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Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
seem always tend to intercept, while they should not.

Today on Origin Luna - an abandoned (???) dread warhorse went wild.
Tried to stealth herd it out of the guard zone to retame it, but even with herding success the animal did not follow a single step - perhaps it was already focussed to another target throug a wall.
So I attempted a tame, got the blue characters and failed (as expected).
Second attempt to tame ended with instant guard appearance.

Now - also on Origin, a well trained dragon (abandoned ?) sit's in the Luna bank - and I am afraid that he will also die to the guards.

I don't think that guards should intercept unless a player calls them - and even then only, if he is the attack target in that moment.



Maybe a NPC spotted it (the stablemaster?) and called the guards.

Eyes of Origin

The NPCs call guards for a reason. Animals such as dreadmares and dragons will target people once they come unbonded and kill them afk in the bank or near the bank. People need to keep a better eye on their pets and stable them or log them out to avoid this from happening.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I made a post on the Origin forum about the sad greater dragon. Maybe its owner will see the post and go get it.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I feel your pain.... I saw a beautiful blue Cu at the Brit farms.... tried to tame it about 4 times but then Julie[npc] called the guards and spoiled my fun..


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The NPCs call guards for a reason. Animals such as dreadmares and dragons will target people once they come unbonded and kill them afk in the bank or near the bank. People need to keep a better eye on their pets and stable them or log them out to avoid this from happening.
if people are AFK at the bank, it's their fault , isn't it?
They should be able to call the guards themself.

But I also wonder, what is going on.
I could understand the loss of a dragon due to server down, but the dread was standing near stable already before the server down, and we all know how quick those loose loyality without their owner near.

So could it be that there is a bug with the autostable function?

And I always had the opinion, that the server should check all unstabled tame pets and autostable them on behalf of their owner in case of an expected or non expected server down.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I know who lost the Dread mare, and he is a complete piece of garbage, so its only fitting he lost his mare. He was gating/luring rival people thru a moongate which was in the illegal spot inside his keep walls, once people would go thru he would have friends waiting and they would gank players and get them stuck. I came to Luna and saw him dead by teh gate and his horse walking around. So everyone don't feel bad for this piece of trash, karma is a mofo sometimes. I dont know how he was killed, I assume a guildmate killed him on purpose or accident or something since he was in Luna, but regardless I dont feel sorry for him/her and neither should any of you. He may have gotten banned once his pet was walking around since he was paged on for luring by a few people and GMs had spoken with them. Who knows what happened, but if it were to happen to anyone, this guy had it coming. Just my 2 cents, like it or not. And no I was not one of the people who was killed by his luring, I did sit outside of his keep for a while tho while he stayed inside scared to actually PvP...for any rantards who want to try and go down that road :p Peace

Eyes of Origin

No, its not their fault if they are afk in the bank or by the Luna gate. It's suppose to be a safe place to go while you are afk.
That would be like saying, it would be my own fault for going afk to take care of my kids, stir dinner, etc and someone releases a nasty pet or loses control of their pet and I die because of it.
I remember when I first started playing UO, someone had purposely released 5 or 6 greater dragons near the west side of the Luna bank.. right where my recall spot was.. unfortunately, there were no guards within guard whacking distance. My crafter was instantly targetted upon recall and obliviated. So, I'm guessing you would say that would be my fault as well? As soon as someone realized what was going on they called guards and all the dragons got guard whacked.
There is a reason NPCs call guards. It needs to stay the way it is.
I'm not sure what happened with the dragon, the owner is normally pretty good about stabling his pets or at least logging them out. Hopefully, he got it before it went wild.

Now with that being said, I do know who lost their dread and I don't feel sorry for them one bit.


I guess dev could turn them off, they do that anyway whenever an event occurs. But then of course someone would dig up a level 6 chest and drag the spawn into town, or start releasing greaters, or some other form of twinkdom, so probably best left alone :)