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Ok, this isn't funny...

  • Thread starter StifledArgument
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  • Watchers 1


There is no res anywhere outside of Ice Dungeon, I am about to lose all my stuff, I can't find squat for a healer...real nice...sorry - venting and very ticked


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Go out the other entrance. (usually healers close to Wrong)

Call a friend.

Tell us which shard you're on (we may even help).


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There is no res anywhere outside of Ice Dungeon, I am about to lose all my stuff, I can't find squat for a healer...real nice...sorry - venting and very ticked
Actually, there are wandering healers between Ice and Wrong. Just have to stick with it and find one.


Thats why they are called wandering healers. Try doing lower levels of deciet and running(slowly) up three levels through it and then all around ice island just for a rez.


Thats why they are called wandering healers. Try doing lower levels of deciet and running(slowly) up three levels through it and then all around ice island just for a rez.
Well, that's what I get for jumping in with both feet after being gone a bit...I searched the entire island, no healers...wandering pains in the....


use the "help im stuck" function, it'll take you back to brit with enough time to rez, suit up and get back to your stuff


Grand Poobah
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Campaign Supporter
Next time you do Ice (or some other dungeon), lure a healer to the entrance before you enter the dungeon. If you die, there´s a good chance he´s still near by the entrance area...


Next time you do Ice (or some other dungeon), lure a healer to the entrance before you enter the dungeon. If you die, there´s a good chance he´s still near by the entrance area...
Great ideas everyone. Also, thanks to a super sweet person who came out there to res me, I found out that out of the exit on the ice, there are no healers, so basically I am a giant nub who should have gone out the other exit


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
You asked, you were ably assisted, and you learned something. Sounds like pure win to me. :thumbsup:


Its OBE now, and super that someone read the post and was able to come res ya! Should it occur again and if you're on Chessie, go out the other exit, head south. If you don't cross a wandering healer, stay on the west side of the mountain range, continuing south. At the foot of the mountains, enter the castle, 2d floor, northern most breezeway, and you'll find an Ankh of Sacrifice available 24/7. Its a little less than a minutes sprint from the exit. Don't forget, there's a 1 hour "penalty" before using it again with the same character.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thats why they are called wandering healers. Try doing lower levels of deciet and running(slowly) up three levels through it and then all around ice island just for a rez.
On ice island I just go southeast around the mountain and use the shrine. It never wanders. :)

wee papa smurf

I remember the first time ever that i died i wandered around for days because i never knew how to get ressed :p

Old Man of UO

Maps in KR show healer locations when you die... AND the location of your body! Very handy in stacks of corpses.


There is no res anywhere outside of Ice Dungeon, I am about to lose all my stuff, I can't find squat for a healer...real nice...sorry - venting and very ticked
This would be a good time to start thinking about raising your Sacrifice virtue. Nothing like free rezzes, anytime anywhere, with all of your stuff in your pack...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I hope they add that KR map feature into SA too. I mentioned before in one of the threads, but I don't think the devs replied, guess we'll know when beta starts! *Hopes I get into beta* :D

Edit: In the interim, I've had issues not being able to locate my corpse quckly. So I use UOAM and drop a marker on the spot I die, this way I can locate my corpse quickly if I run off to a shrine or safe spot to get rezzed.

Lord Drakelord

I remember the first time ever that i died i wandered around for days because i never knew how to get ressed :p
Back in 99, on Lake Superior, I left the first character with the Ophidians, I had somehow found my way thru the sewers and was totaly lost, found them and tried to run away but was killed, and rather then try and fine my way out as a ghost I made a new character all over to continue playing. Talk about being dum.

I had no clue I was in the lost lands and how to get back to Brit.


Maps in KR show healer locations when you die... AND the location of your body! Very handy in stacks of corpses.
Well, the funny thing was, I was using KR, but the exit from Ice Dungeon that goes to the ice area, there were no healers and no shrines, I was running out of time to find the other exit(I usually don't die in there), so I was having a total panic attack...lol


This would be a good time to start thinking about raising your Sacrifice virtue. Nothing like free rezzes, anytime anywhere, with all of your stuff in your pack...
I know, I have to go and start working on that again, I used to have full Sacrifice(however you term it) and could res whenever, I just have not wanted to run into Blood dungeon without having gotten my mojo back (so to speak) on lesser things.

Old Man of UO

Well, the funny thing was, I was using KR, but the exit from Ice Dungeon that goes to the ice area, there were no healers and no shrines, I was running out of time to find the other exit(I usually don't die in there), so I was having a total panic attack...lol
HEH... maybe put in a request for the Developers to work on the Player AI? :D


HEH... maybe put in a request for the Developers to work on the Player AI? :D
LOL, you can't cure stupid, and you can't code for foolproof, because there is always a bigger fool...<-Me for example yesterday.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There is no res anywhere outside of Ice Dungeon, I am about to lose all my stuff, I can't find squat for a healer...real nice...sorry - venting and very ticked
So, have you heard of this thing called 'insuring your items'?

Cear Dallben Dragon

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
shame, there is UO ingame chat but no one ever seems to be paying any attention to it. Very usefull for people in need


So, have you heard of this thing called 'insuring your items'?
As a matter of fact I have...however I didn't want to lose the items that you can't insure...but thanks for your concern and insight.

And incidentally, I had 2 of my items become uninsured during my break, not sure how but they did...