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[UO Herald] FoF: Beta Launch

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In this week's Five on Friday we cover Gargolye flying abilities, Doom Gauntlet, and skill points on Jewelry.

For the full story click here.



Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Is there any progress with regards to making (for example) Black Staffs/Cleavers/Hatchets craftable? & if not, when SA comes out, will it be possible to unravel/imbue those items?

I don’t recall any plans to making black staves, cleavers, and hatchets craftable; however, you will be able to unravel/imbue those items.


Ok.... so I can imbue and unravel them big deal... I still can't enhance a bunch of things, like some clubs, crooks, cleavers, hatchets, black staves, orc masks, deer masks, bear masks, etc, etc.... list can go on and on... so will I be able to "imbue" all these things? I'd sometimes rather enhance them. *frowns* So... is SA going to address any of the current issues or are we just going for adding more?


Will another char slot be included with SA?

There are no current plans to include another character slot for SA.

Well now, this is just BS. We were told when the 7th character slot and increased storage were added that they were being put up for sale since SA got so badly delayed. Now we find out that they're NOT going to be included after all.

Wow. Way to gouge the customer that's waited patiently. This just about killed my urge to pay for the expansion that I've been waiting 2 yrs for. :cursing:

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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We were told when the 7th character slot and increased storage were added that they were being put up for sale since SA got so badly delayed.
I took that to mean that instead of them coming with SA they were putting them up for sale because of the delay.


Hmm.... the way I read it is that there would be no 8th slot with SA... but nothing about bringing it up to date... Typically, each expansion pack has included all prior expansions so I kind of assume(d) that SA would open the 7th slot for those that do not have it.

Chrissay??? Can we get a more defined answer on this? Will SA open up the remaining character slots for those that do not have them yet?


I took that to mean that instead of them coming with SA they were putting them up for sale because of the delay.
That's not what they said. They said they were putting them up for sale for those that wanted them then instead of having to wait for SA since it was delayed.

Foolio the Bard

Hmm.... the way I read it is that there would be no 8th slot with SA... but nothing about bringing it up to date... Typically, each expansion pack has included all prior expansions so I kind of assume(d) that SA would open the 7th slot for those that do not have it.

Chrissay??? Can we get a more defined answer on this? Will SA open up the remaining character slots for those that do not have them yet?
The 7th slot wasn't part of an expansion.

I don't know how they could be more clear, there is no clarification needed. SA won't add any more character slots.


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The Answer to #4 is also in contradiction to previous statements, where Devs stated thay they couldn't think of any reason to NOT have those items craftable, and were looking at making them craftable.

Someone want to go through the previous FoFs and pull any relevant quotes concerning #4 & #5 to forward to Leurocian?

Nyte Doombringer

I hope it does open up the 7th slot. Most people have long used all their slots i mean UO is almost 12 years old. There hasnt been an expansion for years, so we really need another slot with this one considering there is also a new race.


Grand Poobah
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So what about no Eighth Character slot for SA? In time they will add it in. But isn't Seven character slots per-shard enough to rest comfortably??

Edit: I barely used up my 6 after like 5-6 years, hehe


UO Forum Moderator
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So what about no Eighth Character slot for SA? In time they will add it in. But isn't Seven character slots per-shard enough to rest comfortably??

Edit: I barely used up my 6 after like 5-6 years, hehe
not when you have played for 10 years or more and have had all 7 slots filled with characters you have worked hard to make and then are left with option of buying enough soulstones to store the character or deleting a character to take advantage of the new race and abilities I would be happy with a soulstone that held your entire character on it and could only be used 1 time a week or something like that as it stands i will have to pay 70$ for soulstones or lose a character that I developed over 10 years!


The 7th slot wasn't part of an expansion.
The 7th slot and the increased storage WERE supposed to have been part of SA, so you are incorrect.

I don't know how they could be more clear, there is no clarification needed. SA won't add any more character slots.
If your idea of clear is clear as mud, they yeah, I guess they were clear as mud. Don't make statements when you don't even have the facts correct.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
not when you have played for 10 years or more and have had all 7 slots filled with characters you have worked hard to make and then are left with option of buying enough soulstones to store the character or deleting a character to take advantage of the new race and abilities I would be happy with a soulstone that held your entire character on it and could only be used 1 time a week or something like that as it stands i will have to pay 70$ for soulstones or lose a character that I developed over 10 years!
Now that's one looong sentence, lol. But yes, that would be a brilliant addition! A character soulstone :D

Foolio the Bard

The 7th slot and the increased storage WERE supposed to have been part of SA, so you are incorrect.

If your idea of clear is clear as mud, they yeah, I guess they were clear as mud. Don't make statements when you don't even have the facts correct.

Listen, you grumpy idiot. I was responding to Tazar saying that the 7th slot was part of a past expansion. It wasn't. You fail at reading comprehension. You keep saying over and over again that "THEY LIED! THEY SAID IT WOULD BE PART OF SA!" Where? Produce this quote, or STFU.

Secondly, it is clear: SA won't add any character slots. That's the official word in today's FoF.

So go crawl back into your miserable little hole and troll somewhere else, moron.


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pretty sure we dont need to call each other names .... disagree yes! name calling no...


Grand Poobah
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pretty sure we dont need to call each other names .... disagree yes! name calling no...
Storm - please PM me your personal contact info. I just had an epileptic seizure from looking at your avatar for more than 30 seconds. My personal injury lawyer needs to discuss some things with you.


UO Forum Moderator
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Rofl I am right on that ;-) or should I say checks in the mail ?


Listen, you grumpy idiot.
No. And the only one around here that is acting as such is the one doing the name calling.

I was responding to Tazar saying that the 7th slot was part of a past expansion. It wasn't.
Actually, it was. It was stated at the time they were released for sale that the 7th slot AND increased storage were supposed to be part of the SA expansion when it was supposed to have been released 2 YEARS AGO (that's the past for clarification).

You fail at reading comprehension.
No, that would be you.

Produce this quote, or STFU.
That would be kind of hard to do since all of that was lost in the Stratics crash. Since that's the case, prove they didn't, or STFU. :lick:

Secondly, it is clear: SA won't add any character slots. That's the official word in today's FoF.
Maybe to the peanut gallery, but not to the intelligencia.

So go crawl back into your miserable little hole and troll somewhere else, moron.
The only one trolling is you. That's a bridge over your head, in case you didn't know. Now, since you have no clue what the rest of us are talking about, it's time for you to take your childish insults elsewhere and leave the rest of us to find out what's what. We'll let you know what we find out. :thumbsup:

Foolio the Bard

mindless babble
You're trolling the [NEWS] thread. You're trolling the "Is it illegal" thread. And now your trolling this thread. And that is just today. Kind of sad that is your life -- the forum troll. Most people hate you, I just feel sorry for you, really. No purposeful existence, no friends in life, too socially awkward to get a date, so you troll the forums...


Seasoned Veteran
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Since the doom gauntlet now uses a point system to determine artifacts, do the points get whipped out after leaving doom or do they build up, letting you get a higher chance each trip until you receive the artifact?

The points build up until you receive an artifact.

Yet I have still NEVER received an artie.


Crazed Zealot
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Now we find out that they're NOT going to be included after all.
I read the answer as "no, there are no plans to add an 8th character slot" not a "no, we're not going to offer a 7th slot bundled with SA" (although that might be true too).


That's not what they said. They said they were putting them up for sale for those that wanted them then instead of having to wait for SA since it was delayed.
I think you are remembering things wrong or possibly remembering things how you'd like them to be instead of reality. Wouldn't be the first time with you.

I'd like to see your source too on your insistance that SA was to include the 7th char slot because I don't recall that ever happening.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I read the answer as "no, there are no plans to add an 8th character slot" not a "no, we're not going to offer a 7th slot bundled with SA" (although that might be true too).
Now wait just one freaking min...... I don't think that's fair..... what the heck do I get then??? NOTHING! I already paid for my seventh character and storage increase.... just because other people are cheap don't mean they should get for free what I paid for... and if they give it out for free with the expansion then I get Nothing for waiting 2 years and being a very good customer and buying up all sorts of "extras" in the meantime?????

No..... I think some other solution for the wait is in order. Now..... where are my 11th anniversary gifts! *stomps off in a huff*


You're trolling the [NEWS] thread. You're trolling the "Is it illegal" thread. And now your trolling this thread. And that is just today. Kind of sad that is your life -- the forum troll. Most people hate you, I just feel sorry for you, really. No purposeful existence, no friends in life, too socially awkward to get a date, so you troll the forums...
Do I need to call the police, since you seem to think you're stalking me?

Honestly, grow up kid. Nobody is impressed.


I read the answer as "no, there are no plans to add an 8th character slot" not a "no, we're not going to offer a 7th slot bundled with SA" (although that might be true too).
I'm hoping that's the case, although I won't be holding my breath. Releasing the 7th slot and increased storage was nothing more than a marketing ploy to realize profits from a failed expansion. I guess we'll see if anyone "official" happens to want to clarify.


I think you are remembering things wrong or possibly remembering things how you'd like them to be instead of reality. Wouldn't be the first time with you.
Nope. I remember it very clearly as that's when I made the decision to wait for the expansion instead of buying the char slot and storage then. It's also the reason I made it. I expected them to follow through and include them with SA when it was finally released.


Nope. I remember it very clearly as that's when I made the decision to wait for the expansion instead of buying the char slot and storage then. It's also the reason I made it. I expected them to follow through and include them with SA when it was finally released.
Wow, you "remember". Considering your reputation around here, were gonna need more than that sorry.


UO Forum Moderator
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I seem to remember the SA and the seventh character slot being discussed in one of the town hall meetings with the devs ... I may be wrong ! anyone know where you can search through the town hall notes ?


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Damn...I didn't even see the train come through....where the hell are we....I fear we are going to be eaten by a grue...

Don't care about slots. I just want my damn beta code I didn't get. Grrrrr even...

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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Nope. I remember it very clearly as that's when I made the decision to wait for the expansion instead of buying the char slot and storage then. It's also the reason I made it. I expected them to follow through and include them with SA when it was finally released.
Wow, you "remember". Considering your reputation around here, were gonna need more than that sorry.
reputation or not, that story is true. They *did* put the storage/char up for sale, and Jeremy?? I think it was, or Sanya, at the time, even said it was planned for the next expansion but they were gonna go ahead and let us have them.
Nice move too, they suckered us into buying them then, and SA now :)
Double dipped us! heheheh

And no, I don't have a quote handy from years ago on this...so don't even ask. Google works for you as well as it does for me, go look it up yourself.

now my personal take on this is:
The 7th slot was intended for expansion, but sold to us ahead of time...
At this time, there is no plans for an additional slot, which I take to mean an 8th slot.


Lore Keeper
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Am i the only one who is appalled by foolio's posts? I mean, how many more personal attacks are we waiting for?


Storm - please PM me your personal contact info. I just had an epileptic seizure from looking at your avatar for more than 30 seconds. My personal injury lawyer needs to discuss some things with you.



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You're trolling the [NEWS] thread. You're trolling the "Is it illegal" thread. And now your trolling this thread. And that is just today. Kind of sad that is your life -- the forum troll. Most people hate you, I just feel sorry for you, really. No purposeful existence, no friends in life, too socially awkward to get a date, so you troll the forums...
Yes, and now you are both trolling yourself as well as feeding what you consider to be another troll. Congrats.


UO Forum Moderator
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ok I have done a little digging and here is what I have found so far i will post the paragraph with the info along with a link to bolth articles

The gargoyle/character slot/quest issue:
For those who haven't caught up on the gossip from the New York Town Hall, a question was asked if there was going to be a quest to convert humans/elves to gargoyles, and Darkscribe said there were no such plans at this time - and there were also no plans at the moment for a seventh character slot. This, understandably, caused a few... discussions, shall we say?

D.) Gargoyles will not be a questable race. You will need to create a whole new char, and there are no plans for a 7th char slot. According to DarkScribe, they will be "beautiful yet gruesome" (???) There will not be any dwarves in UO:KR

both these articles where from 2007 now I am still looking but this is what I have found so far....


UO Forum Moderator
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ok you will notice that in the first one it was stated at the end this brought on a few discussions... If I remember correctly in a later town hall it was stated this was going to be looked into and was a possibility ....


How is it that I have the extra storage but only six character slots? I don't remember...perhaps it's Storm's Avatar the made me lose my mind. :D
j/k with you Storm.


UO Forum Moderator
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I think uo gold or Aos came with that or it was the anniversery one because i had both also (6th and storage) then I purchased 7th slot


UO Forum Moderator
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How is it that I have the extra storage but only six character slots? I don't remember...perhaps it's Storm's Avatar the made me lose my mind. :D
j/k with you Storm.
The avatar does fit my name though! or at least I think so! lol

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
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Now tell us again how you REMEMBER it differently.

Conner remembers correctly, at the time My slots were all full and I went ahead and bought mine rather than wait till the expansion.

It did not work out how the dev at the time made it sound.


Storm, I enjoy and appreciate your thoughts/ comments, but as mentioned a couple times here, your little icon dude is murder on my eyes as well - sorry. I thought maybe I was the only one!

I can't recall which thread it was in, but probably within the last month or so, I posted a question about character conversions, here on Stratics. Draconi said we'd be able to do conversions, for sure, based on public outcry. If you have more time than I you and can walk posts under my name back far enough you'll find it, it wasn't that long ago.

On the 7th charcater slot, Connor is right, albeit a little fisty today (I believe I noted he was on his third or fourth cup o'java much earlier today). They did state the 7th character slot would be part of SA, I can't remember if expanded storage was in that statement or not. I do remember trying to figure it out before we made our purchase, we wanted the storage, but don't recall anything being able to find anything concrete - thus the purchase. I also haven't seen anything that said current players would be charged for the SA client either, but who knows whats being considered from a marketing angle. I have gotten the very strong impression that they'd like for us to embrace SA/ KR to the point they can ultimately abandon the 2d client, thus the considerable effort to get it more toward broad acceptance, we'll see what that translates into in terms of dollars.

Regarding the FoF, I read it as do severeal others, that there would be no 8th slot, but agree the wording can lead to different conclusions.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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How is it that I have the extra storage but only six character slots? I don't remember...perhaps it's Storm's Avatar the made me lose my mind. :D
j/k with you Storm.
They were sold as codes on the website...separately
with a little discount if you bought em together.
That is how you can have one, without the other.
Keep in mind tho, a 20% increase came with ML? I think it was
and another 20 came with the code.

If you will go to the gamecodes site, it is still listed, separately, and as a package.
was gonna post the link, can't figure out how to truncate it.
You can look it up.


Thanks for the reply Storm. I did buy the 9th Anniversay edition and in fact all of the editions since I started playing with Third Dawn. :D

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
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The 7th slot wasn't part of an expansion.

I don't know how they could be more clear, there is no clarification needed. SA won't add any more character slots.
It Was Going to be part of the expansion, it did not happen.

The possibility of it of making into the expansion was mentioned by dev shortly after the extra char slot came up for sale.

Until the expansion actually goes live you can not be sure what will go in or not, the crowd is fickle DUDE.


Grand Poobah
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Since the gargoyle flying ability is being made so similar to being mounted, can we assume they will only have 4 taming slots? Or will they be able to fly with a greater dragon?

Possibly requiring a control slot for gargoyles while they are flying is something that the team is still currently evaluating.
I see no reason that if I make a gargoyle it would take up a slot. Animal form is one thing (although I don´t agree that it should take up a slot), cuz that is an option while playing with your character, but making a gargoyle take up a slot is just wrong. Sure, it´s also an option but that means if I make a garg tamer I could never use a greater drag or a 3+2 combo even in PvM.

That´s just wrong imo...

Foolio the Bard

This is a problem that has plagued UO since the beginning (and other MMOs too).
Things are CONSTANTLY in flux about what features, additions, and special bonuses are going to be included in the next patch/expansion/update.

The devs talk about what they have planned, and far too many people take that as a promise written in stone.

Bottom line: things change. Priorities shift. Resources are altered.

The real problem arises because Devs become extremely reluctant to talk about any future plans because of the above situation. It doesn't matter if some Dev talked about what their plans were for SA a year ago. Things change.
Designer Dragon cited the exact above situation in 1999 as why he stopped talking about what upcoming changes he had planned -- because too many people took them as a promise.