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taming with honor? how does it work

  • Thread starter Anon McDougle
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  • Watchers 1


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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You need no skill.... what you need is to work the virtue honor... which is done by honoring your prey before you kill it...

I find demons and their ilk rather good for that.... balrons.... and such... "use virtue" Honor target creature.... then kill... the target must be at full health before you honor it.

However I personally think that tamers using Honor to tame is rather cheap and lame... takes all the fun out of it. Where is the challenge when it can't attack you? Where is the risk? The thrill of victory when you finally calm the savage beast and break it to your control???

Maybe that's just me... but that's how I feel about it...

(still tames the old fashion way good ole hit and hide, yes greater dragons are tough... but they are not impossible this way. Yes you may infact *gasps* die, repeatedly... but again... that's half the challenge, the fun and the excitement... and if you didn't have that fear of dying and the challenge... then you lose that thrill of victory.)

Anon McDougle

I agree with you but seeing how my points in bard skills are wasted on greater dragons!! and young whipper snappers come in, i honor thee and tame the GD I worked an hour on in ten min kida sucks so if you cant beat them ....................


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's interesting how people play with different mindsets ... I tend to feel that continuing on a quest as if nothing happened after you die is rather cheap :)

(admittedly, the only greater dragons I've tamed are confused abandoned beasts found roaming lost and sullen in strange corners of the land, so I really have nothing to feel proud of)


Invoke honor, targeting yourself. Do this while no creatures have you targeted (if you're targeted by a creature when you invoke on yourself, that creature continues to target you). You'll have a "freeby" period that varies in length based on your level of honor. During this period, you can attempt to tame without fear of attack. You'll still receive the "you anger the beast" message, but it won't hit you. Hope that answers your question!

Anon McDougle

not to start a debate or move off subject but i thought that the taming skill needed was always equal to or greater than the barding skill needed yet with GD's this is reversed?


not to start a debate or move off subject but i thought that the taming skill needed was always equal to or greater than the barding skill needed yet with GD's this is reversed?
Nope, entirely diffrerent things. In the skills section of the stratics homepage, under Animal Taming, theres a chart of taming difficulty. By debate, I assume you're referring to MalagAste's comment above. It's really no more than how you choose your poison. You can tame the "old fashioned" way (can't think of a better term) if you prefer, or invoke honor. Each has pros/ cons. I only learned of the honor technique a short time ago. Similar to you, I ran across the best GD I had ever seen, it was more than a 98%er overall. I was trying to tame the "hard way," when Beavis arrived and quickly took it for himself and off he went. I had no idea how he did this with such apparent ease, and querried on the tamer forum here. Someone was kind enough to explain what I relayed in my earlier post. Since that time, I've actually only used the honor technique once, it works as described. Just remember as in all things there's a downside. Our tamers are knights in honor, so regaining the "dot" you'll loose going this route is going to cost you quite a bit of time regaining it!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nope, entirely diffrerent things. In the skills section of the stratics homepage, under Animal Taming, theres a chart of taming difficulty. By debate, I assume you're referring to MalagAste's comment above. It's really no more than how you choose your poison. You can tame the "old fashioned" way (can't think of a better term) if you prefer, or invoke honor. Each has pros/ cons. I only learned of the honor technique a short time ago. Similar to you, I ran across the best GD I had ever seen, it was more than a 98%er overall. I was trying to tame the "hard way," when Beavis arrived and quickly took it for himself and off he went. I had no idea how he did this with such apparent ease, and querried on the tamer forum here. Someone was kind enough to explain what I relayed in my earlier post. Since that time, I've actually only used the honor technique once, it works as described. Just remember as in all things there's a downside. Our tamers are knights in honor, so regaining the "dot" you'll loose going this route is going to cost you quite a bit of time regaining it!
Actually that is pretty much the only time I use honor. When there is a mob I want tamed and I don't care to risk not getting it tamed.

What would folks do here .....

Ok a Blaze Cu spawns right in front of you you lore it and it is max str, hp's, max resists and pretty much max skills.

There have been people coming and going a lot.

Do you lead tame it around or do you punch the good old Honor Thyself and tame it.

Just because one Honors oneself does not stop some one else from trying to tame something. Nor does it stop the mob from walking into a crowd of really nasty mobs.

Anon McDougle

its a very effective method just wish my 120 in peace and music had even a semi decent chance at working


Yep, a blaze cu, stat/skills being totally irrelevant to me based on rarity (the one we have is a serious weakling), would get a dot of honor from me as well :) Our dragon "fleet" is pretty solid, but I use an excel sheet to determine % on those we run accross that look particularly good, so one better than what we have will probably also get a "dot." I roam the spawn areas a couple times daily, and it was probably 5-6 weeks ago when I had my bad experience descibed above, and since we've added one to the fleet. I use succubi to regain the lost dot, it's about a 90 minute process. Obviously going the no-honor route takes much less time even if you're having trouble, so for me it isn't a matter of manhood, its one of technique/ circumstance.


its a very effective method just wish my 120 in peace and music had even a semi decent chance at working
Well yes and no. If my better half is in-game and can peace for me, the peace/ taming combo works very well. On the same character, your trouble will be the time requirement between skill use. I've seen folks employ the technique successfully, and frankly both our primary tamers are scrolled to have this capability toggling between soul stones. For me personally, I was not satisfied with using the technique from a single character, though I have tried. I had better success just doing the tame/ invis/ tame/ repeat thing.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
its a very effective method just wish my 120 in peace and music had even a semi decent chance at working

I use peace on everything but a GD (I have 2 accounts but can only play one at a time effectively).

Cu's I just lead tame those guys around and don't waste the Peace or Paralyze on them.

Everything else is just plain old peace, unless it is of course a specialty mob.

For the Greaters, as Harb does, I tour the GD spawns in Fel, Tram and Ilsh twice daily.

If I find an upgrade and IF it were at the Fire Temple, depending on how I feel and how much time I have, I may lead the GD away, bring in the other tamer with a Greater Dragon and let em fight while I spam vet the Tame Greater. When the Wild Greater has enough vested interest in KILLING the tamed greater I will stand just close enough to get the tame cycle going and will spam the tames. On occasion the Wild Greater will turn around and swat at me but mostly I can live through it. Eventually I get it tamed and stable it.

In Fel Destard with the mass of Dragons and Greater Dragons, no, nope I pop the Honor, tame it, walk it out and stable it .... IF I AM LUCKY.

Some things Honor Taming DOES NOT GIVE YOU.

It does not guarantee you a TAME.
It does not give you exclusive access to the mob.
It does not freeze the mob were it is.

It is just a tactic nothing more or less.

I have had an occasion, in Fel Destard, where I pop'd an honor on a Greater and NEVER saw a tame cycle start for the duration of the Honor flag (9th dot of Follower) and I think that time span was at least 2 minutes. Oh I should say I have a Logitech G15 Keyboard and can Spam the Tame ever second. I had to wait the 5 minute cool off / time out on Honor and tried again. That time was pretty much tame cycles and I did get it and I was able to walk it out.

The point being Honor does not guarantee you anything.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I use the honor self technique to tame greater dragons because (1) area peacing them, even with legendary music and peace skills, doesn't last long enough to finish a taming attempt; and (2) I'm generally playing alone and don't have the personality to go running around begging strangers to come and help me.

I'd love to be able to take advantage of the 240 points I have invested in barding skills and all the dragon and reptile slayer instruments I've glommed onto to get one of those dragons. Unfortunately, my tamer's barding skills only come into play for making the silly beast follow me to the taming area. I've tried quite a few times to area peace the stinkers and then tame them. All the deaths and running to a healer just turned the whole thing into an exercise in frustration.

So, I too broke down and have invested a lot of time into hunting stuff and attempting to honor it first so I can use the "honor self" method to for tame greater dragons. And after I use the virtue (often more than once because the first time ended in failure) to tame a greater dragon, it's back to the same old routine of hours spent hunting more stuff and honoring it and hoping that it worked so that the virtue builds up again in case I want to tame another greater dragon. It's a bit of a time investment to keep honor at a useable level, but I guess that fact is easy to overlook when you regard it as a cheap tactic.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
However I personally think that tamers using Honor to tame is rather cheap and lame... takes all the fun out of it. Where is the challenge when it can't attack you? Where is the risk? The thrill of victory when you finally calm the savage beast and break it to your control???
What is it with you and challenges? Does everything you do in UO have to be a challenge? If you cut wood, do you find the most dangerous location so it's a "challenge"? Do you grow plants while standing in Destard? Do you demolish your house, scattering your possessions all over the ground, and then replace it and customize, because it's more of a "challenge" that way? I don't get it....by the way, I made this posting while surrounded by poisonous spiders, so it would be more challenging while I type....:rolleyes:


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
What is it with you and challenges? Does everything you do in UO have to be a challenge? If you cut wood, do you find the most dangerous location so it's a "challenge"? Do you grow plants while standing in Destard? Do you demolish your house, scattering your possessions all over the ground, and then replace it and customize, because it's more of a "challenge" that way? I don't get it....by the way, I made this posting while surrounded by poisonous spiders, so it would be more challenging while I type....:rolleyes:
And people complain if you take all the challenge out of the game that it's boring.... and you wonder why..... *rolls eyes*


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And people complain if you take all the challenge out of the game that it's boring.... and you wonder why..... *rolls eyes*
The OP isn't talking about dungeon crawling, or gold farming, they were talking about taming. The simple fact that a tamer made the effort to tame one instead of simply buying one, made it a challenge. My point is, not everything has to be a challenge, and certainly not because YOU say it should, or that someone is missing out on something because YOU say they are.

I'll go a little further as to say, your argument is fine from a RP perspective. But again, I don't think the OP started their post with "Hail and Well Met".....

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And people complain if you take all the challenge out of the game that it's boring.... and you wonder why..... *rolls eyes*
No one is forcing anyone to honor tame.....

Its not like you can lead tame a GD very effectively ( not with out help or twisty contortions of macro hiding every second or two).

It helps what? (all)players who use honor to escape death/injury in tight situations ,to employ their skills where directed right?

There is no difference when it comes to taming.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And people complain if you take all the challenge out of the game that it's boring.... and you wonder why..... *rolls eyes*
To me the Honor system doesn't do anything to the perception of challenge.

Now what is challenging is to find a shard or group of people that have HONOR. As in that would see a person taming that perfect Blaze Cu Sidhe, that Perfect Greater Dragon and NOT INTERFERE as in to sit back and allow the person to tame the ...... Now there is a worthy challenge.

Back when Whyte Wyrms were introduced and one could block the entrance to the shelf in the WW's Room, there was a code of HONOR and ETHICS well mostly (there is always the twit) and people assisted the Tamer.

Now things are so Itemized and the In Game Gold is the path to being UBER that Having Ethics and Honor is a negative, a hindrance, an admission of being a fool .....

One thing is for sure everyone will always have the Moral High Ground when it comes to interacting in a Social Group.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To tame with honor, one must first be an honorable person. Should one have proved oneself honorable enough to be considered a Seeker of Honor, one can Invoke one's Virtue of Honor.

Once invoked, one seemingly wraps oneself in an air of confidence. Now a shining beacon of Honor, one radiates such profound brillance that even monsters cannot bear to look at you and must avert their eyes. In fact, no monster can attack one that is cloaked thus.

This metaphoric cloak will, of course, dessipate in time. It lasts long enough for around 1/60th of the sand in an hourglass to slip past. Followers of Honor and Knights of Honor can maintain this effect for twice and thrice as long respectively.

During this duration, some honorable rangers find it advantageous to approach normally aggressive and ill-tempered beasts, as they do not try to bite the ranger while they coax these beasts into becoming companions. Even ones who have just gained recognition as Seekers of Honor find that they can attempt to coax these beasts for as long as their metaphoric cloak lasts.

Compare that to honorless rangers that runs with shredded leggings, through forests and dungeons alike with monsters hot on their heels, trying to nip the rangers' recently exposed bottoms. All because they have angered the beast with their coaxing attempts...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For those seeking the paths of honor:

It is a must to espouse the virtues of the noble paladin or samurai and honor one's foes before battle has been joined. One need not actually be a paladin or samurai to invoke one's honor virtue in this manner.

Much honor is gained when one defeats his/her foes in close combat. Running around to escape melle combat while using bows and spells to attack one's foes from afar does not give much honor.

One will also gain less honor should allies assist by engaging one's honoured foe. This includes the use of minions.

Next, if one has already been recognized as a Seeker of Honor, there is not much honor to be gained in defeating a lowly mongbat. One must aspire to defeat ever stronger foes - foes such as succubii and balrons.

To achieve the ultimate recognition as a Knight of Honor, the epitome of Honor, the very embodiment of this virtue, one will find oneself venturing to the homes of succubii and balrons. Do not be surprised to see archers, tamers and mages doing honorable battles with these monsters with ranged combat and allies, for although there is much less honor to be gained this way, the notoriety of such dangerous foes will still give a measure of honor.