I was just wandering if a characters fame and karma has anything to do with the anti-virtue drops. I have been working on a new archery and yes I'm old fashioned and prefer to hunt creatures to build my skills rather than use golems. So my new archer has been killing things in the Despise, Shame, and Coventous for awhile and has got nothing. I have also used my Thief and my Necro/Mage in Despise, Deceit and Shame also resulting in nothing. Then there is my was Glorious now Glorious Lord Pally/Bush/Macer and he has gotten 4 drops. One of the red colored order shields (cant think of the name) like 15 minutes after I RETURNED to the game, an anhk pendant a few days later and finally the legs and breastplate of the armor. The legs dropped on a troll that was standing next to my recall spot for the Ogre Lords and was also the first monster killed by him that day. The breastplate dropped sometime later on that run. Does the RNG gods just hate evil or new characters????