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new black/white bonsi plants


Lore Keeper
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I have a couple of quick questions about how to cross to get these.
1. what generation do they tend to pop in.
2. what have you crossed to get these?
I've been doing this to get the new colors and have the purple, bright purple, orange, red and bright red, just from a red cactus (still haven't gotten a blue or yellow). I wasn't sure if i cross the bonsis, spiders, hops or cactus. t
thanks for your help:thumbsup:


I have a couple of quick questions about how to cross to get these.
1. what generation do they tend to pop in.
2. what have you crossed to get these?
I've been doing this to get the new colors and have the purple, bright purple, orange, red and bright red, just from a red cactus (still haven't gotten a blue or yellow). I wasn't sure if i cross the bonsis, spiders, hops or cactus. t
thanks for your help:thumbsup:
One you are crossing to get all the colored Bonsai, you will have a chance (1 in 200?) that they mutate and give you a White or Black instead of the color you thought you were getting.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have a couple of quick questions about how to cross to get these.
1. what generation do they tend to pop in.
2. what have you crossed to get these?
I've been doing this to get the new colors and have the purple, bright purple, orange, red and bright red, just from a red cactus (still haven't gotten a blue or yellow). I wasn't sure if i cross the bonsis, spiders, hops or cactus. t
thanks for your help:thumbsup:
when you cross flowery cactus, spider trees, or either direction of hops, as far as I know, they always come out one of those 4 types. To get bonsai, you need to cross one of those 4 with the old plants, all except a few at the top of the list(campions through lillies depending on what you cross with). Let's see if I can make this out in a chart that will make sense. This is the information I gathered from Erica's post - I hope it's accurate, but I can't promise it is :)

pi: pine pl: plum (referencing the original bonsai colors)

plant type...x w/..Fl.cactus.......SpiderTree.........Hops left.......Hops right
snowdrops..............................common (pi)......................................
bulrushes................................common (pi)..........................comm(pi)
ele ear..........uncommn(pi)...........rare (pi).........uncom(pi).......rare(pi)..
palm tree.........rare(pi)...........uncommon(pl)....commn(pl)......commn(pl)
century plant..common(pl).......uncommon(pl)....common(pl).....uncom(pl)
single barrel......rare(pl)..........exceptional............rare(pl).......except....

sorry for the crudeness of the chart, but hopefully it makes sense - depending on what you want your bonsai to look like in shape, you might try particular crosses and hope for a mutation. (what I did was work on upping my #s of deco plants in storage, growing anything from snowdrops on down the list and crossing them with spider trees)

Damia TMC

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have crossed and crossed until I have bonsai running out my ears, seriously like 200 crossings and not one single white or black mutation. :(


Lore Keeper
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Thanks all for the replys. I guess i didn't phrase my question quick correctly. I just wanted to get a feel for which generation the black/white pop. It sounds like it could be pretty much any generation including the 1st crossing? I'm having a blast crossing these but boy am I glad i finally got a blue cactus.:p


There is no special generation. :) any crossing can result in a mutant, from your very first crossing of campion and fern to the spider trees and hops.

It's just a matter of chance.