There is another side to that.
Say that, heacen forbid, someone does use their comp which does have very sensative information, to also play UO.
UO decides to impliment the PB, and weeks later this same comp that said persons have been surfing the net, playing UO, opening E-mails, etc......
All of a sudden is receiving Spam, Viruses, Bogus Virus messages, etc.....
Who will the most likely blame? EA.
It most likely would not be something that PB had done, but in fact was probably a loophole in said persons security measures. No ones computer is invurnerable from invasion unless it is not connected to any type of intra/inter/ether net of any sort. Even then there is the chance of theft by the old fashioned means.
With todays wireless connections, Dsl, BroadBand, etc.... It makes getting into anyone's comp an extremely easy affair.
I would be willing to bet that, no matter how secure your Comp is, there is at least 1 bot on the hard drive of at least 95% of the people who read this thread. You will almost never detect them. THat is how they are designed.
They use so little of your CPU that it is almost impossible to detect them without the proper software. If you wonder how that spam gets sent, its a bot. Wonder how a hack can get the CPU power to do the "super-cracks" its a bot. You put together 50,000 peoples 1% of CPU and you have a super machine, that none of them will even detect as part of their own comp.
To make the whole reason for not implimenting PB about privacy issues is a pretty moot point, if you are one of millions who leave your comp on and connected for any length of time.
To think that you are safe from an invasion of your privacy is a concept that went out with 20th century.
My advice, never Ever put anything that can be used against you, on your comp. EVER!
PB is the least of my concerns, as far as internet or comp security goes.
I am not saying I am for the PB, nor am I saying that I am against, either.
But I firmly believe that EA must do something to correct the problem or watch the Original MMORPG go the way of the Dodo.