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Stools and other "Rares"

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Well it seems more and more to me that the supposed Rares dupe is more then likley a "rename" exploit...

All the Items that are sold as old server birth Rares and Event rares are at the moment obtainable:

Flasks and mug from the new Monster stealables, the Gold Bandies from Faction Bandies, The ribs are Uni Ribs and the Mushroom from Heartwood...

Oh and the famous stool as daily Rare....

Please do not fall for these scams...



Well it seems more and more to me that the supposed Rares dupe is more then likley a "rename" exploit...

All the Items that are sold as old server birth Rares and Event rares are at the moment obtainable:

Flasks and mug from the new Monster stealables, the Gold Bandies from Faction Bandies, The ribs are Uni Ribs and the Mushroom from Heartwood...

Oh and the famous stool as daily Rare....

Please do not fall for these scams...
Report the vendor, that bug was meant to have been fixed.

Basically you could sell the stealables to a vendor and they changed name (i beleive) Definatly submit a report, e-mail, PM the devs...in game help, do it all!


Seriously PM every single dev on these forums, just ask them to check it out as you wish to buy or summin. Give them the location...dont let it rest!!

An e-mail wont work, itll get lost in the '000s of bug reports etc.

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
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Stratics Legend
as far as i know its a daily Rare from what Draconi said... not a server birth as the vendor states and definatly not worth 10 mill considering how many are out there...


I camped the stool in the place where Casca was held prisoner for almost 2 weeks and never saw one that could be taken. It's possible that the person on Pac that gets these may have beaten me to it on a couple of those days, but I'm fairly sure that if it spawned during any of the other days, that I'd have at least seen him there or recalling out as I logged on almost to the second that the shard came up from server down.


So is it a fact that Draconi posted that the stools are a daily spawn or spawn in after some duration? I honestly haven't been able to find a source for this quote? All I found was that they'd rather not take the fun out of telling us where spawnables are located? x


I dunno Connor, while it's definitely true that UO today is much more "kinder and gentler" than it's been in the past, any info on a new "rare" has to be viewed with a smigen of skepticism. At least that's been the history, misdirection was commonplace. This may be the right location, but it just seemed to me to be divulged a little too easily. RL requirements will have me up and about a little earlier than usual for this old man, and I was planning on taking a look-see myself over the next couple weeks. If I can determine anything I'll post it for ya!


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
So is it a fact that Draconi posted that the stools are a daily spawn or spawn in after some duration? I honestly haven't been able to find a source for this quote? All I found was that they'd rather not take the fun out of telling us where spawnables are located? x

quote that has been referenced from Draconi found here:

"Dirty plates: Eat from a full plate
Stools: Can't take *all* the fun away from the rares hunters. The goal was simply to inform, not to spoil. "

a question for the hunters of short bamboo stools ~~ did the dirty plates always spawn in those huts and just recently become takeable? if those tables were previously bare perhaps everyone should be looking in a brand new location for the stool and not in a place where they have always been


*yawns at another deco thread where people whine*

I'm with Draconi.. find it yourselves or collaborate. Asking for all the info to be fed to you like babies is well.. like feeding a bunch of babies.

Lord Drakelord

well I wish I knew where to look for the stool on Sonoma, I been everywhere I could think that that stool could spawn, I have yet to see one being sold on any vendor here so I going to have to say it has to be a Shard spawn and not a daily spawn unless I am proven wrong by another player on Sonoma.

Cerwin Vega

Lore Master
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Dont you get the bottles and flasks from when you transfer a char from one shard to another with some of the new stealable foods on them? If so its not really their fault the items get different names... its not nice to be trying to sell them off as rares but where is it against the law to call a item rare that someone else says is not. Its almost the same as the red feathers and green thorn arrows and these items are totally accepted.


Lore Keeper
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I don't consider discussions about exploits and scams whining. The bottles and skull mugs have specifically been referred to as exploits. Robert Mull actually said in his post on UO Herald that everything other than the plates were exploits or bugs.

Then Draconi stepped in with a comment about the stools.

I still find it interesting that over 90% of the time I have seen that stool for sale, it is on the same vendor or sold by the same seller who is selling the bottles and skull mug.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Has anyone camped the tailor shop in Zento? Also, the building where you find the Imperial Minister of Trade.


I think the Draconi post people are referring to only said that the plate was a stealable, it didn't specifically say that the stool was - it just mentioned it in the same post.

Lord Drakelord

Has anyone camped Delucia in Felucca for the stools?
Well I am pretty sure it does not spawn there on Sonoma. The only three stools I seen in Delucia [Felucca] are in the healer's huts and they cannot be taken.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
"Well I am pretty sure it does not spawn there on Sonoma. The only three stools I seen in Delucia [Felucca] are in the healer's huts and they cannot be taken."

There is another one in the vendor shop.

Lord Drakelord

"Well I am pretty sure it does not spawn there on Sonoma. The only three stools I seen in Delucia [Felucca] are in the healer's huts and they cannot be taken."

There is another one in the vendor shop.
My Stealther is in Delucia and at server up checked the healer's shop, so I will be sure to check the other shop there asap.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend

OnLY STOOLS EVER FOR SALE on the same Pac vendor and on the same shard pacs!!!!!!!!!! ON NO OTHER SHARD!!!! EVER!!!! are the ''short stool'' that HAVE THE SAME GRAPHIC as the bamboo stool have been DUPED form the original humilty cloak quest takeableuseable short stools- b4 the devs fixed it to quest item!!!

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

OnLY STOOLS EVER FOR SALE on the same Pac vendor and on the same shard pacs!!!!!!!!!! ON NO OTHER SHARD!!!! EVER!!!! are the ''short stool'' that HAVE THE SAME GRAPHIC as the bamboo stool have been DUPED form the original humilty cloak quest takeableuseable short stools- b4 the devs fixed it to quest item!!!
they are for Sale on Atlantic too ... its the second vendor i seen offer them and acctually first place they seemed to be for sale was Atlantic.

not sure what other shards they are on


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
SAME PERSON - SAME DUPE- ...Alas no shard as seen ''bamboo stools'' for sale ever so they are either a yearly spawn..or the devs fooked up saying they did beacuse as is def . obvoius they ''do not'' due to the zilche factor for sale...only the short stool with same graphic that as been duped are for sale- DO NOT BUY DUPED SHORT STOOLS


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
will the location of where the bamboo stool spawns each morning ever be revealed?
Might just add them in another, easier to spot, spot.
will the location of where the bamboo stool spawns each morning ever be revealed?
Might just add them in another, easier to spot, spot.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yes read again...

The bamboo stools never did spawn...sorry for the confusion...and the time wasted by players like myself trying to find em !!!!!!!!!!!!

We will make a new obvoius spawn location for them in the future

In the meantime the SHORT STOOL are dupes form the humilty quest so do not buy em!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![end]


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
will the location of where the bamboo stool spawns each morning ever be revealed?
Might just add them in another, easier to spot, spot.
"Might just add them in another" Means they where spawning and might add another spawn spot


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My stool came from Europa, she also sold me some dirty plates and other "rares". This was months ago.

Lord Drakelord

My stool came from Europa, she also sold me some dirty plates and other "rares". This was months ago.
I have seen one on Sonoma also, in a 'Rare Museum'. I can only assume that its a import since I have not seen any spawning of these short stools.


Just thought I'd add some freindly banter with a broker; they certainly know the event the original came from(Inu/Origin), as well as the amount (1) didn't say how it into there care though;

Yo do you have any bamboo stools in stock
Welcome to MMO Source! I'm Perse, how can I help you?
do you have any bamboo stools in stock for uo?
Let me check for you
We have one yes.
aw I was looking to get 2-3
need the deco
can i ask is it from an event or daily stealable ?
It is the event rare
um which event did it come from ?
which shard was the event on ?
Operator Perse has invited Medusa to join this conversation. Currently in room: Medusa, Perse, BambooStool.
Hello Sir
One moment ill get you the information on the stool
Medusa can answer your questions better
Season 5 - EM Events - Bamboo Stool (Looted From Imprisoned Inu) (1) on the Shard Origin
ooh is t the only one then ?
yessir its a unique item unless it has been duped in the past 6 years which knowing the game is always a possibility.. and now with the quest event some of them were created without the *quest item* tag before that was fixed so I am unsure of the exact labeling on them before the fix was put in place
aha I see
I only since I'm also chatting with two other brokers on similar sites to this, they both claim theres is the real bamboo stool form that event too
How would I be able to tell the difference :??
Well then as stated above it may have been duplicated sir. The only way would be to ask EA for the item id on the item which you know they will not provide
ah I see
I'll leave it then

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
well some guy just bought up all the bandies but hes got full stock of everything else again *sigh*

I know the stool seems to be legal , but the whole bottle deal and mug thing cant be....


Hunter Moon

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My shop is right next to this shop and I have a consumables (read stealable potions and what not) vendor that would be instantly bought out of "certain" items as soon as I stocked them. Now I stocked yesterday and they haven't flown off the shelf like they normally do. Could be the person using them to fight didn't need more now or could be there was a buy back bug that renamed them and it is fixed so they don't need them anymore to "make" their rares... The only thing I don't get about this whole making the rares idea is that the bottles do NOT change color and yet the mana draught would have to go from blue to the gray of the skull mug...

Hunter Moon [HOT] Atlantic


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
My stool came from Europa, she also sold me some dirty plates and other "rares". This was months ago.
sorry i just choked on a peanut..lol..LOL .. DIRTY PLATE and Plate of food... rightio!!!! i sell em for 9k each and this was one month ago...

Lord Drakelord

"Well I am pretty sure it does not spawn there on Sonoma. The only three stools I seen in Delucia [Felucca] are in the healer's huts and they cannot be taken."

There is another one in the vendor shop.
My Stealther is in Delucia and at server up checked the healer's shop, so I will be sure to check the other shop there asap.
well I have checked Delucia, Felucca, and the bamboo stools that are in the healers, and Prov's shop are not spawning any short stools. All this waiting and searching is driving me :coco:.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why do you guys care if its duped or not? EA/Mythic sure doesnt, they've made that quite clear.

Better yet, why dont you guys send them an email. I'm sure theyll sent you a prompt reply.

Get out and enjoy the summer, why sit inside and beat a dead horse. (play a dead game)

And for all the people who think SA is going to attract/bring back players, dont get your hopes up. Its going to be a digital download and wont be marketed/sold at any stores, so basically anyone outside of the UO community wont even know about the new expansion....

Would it kill them to spend a little money on a marketing department?

Just cancel your accounts already and stop crying...


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
well I have checked Delucia, Felucca, and the bamboo stools that are in the healers, and Prov's shop are not spawning any short stools. All this waiting and searching is driving me :coco:.
Good for you, would you like a cookie?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
People dupe, people exploit, people make money off of your stupidity, it's the game, your persistant crying is nothing but an annoyance...:(

If you bought something without following up, your mistake, don't knock the hustle.