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11th Anniversary Gifts..



Isn't it closer to the 12th anniversary than the 11th?


I'm beginning to think that we won't be getting 11th anniversary gifts.

AFter all their crowing about how 11th year isn't 11th anniversary, I thought for sure, but so far, nope.


Oh we'll see them, keep smiling. The question isn't so much will we, but when will we? I sincerely hope both the 11 and 12 year vet rewards will come out together, and NLT September if at all possible. I also cling to hopes that they'll finally provide a method for swapping out old/ unused ones, but suspect that one is a long shot :)


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Kinda like Christmas a few years ago.... got re-gifted... then the next time.. we got gifts and the year after that we got the shaft...

So... 11th anniversary..... I can hear the DEV's now.... "Did you hear something?... *puts hands over ears* I hear naTHING..... NaTHING!... There is no 11th anniversary... *waves hands around like a jedi* There is no 11th anniversary, you can go about your game..."

Yeah ... can you just picture it now??? You can go about your game.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Did they announce what the 11th year Vet rewards would be? I'm losing my mind.


Did they announce what the 11th year Vet rewards would be? I'm losing my mind.
They have not. There are several "distinct" things tossed up in the air every time one of these type posts appears, vet rewards, the 11th year collection, and anniversary celebration "stuff."


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I still think that they should include a dyeable cloak and robe with the +3 Phys so guilds who want to wear the same colors can, while still being able to benefit from the resists on the robe and cloak.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well ya, there's
1) 11th Year Collection (which we buy from UOgamecodes or on vendors ala carte)
2) 11th Year Aniversary gifts (that we get free and we're still waiting)
3) 11th Year Veteran Rewards (that you get free if your account is old enough)
Sofar we only know of the first one above. The other two are still pending I guess.

By the time this SA is done, we'll be at 12th anniversary.


Crazed Zealot
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At this point I'd be happy if they just issued more heritage tokens. I can always use the Quivers of Infinity for additional characters. I was disappointed the 11th anniversary collection was not wearable items (other than the earrings).
