to add further restrictions to other skills in the future, or for that matter why tactics may have been singled out? Until this, I thought this was a bug.


Is there any progress with regards to making (for example) Black Staffs/Cleavers/Hatchets craftable? & if not, when SA comes out, will it be possible to unravel/imbue those items?

I don’t recall any plans to making black staves, cleavers, and hatchets craftable; however, you will be able to unravel/imbue those items.


Ok.... so I can imbue and unravel them big deal... I still can't enhance a bunch of things, like some clubs, crooks, cleavers, hatchets, black staves, orc masks, deer masks, bear masks, etc, etc.... list can go on and on... so will I be able to "imbue" all these things? I'd sometimes rather enhance them. *frowns* So... is SA going to address any of the current issues or are we just going for adding more?
I'd like to see a comprehensive list of those 'orphaned' items that are in the pipeline, if possible. It would allay some concerns to know which of these have been earmarked as needing inclusion in the craft/imbue/enhance lists.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
you can enhance hatchets and cleavers, I've added gold to several before items like swords of prosperity were in game. I remember enhancing a sc0 100 luck cleaver for someone once, which amazingly didn't break.


These are some of the orphaned items I've found so far..

Bear Mask
Deer Mask
Orc Helm
Orc Mask
Tribal Mask, horned
Tribal Mask, small

Black Staff
Sledge Hammer
Smith Hammer
Paladin Sword

.. feel free to add to it.


These are some of the orphaned items I've found so far..

Bear Mask
Deer Mask
Orc Helm
Orc Mask
Tribal Mask, horned
Tribal Mask, small

Black Staff
Sledge Hammer
Smith Hammer
Paladin Sword

.. feel free to add to it.[/QUOTE
Pickaxe, Sledge hammer, and smith hammer also craftable by tinkers.

Btw Fink love the 5th anniversary sig.


These are some of the orphaned items I've found so far..

Bear Mask
Deer Mask
Orc Helm
Orc Mask
Tribal Mask, horned
Tribal Mask, small

Black Staff
Sledge Hammer
Smith Hammer
Paladin Sword

.. feel free to add to it.
Pickaxe, Sledge hammer, and smith hammer also craftable by tinkers.

Btw Fink love the 5th anniversary sig.
Just to clarify: I've included items that aren't known to be slated for imbuing/unraveling (only "salvageable" items are said to be included), or not enhanceable. I think if it is NPC-bought or is obtainable as loot it should be entered into the crafting database on all three counts.