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I Want one Too!!!!



Hi All,

First off let me say that unfortunatly I don't get to read the boards every day, so I am sure this has been asked and answered, if so, please tell me the answer. :)

Why is it that the US shards cant buy the same things the Japanese shards can at the UOStore??? Last night my wife was "shopping" in luna and stumbled across a box with all 10 of the Tokuno dyes in it...all full...selling for 45 MIL. She almost bought it for the "rarity" factor. I did some searching and found out that you can actually BUY this for the Japanese UO store. (I can't read the site..after 3 years, and 2 moves, I dont have my windows disk to be able to actually read the Japanese site). I looked at all the pictures and it would seem that not only can they purchase Tok dyes, but they can buy ALL the Tokuno stuff.

I dont know how much the dyes actually sell for..nor do I know if I can purchase them and take delivery of them on a American shard, I dont even know how much they sell for. I however dont think it fair if I can't buy them, but yet somebody in Japan can, then Xshard them and sell em for 45Mil.

Can anbody tell me more about this? Can I buy em? Anything??




The ones I know of are just limited time promotions that bundled 1 pigment token per every 3,500 yen (roughly US$35 or CAD$43) spent. Don't think those tokens included the other arties though.

My take on this is, $43 for some neon coloured pixel, err, thanks but no thanks.


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worse case, buy them on the japanese shard & xfer them over. I hear thats what alot of ppl do as cn on alot of venders

but as to weither u can stil buy them, that i dont know.

whats the japan site? Ive heard about it but never really looked at it.


Crazed Zealot
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UO marketing in Japan and North America went in different directions a couple of years back and the promotions got out of sync. There have been steps to correct this (fraught with "escalating technical issues"), but Tok dyes themselves seem to represent a bit of a culture gap ... Japan has decided "half the players like bright colors, lets let them have them", NA has decided "half the players dislike bright colors, lets avoid adding them".


Well, then it sounds to me like NA is missing the boat...I highly doubt that the half that doesnt like dark colors would quit playing the game over it..and the half that do like the bright colors would buy the dyes. Sounds to me like they are leaving money on the table.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Well, then it sounds to me like NA is missing the boat...I highly doubt that the half that doesnt like dark colors would quit playing the game over it..and the half that do like the bright colors would buy the dyes. Sounds to me like they are leaving money on the table.
I like dark colors to a point I don't want to live a world that looks dull like some dank smoggy slum... I do like a bit of color... sometimes vibrant... Years ago colors like purple, royal blue and emerald were prized.... as well as crisp white, gold and other colors... infact anything over a brown or rosey pink... most people wore shades of brown .... tans and the like... How many of those colors do you see in UO?

I'm not keen on the blaze, Luna white or that Invul. blue.... but I do know one thing, much like drugs.... people will ALWAYS crave and covet what they CAN'T have.... so if you keep making those hideous colors "rare".... then everyone will want them.... and everyone will want to flaunt them the moment they can.... .... so.... if they were actually "commonplace"..... then it stands to reason that if "nice" colors were rarer.... folk would flock to have the "nice" colors... Just a little something to ponder.


I would tend to agree...IF...they were rare. However, since the Japanese people can buy them, then xshrd them, they are NOT a dwindling rare. Also, since the package of them are for sale on my shard for 45Mil, there must be some profit in it to pay for a xshard transfer token and still sell them. I am NOT looking to buy them and make a profit on selling them, My wife would LOVE to have them, and be able to use them. If they are for sale for 45M, the the "real life price" must be MUCH lower. Since the scripters sell gold for $1.00 a mil, I would essentially be paing $45.00 for this set..I just want to be able to buy it for what it sold for :)

Also..as unfortunate as it may be, as long as this stuff is for sale for Real Life Money on the japanese shards, we will probably never see another Tokuno event..which is sad. I restarted the game after some years 2 off, just 2 days after the event ended.


I think selling pixel crack on the UO Store is all well and good, but they really need to reevaluate their prices. It costs them next to nothing to implement these items and about the same amount to add them to the UO store website. The last batch they added shoulda cost $9.99 for the entire bundle. When I saw they were 30 bucks I was insta-pissed and have had EA aggro ever since.

Someone needs to educate the dunces that decide on these prices that while they may make less cash per sale if they lowered their prices, they would likely make a TON more actual sales. I voted with my wallet over the 11th anniversary items and will continue to boycott new items if they keep pretending like I should be thrilled to pay 30 bucks for what amounts to ZERO work from them.


Babbling Loonie
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UO marketing in Japan and North America went in different directions a couple of years back and the promotions got out of sync. There have been steps to correct this (fraught with "escalating technical issues"), but Tok dyes themselves seem to represent a bit of a culture gap ... Japan has decided "half the players like bright colors, lets let them have them", NA has decided "half the players dislike bright colors, lets avoid adding them".
I believe the NA folks arrived at that conclusion after reading that some stratics posters were going blind (or at least threatening to do so) from the Tokuno colour attacks.

A decision was made to change dyes from TOT II to more natural colours - you know, the earthy colours like black, light black, dark black, grey, light grey, dark grey, brown, light brown, dark brown etc...

They also considered the fact that the western hemisphere only started using colour TVs after 1960s and needs more time to get used to the extra colours.

JP however, has trained their kids since birth using brightly flashing (and epilesy inducing) Pokemon anime. Their 20 hour daily training regiment of 200 gazillion flashes per second has allowed them to laugh at the pathetic effects of the Tokuno dyes. In fact, their players probably feels much at ease in a more "colourful" (pun intended) game and screamed for more. At that, EA Japan decided to sell tokuno dyes and also make an AOS Slime event where you can dye your stuff for free.

They also considered that the eastern hemisphere has already started using colour TVs during the middle ages and would have adjusted to the colours by now.


Edit: My view is that there's no reason why they have to replace the more vibrant colours with the drappy ones. Well, if people can't colour co-ordinate their clothes and likes to wear loud shirts, don't blame it on the tie-dyes :D


Uh well i went and checked the website, using google translator to translate the gist of the descriptions for the items that are being sold. Looks to me like they are only getting the bonus of being able to buy fragmented soulstones for 500 yen. Dunno how much that is in US dollars but probably to much to be worth it. Didnt see any dye's being offered but they probably do offer more bonus items for sale in japan. The NA uo store seems to not be able to keep up with updating?


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Might be a bit late to ask, but are they still selling these tok dyes?.. Not that I'm buying but a friend of mine asked me today bout these dyes, coz he saw the token on a vendor and was curious (he thought it was a dye tub, but I distinctly remembered somewhere saying they were bottle dyes, the whole set of em). So if anyone knows where I can verify my claim pls let me know, thnx.

Lord Drakelord

Might be a bit late to ask, but are they still selling these tok dyes?.. Not that I'm buying but a friend of mine asked me today bout these dyes, coz he saw the token on a vendor and was curious (he thought it was a dye tub, but I distinctly remembered somewhere saying they were bottle dyes, the whole set of em). So if anyone knows where I can verify my claim pls let me know, thnx.
one token is one dye, and if you pick one from the 2nd page of dyes listed the dye only has 10 charges, where the first neon colors, on the first page, will have 100 charges. So be careful and buy beware is all I will say.


Seasoned Veteran
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So let me get this straight, one tokuno dye token can claim just one bottle of tokuno dye, which has 100 uses of the first batch of bright colored tok dyes(1st page), are the ones on the 2nd page the minor tok dyes or the later batch of tok dyes?

I checked the UOstores in JP but cant seem to find them on sale... are they sold out?

And Thnk u for ur reply Lord DrakeLord :D


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
one token is one dye, and if you pick one from the 2nd page of dyes listed the dye only has 10 charges, where the first neon colors, on the first page, will have 100 charges. So be careful and buy beware is all I will say.

I've never seen a bottle of Tokuno Dye with 100 charges in it...50 yes, 100 no.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So let me get this straight, one tokuno dye token can claim just one bottle of tokuno dye, which has 100 uses of the first batch of bright colored tok dyes(1st page), are the ones on the 2nd page the minor tok dyes or the later batch of tok dyes?

I checked the UOstores in JP but cant seem to find them on sale... are they sold out?

And Thnk u for ur reply Lord DrakeLord :D
The most recent offer has ended a couple of months back - it was a valentine's day special offer (you get a free tokuno dye if you buy at least 3,500 yen's worth of stuff).


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank u for this info. :)
Np ^_^

I have not bought any of these tokens, so did not reply to that part of your question, but

1) Personally I have not seen 100-charged Tokuno dyes to date either.

2) Nor any "OMG, is there a new exploit being used to get 100 charged dyes?" posts in UHall.

3) And if it does give 100 charges, vendors (provided they know about it) would use this as a selling point and mention it in the seller descriptions.

I could still be wrong though...hopes Drakelord replies....

If not... talk your friend into buying it, then let us know! :D