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No good deed goes unpunished


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Was moving stuff about in my house last night using a blue beetle, filled it with some doom arties, powerscrolls, peerless regs, marties and i notice an rp guard at my door.

Go and ask him what he wants and he asks if I can make him some beds, I say sure but that I will have to run to new haven to buy wood and cloth, should be 2 mins, he says thats ok.

So I leave beetle in house (just out of respect for his rp) and run to haven get wood and some cloth and start back, get disconnected and cannot get back in.

Finally get back in and beetle has gone wild, change to tamer and tame, and packs empty. :cursing:

Guardsmen Militia

If it goes wild the items in it normally drop to the floor in a blue bag (at least they do with packhorses!)

Really sorry you lost all this stuff though :(

Which shard did it happen on?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why would you put valuable 1 stone items in a packhorse/beetle... Surely you could have carried those on yourself.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
I've had my beetles go wild on me before and it stinks.... but as the other player said the stuff on them when they go wild drops to the ground in a backpack... blue one... free for any wandering soul to pick up.



That is really terrible. I feel so bad for you. There are some very mean people in UO and that person who did that should be totally ashamed of themselves. :twak:


I've had my beetles go wild on me before and it stinks.... but as the other player said the stuff on them when they go wild drops to the ground in a backpack... blue one... free for any wandering soul to pick up.

Yes, this is true but when I've seen it happen I hold the stuff for the player who owned the beetle. Why would you keep it when that person was doing you a favor?


Are you sure he took it? Most likely, when the beetle went wild (not something he could have done) the pack dropped, and it just decayed. I lost some things the same way, when I forgot to re-mount my beetle and a reaper outside attacked it as I was logging out.

He may have not even known that beetles drop packs when they go wild, and thought he'd just been given a helluva gift.

Lesson learned: Don't leave valuable items unattended. Ever. Stuff happens.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why would you put valuable 1 stone items in a packhorse/beetle... Surely you could have carried those on yourself.

Because it was on my crafter who is tailor/lumberjack/miner/carp/tink, so he is always usually full of stuff.

If it goes wild the items in it normally drop to the floor in a blue bag (at least they do with packhorses!)

Really sorry you lost all this stuff though

Which shard did it happen on?
I didnt see a bag but wasnt able to get back in for hours so it probably decayed or was grabbed. Europa.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A beetle not being ridden will not log out with you if there are items in its pack - and will eventually go wild. (tested and confirmed)

Although terribly unfortunate, what you experienced is exactly what you would expect to have happen if there was nobody around. Given the time that passed, I would assume that the person didn't wait around long enough to see the beetle go wild and that the pack may well have decayed without being noticed.

If you get disconnected with a filled beetle/packie following you, getting logged back in is a high priority.

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
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Stratics Legend
i know i was watching a dreadhorse a frined had accidently let unmounted at server up and it was still tame when she got up 6 and a half hours later. but very unhappy when she finally did log in.

So i really doubt the guy stuck around that long too heh.

all i can say about the other sorry about your loss :(


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To the OP, did you lose connection and then go take a mini vacation? Pets don't just go wild immediately.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

i know i was watching a dreadhorse a frined had accidently let unmounted at server up and it was still tame when she got up 6 and a half hours later. but very unhappy when she finally did log in.

So i really doubt the guy stuck around that long too heh.

all i can say about the other sorry about your loss :(
She did.

And thank you again Avenhar :)

Hunter Moon

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To the OP, did you lose connection and then go take a mini vacation? Pets don't just go wild immediately.
That is NOT true. I have 120 taming, lore, and vet real so you would think my tamer would have the highest chance of retaining loyalty with a pet and I have found that it is random. I left a dread that was bonded and wonderfully happy when I recalled alone for no more then 2 minutes before I recalled back and it was very unhappy and I have left the same one alone for about the same time and come back and it was wonderfully. I have seen the exact same thing with my greater. I don't understand why it would differ, but the exact same pet left alone will respond totally differently sometimes and go from wonderfully to unhappy in just a few minutes.

At the same time I got off of my Minax warhorse once and told it to stay while I stocked vendors and forgot about it and the server went down and I woke up like 10 hours later the next day and saw ICQs from a friend yelling at me that my warhorse was just sitting alone at the shop. It stayed tamed and there through server down and hours more of alone time. NO idea why or what triggers the different amount of loyalty times since that was on my tailor and my tamers seems to have no real bonuses due to skills.

Sorry about your loss, but yes packies of any kind with items on them will NOT auto stable if you log or crash and you most likely will lose them if you don't get back quickly. Hope you can recover from the loss without to much trouble :(

Hunter Moon [HOT] Atlantic


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To the OP, did you lose connection and then go take a mini vacation? Pets don't just go wild immediately.
Dodger said:
So I leave beetle in house (just out of respect for his rp) and run to haven get wood and some cloth and start back, get disconnected and cannot get back in.

After so much time of failing to get back in most people usually give up and assume the worst, (login server problems, etc). The beetle may have not been fed for a while as well.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Could have also been due to an ISP outage...which really sucks if that was the case.

Sorry for your loss OP. :(


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
hmm ... I didn't really think about the "why" Dodger couldn't log back in. My imagination had jumped to the conclusion he got distracted by real life stuff.

(and, in case it didn't come across in my original post: *sympathies*)


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ahhh I'm sorry about that. If it happens again do ctrl shift all over the area looking for 'contents of a blue beetle's bag' or similar. That bag should stick around for a couple hours after the pet goes wild, which should take a few hours as well.

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Note that the backpack pack animals drop can't be picked up. People can open it and grab the contents, but they can't grab the pack itself.

That is NOT true. I have 120 taming, lore, and vet real so you would think my tamer would have the highest chance of retaining loyalty with a pet and I have found that it is random.
Your skill has no direct effect on pet loyalty.

If a pet obeys an order, it's loyalty goes up. If a pet disobeys an order, it's loyalty goes down. Under this system you can see that the more skill a tamer has, the less often he'll need to feed pets.

However, if a tamer isn't giving orders to a pet, then that pet's loyalty will naturally decay over time. And it'll do it a heck of a lot faster if the tamer isn't within sight ("invisible" is fine, off the screen/behind a wall is not). This has nothing to do with your skill levels.

I have never seen a pet go from "Wonderfully Happy" to "Very Unhappy" in two minutes of nonattendance, but I certainly wouldn't leave a pet alone for more then a couple of hours that way.

Hunter Moon

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Note that the backpack pack animals drop can't be picked up. People can open it and grab the contents, but they can't grab the pack itself.

Your skill has no direct effect on pet loyalty.

If a pet obeys an order, it's loyalty goes up. If a pet disobeys an order, it's loyalty goes down. Under this system you can see that the more skill a tamer has, the less often he'll need to feed pets.

However, if a tamer isn't giving orders to a pet, then that pet's loyalty will naturally decay over time. And it'll do it a heck of a lot faster if the tamer isn't within sight ("invisible" is fine, off the screen/behind a wall is not). This has nothing to do with your skill levels.

I have never seen a pet go from "Wonderfully Happy" to "Very Unhappy" in two minutes of nonattendance, but I certainly wouldn't leave a pet alone for more then a couple of hours that way.
I understand how loyalty works and was commenting on the fact that SOMETHING must have another affect on it to have seen the results I have other then just commands. I have had my tamer for about 9 years now and have been a very active tamer for most of that time. Pets can and do decay loyalty at weird rates sometimes. I have seen it first hand more then just a few times.

The dread warhorse was one I had worked up and was trying to sell at the bank and it was told to stay. I had to recall out for a second to check a piece of armor and it was wonderfully when I left. I wasn't gone more then 2 minutes and recalled back and just happened to lore it again and it said very unhappy. It was just sitting at the bank doing nothing for the couple minutes I was gone... The next day I had the same warhorse at the bank to sell and I recalled out to get my shroud and came back and checked it right off because of how it had acted the day before and it was still wonderfully. Now what in the world could have been different in those situations to make it react so differently?

One of the times I saw a fast decay on loyalty with my greater was when I had it working on a shadow ele and I was running low on aids.. I recalled to my house and recalled back and tried to tell it to kill again when I got back just to keep it green and it made the mad sound at me. I tried once more and it did the same thing so I checked its loyalty and it was at happy. It had been wonderfully right before I went to get more aids. I know this because I was checking it every few minutes watching for gains to see how it was doing on the shadow.

I would love to understand what it is about a situation that makes a pet fast decay loyalty when out of sight, but since I don't, I just assume it will happen and either take my pets with me or don't leave them for more then a few minutes at a time. I don't care what others may suggest or have seen, I'm just passing on what has happened to me personally as an fyi and you can decide what you want to do on your own.

Hunter Moon [HOT] Atlantic


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
sometimes as the pets owner, u can retame it urself with out being a tamer. I did with a horse of mine when i lost conn, not sure if itd work with a blue bug thou :(

sorry for ur lose hun

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You have a 100% chance of taming a given creature so long as you were the last owner. It's possible you still need to satisfy the minimum skill requirements, but I'm not sure.

On the other hand, a creature actually gets a bump to it's taming difficulty if you were not the previous owner. Attempting to retame a Greater Dragon another tamer released, for example, may well be impossible.

Lore Master

Was moving stuff about in my house last night using a blue beetle, filled it with some doom arties, powerscrolls, peerless regs, marties and i notice an rp guard at my door.

Go and ask him what he wants and he asks if I can make him some beds, I say sure but that I will have to run to new haven to buy wood and cloth, should be 2 mins, he says thats ok.

So I leave beetle in house (just out of respect for his rp) and run to haven get wood and some cloth and start back, get disconnected and cannot get back in.

Finally get back in and beetle has gone wild, change to tamer and tame, and packs empty. :cursing:
That happened to me too sometimes the items in the pack beetle or pack horse goes to another floor or under something best bet is to switch to KR mode and use shift and control until you find the pack labeled contents of a pack horse or giant beetle worked for me. theres another trick you can try costumize your house and any items not locked down will go to the house sign includeing contents of a pack horse or giant beetle if it is still there.

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry for your loss.

First golden rule with all pack animals is never put anything you cant replace on them, ever.

Another one you should keep in mind since SA is coming out relatively soon(and will contain house stuff), is never customize/mess with lock downs in your home for at least a month after release.

All sorts of havoc can occur when the team messes with housing. The team has gotten better, but better safe than sorry.;)


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To the OP, did you lose connection and then go take a mini vacation? Pets don't just go wild immediately.

ya something is missing here.
Here's your answer:

To the OP, did you lose connection and then go take a mini vacation? Pets don't just go wild immediately.
Dodger said:
So I leave beetle in house (just out of respect for his rp) and run to haven get wood and some cloth and start back, get disconnected and cannot get back in.

After so much time of failing to get back in most people usually give up and assume the worst, (login server problems, etc). The beetle may have not been fed for a while as well.

Of course, the answer is in the original post here. If you cannot get back in you clearly cannot get back in. We have all experienced this problem at one time or another.


Regarding the title, there is the flip side as well. For example......:

Recently Tina Small asked me if happened to have an Arcane Empowerment spellweaving scroll as she knows that I sell them on one of my vendors. She had a friend that needed it and couldn't find one anywhere. I happened to be out at that time, but I just happened to be farming Miasma for level 5 & 6 T-Maps and had just that scroll drop off a minotaur I'd killed not a minute later. I gave this to Tina for free, which she turned around and gave to her friend that needed it. Then, recently, I'd spotted a thread here on Stratics in the Tamer forum for someone giving away a Cu Sidhe for free that was better than the one I had at the time. I was a bit less than an hour too late, but it turned out that the OP of that thread was the recipient of the spellweaving scroll I'd given to Tina, so this person offered to keep an eye out while he was out taming Cu's for one for me, which he found and gave to me over this past weekend.

It does go both ways. I prefer to do the kind deed and have it bite me in the ass every so often rather than not doing any. In the long run you'll always come out ahead, and feel good about yourself because of it, regardless of what may happen.