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About trials


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm playing 14 days now , i will pay after the 14 days but i have some questions. Can i use power scrolls after 14 days or can i use misc things after 14 days ? Or a trial account is always trial ?


Once you leave the "trial account" time of 14 days and begin actually paying for the account, then the "trial" period ends and your account will be a normal account.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
After your trial ends and you begin paying a monthly fee your account will gain full access to everything. Housing, power scrolls, quests, etc.


cool. i will pay it today , it is 1 days left :p
Awesome :) Is this your first time playing UO? If so, welcome aboard. Once your account has access to do the things that a full account has the ability to do you'll realize that the depth and possibilities in this game are unbelievable and endless.

What shard did you choose? Just curious :)

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Welcome to Ultima Online.
If you play Catskills and need anything give me a shout.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Welcome to UO, Xantier! :)

This is Littleblue from the Chesapeake Shard. I hope you have a great time enjoying all the fun, adventure, and friendship this great game and it's community have to offer!


I have not played in a while but still have characters on LA who can help you out if needed. I just ned to log the needed one in. <shrug>


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
no im not new lol. I just wonder , old trial accounts hasn't include ML registration and had access to everything while trial. I registered with new code. I'm in europe , i accept gold :p


Queen of The Outlaws
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
no im not new lol. I just wonder , old trial accounts hasn't include ML registration and had access to everything while trial. I registered with new code. I'm in europe , i accept gold :p
The changes to trial account was made to stop cheaters from abusing the system. For a true new player, the limits won't feels that bad as it take a while to learn the basis of the game.

Trial Accounts

Removed the 15 day character age requirement for house placement Was a temp fix
Players are not allowed to place a house while on a trial account a true newbie won't have the money anyway to place a house
Players are not allowed to co-own or be traded a house while on a trial account

Trial accounts have travel restrictions –
  • Cannot visit Felucca dungeons or Felucca T2A
Trial Accounts have the following resource restrictions -
  • Will only receive basic ores and logs (iron, plain logs) even if they'd otherwise qualify for better types a true newbie won't have the skills anyway to get colored resources the first 14 days but it will allow them to train and learn the basis of the game
  • Will not receive sand or stone when mining a true newbie won't gm this skills in 14 days anyway
Trial Account Misc. restrictions -
  • Will not receive ML rewards for resource gathering (jewels, ingredients, and white pearls while fishing) a true newbie won't gm this skills in 14 days anyway
  • Will not receive rewards, monster kill points, or virtue points from champ spawns
  • Will not get scrolls while doing champ spawns
  • Will not gain Justice virtue points for killing murderers
  • Cannot use Valor or Justice virtues
  • Cannot Protect or be Protected by another player
  • Can not join factions or faction aligned guilds
  • If in a guild they will be removed from the guild, if their guild joins a faction
  • Cannot use Scrolls of Alacrity, Power Scrolls, Stat Scrolls, or Scrolls of Transcendence
  • Cannot use Commodity Deeds
  • Cannot do Community Collections
  • Cannot use Soulstones or fragment soulstones
  • Cannot use Pet summoning balls
  • Cannot use Bracelets of Binding
  • Cannot use the Bag of Sending
  • Cannot do any repeatable quests – even if they are normally repeatable
  • Cannot acquire BOD’s

When it may be a pain to wait 14 days to do BoDs, do any repeatable quests and do Community Collections it do stop alot of abuse of the trial accounts.

I think it should be possible to do small iron, clothes and leather BoDs but the BoDs the trial account get should be bonded to the char who get it and no others should be able to fill it or turn it in.
This way it would allow the trial player to make a little money and use the bod system for training.

Maybe limit the rewards (no runic tools) in Heartwood for trial accounts and allow the trial char to turn in items made of the char.