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Is it illegal....



Is it illegal to wear "Hit Point Decreasing" Armor and let your CU heal the taken Damage, while being AFK? :blushing:


Thats the point, im not doing anything while being afk.


WTF is "Hit Point Decreasing" armor, and how long did it take you to make that up?

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Yes, you are. You are in a combat situation in which you are taking damage and being healed by your pet.

Not doing anything = sitting in your home or a bank not interacting with the environment in any way.


Crazed Zealot
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A good rule of thumb is, if you have to ask if it's illegal, it usually is.


Babbling Loonie
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Didn't wearing the cloak of corruption lower your hps? maybe he means that. Your pet is part of your character, so while your 'avatar' may be standing still the Cu is not, it is 'operating' on you, thus active, hence illegal.


cloak of corruption Connor?
Could be, but then I don't consider that to be armor, and he was kind of specific, ya know? :thumbsup:


Yes, I'm in a mood this morning. I'm not getting enough sleep, am on my 3rd cup of coffee, and haven't taken my meds yet. :danceb:


The coffee isn't the reason I'm not getting enough sleep. It's the crazy weather we're having in Texas this year along with the totally nuts pollen count. The pollen is so thick you literally have to scrape your windshield before you can drive your car, and the barometer has been going up and down more often than a teeter-totter.

Black Sun

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The coffee isn't the reason I'm not getting enough sleep. It's the crazy weather we're having in Texas this year along with the totally nuts pollen count. The pollen is so thick you literally have to scrape your windshield before you can drive your car, and the barometer has been going up and down more often than a teeter-totter.
Plus on top of it all, isn't it tumbleweed season? Or is that at the end of summer?
I can never remember...


Grand Inquisitor
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Could he of been in lich by chance, which also eats away at your life, little by little ;).

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Best I can do for an 'improve your mood' piccie Connor:



Lore Master
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The coffee isn't the reason I'm not getting enough sleep. It's the crazy weather we're having in Texas this year along with the totally nuts pollen count. The pollen is so thick you literally have to scrape your windshield before you can drive your car, and the barometer has been going up and down more often than a teeter-totter.
The pollen has been pretty bad up here in washington also. my car witch is grey looks green.

back to topic.
I dont see how it would be illegal if your character is not performing any action. the devs made a pet that heals, and an item that takes away health. some people like the look of the cloak so they are going to wear it and maybe forgot thay had it on. The pet healing is controlled by a server script the owner of the pet cannot control when the pet heals thus the player is not performing any actions. Now if they were training a skill(tho i think this is UO's most ******** rule about macroing skills) or killing critters unattended then its illegal but just banksitting i doubt it.


Slightly Crazed
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The coffee isn't the reason I'm not getting enough sleep. It's the crazy weather we're having in Texas this year along with the totally nuts pollen count. The pollen is so thick you literally have to scrape your windshield before you can drive your car, and the barometer has been going up and down more often than a teeter-totter.
I hear Texas I a nice place to be from. Although, here in Washington State it has been very hot over the last few days and the weather man has promised that it will be cooler over the weekend. The pollen count has been a problem for me here too. I am all conjested from having to sleep with the fan running all night.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Thank the Gods I live in Iowa.... though the Pollen does get bad here. There is always plenty of space for it to go besides on me and it hasn't been real hot, real dry or too cold. Infact it's been rather pleasant. But I am taking my meds. *grins*

But to the subject.... totally illegal.. now... if you stood there and were actually there it's ok..... but anything you do or your pet does as your pet is YOU.... or a part of you.... belongs to you would be your action... so NO not ok... also isn't ok to leave your pet somewhere in a dungeon while your afk.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is it illegal to wear "Hit Point Decreasing" Armor and let your CU heal the taken Damage, while being AFK? :blushing:
See i am a little confused, your last statement in this sentence says "While Being AFK?"

In a later post you said "Thats the point, im not doing anything while being afk."

I'd have to say Illegal, but a good trick if your doing it legal (Attended).


Sorry for my broken English (im German :O) It was an answer to the post from Petra Fyde.

Petra Fyde said:
It's illegal to be doing *anything*while AFK.
I wanted to say that the actual char aint perfoming ANYTHING while im not at the computer, so the only one doing something is the CU (healing me).

Hope you understand it now.

Ok i think im completely convinced that its illegal after so many posts saying so :p

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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1. The character is not performing any action - so Deraiky asserts, not do anything.
2. The character is losing health, which the cu sidhe is healing. Which means either the char or the pet are getting some kind of benefit from the activity.

3. This is an illegal activity if the player is away from the key board.


so long story short, he is trying to get the cu's healing to gain.

wonders, would this take the cu to 100 healing?


Grand Poobah
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so long story short, he is trying to get the cu's healing to gain.

wonders, would this take the cu to 100 healing?
I think there's a wall in the 90's and to get gains you pretty much have to disco the cu or have it be poisoned and try to cure that constantly. Not sure, but my cu has been stuck in the 90's for a long time... hehe.


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I've also been having some major allergy problems the last few weeks and all those allergy medicines just make me tired.

Anyways, it's probably illegal, but honestly, who really cares since you're not benefiting one bit from doing this particular activity.

Bomb Bloke

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As mentioned, it'll take the Cu up to 90 healing.

To break that wall, you've gotta hit it with lethal poison (or discord).

It's a bit of a moot point, really. It's far easier to do the initial training against a Shadow Iron Elemental - GM it's combat skills off one of those, and Healing will have hit 90 anyway.

The Cloak of Corruption can also be used to train your own Meditation/Focus, and won't actually drain your life to the point of killing you.


Grand Poobah
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Here's how I reason it:
It is legal to use to cloak to raise your own healing as long as you are at the computer.

It should thus be legal to do the same thing to train your pet as long as you are at the computer.

As said many times, it is illegal to do it afk.

Sooooo just stay at your computer while doing it and you should be safe.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Isn't kind of silly to be able to setup an automated process like this and then force someone to watch the game even though they have to provide no input to keep it going? It would be like putting dishes in a dishwasher then having to sit there and watch the machine.


Isn't kind of silly to be able to setup an automated process like this and then force someone to watch the game even though they have to provide no input to keep it going? It would be like putting dishes in a dishwasher then having to sit there and watch the machine.
LOL. I've got to tell you, while I don't agree in "priciple," I'm pretty close to speechless - I see no way to "refute" your comment. ***Lowers head in shame***

I did however note Chrissay's post on unattended "play" in another active thread. Only half jokingly, I highlighted the phase "for any period of time." We all know the intent, and I agree with said intent, so long as human consideration occurs prior to any adverse action as, ahem, "stuff happens." I'm honestly not sure if that particular phrase would withstand serious legal challenge/ review.

Anyhow, interesting comment/ argument.


Crazed Zealot
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Isn't kind of silly to be able to setup an automated process like this and then force someone to watch the game even though they have to provide no input to keep it going?
No it isn't. UO is a game for people to play. No person, no playing.


No it isn't. UO is a game for people to play. No person, no playing.
This one I do agree with, and again, difficult for someone who does disagree to "refute." However, from my "bench," both arguments "stand." (which is of course the "problem") :)


Crazed Zealot
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How is sitting there watching your character do something playing?
Well I would consider it extremely boring personally ... which is why I think people should PLAY THE GAME instead of just trying to automate things to turbomax to the endgame.


I agree people should play the game, but also agreed with the slew of folks complaining skill gain is "difficult." Whether you place "too" before difficult is a personal judgement call. What one considers difficult also varies with when one began play, there have been large fluctuations over time. You can't even make an accurate generalization, as skill "x" may be much easier to raise today than in say '98, whereas skill "r" may be more difficult today than it ever has been. Be it "tricks," 8x8, powerhour, or more overall gameplay ease as the design intent, skill gain has always been a tough nut to crack for our respective design teams all along. The issue seems a bit more complex today as well. When we added our 7th characters, we wanted the characters to attain the level of the players using the characters, as quickly and easily as possible, so it was off to a boat where feasible, with UOA knocking out commands as rapid fire as it could. Had we taken them through the paces "adventuring" at optimal levels throughout the process, we'd have been in places we hadn't for a long time, it would have been more boring than heading to sea, and would have taken significantly longer to do. And at least for the Mrs and I, time is our most precious commodity. Our player base, for the most part, isn't new player driven, I'd wager few actively seek the "newbie" experience once more, even for the sake of novelty. Even for the new player, who wants to play with or at least on par with the majority, rapid skill gain will in all likelihood be a major goal.

I agree, play the game. I don't agree that the "turbomax" process lessens playing, I think it an interim action by many to do just that, play the game. The process has simply lagged behind the demographic.


Isn't kind of silly to be able to setup an automated process like this and then force someone to watch the game even though they have to provide no input to keep it going? It would be like putting dishes in a dishwasher then having to sit there and watch the machine.
ACtually, I think the problem is less principle than enforceability... it's difficult to enforce a rule against attended macroing... without detection programs there to detect perfect timing, it' nearly impossible to prove someone is repeating repetitive actions when they're sitting there talking to you.

However, making it so that a response to a GM challenge is required, THAT is enforceable. One at least theoretically places a restriction on the ability of computers to do things while you're sleep (if it's bothered to be enforced.)