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  • Thread starter Crazy Fireball
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Crazy Fireball

Lately, my mom has been complaing alot more about my music than she has before, and im in the bacement with Itunes, or i call it "itoons" constantly.

But im wondering, why does she do it? its not to loud and i can tell you its not swearing to much, when it does i turn it down!

Mom's with teens, do you know why?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Any swearing is too much swearing. I noticed you have a potty mouth. She probably blames your music on that.

When you teenagers think it's "not too loud", it is. Srsly.

Little Sadie

I guess I am of a different mindset. As long as it isn't blasting and bothering others then I don't care what a 15 y/o listens to. They hear much worse then that in school. W didn't even have that kind of music when I was growing up and my friends and I both had potty mouths. LOL! We heard it all from school and that was many, many, years ago. Now, if all you are doing is hanging in the basement, listening to music, and playing online games then that is different. Shut done the computer, get outside and get some air and hang out with real friends. And don't listen to their potty mouths. :D


Your music is probabaly too loud, you just dont think it is. I cuss alot at school but there is no need for it here.

Moms with teens is your question? I grew up watching my sister make dumb mistakes that I never thought that i would get into. Parents are trying to protect you and dont want to lose you which is why there are always on our cases. I make a "D" and think no big deal and i get cussed at when i get home. She wants me to be successful and get a scholarship but I usually just look through that. You should have fun but sometimes you should focus.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
What exactly does she complain about it? If it's profanity or volume, that's what they make headphones for. If it's being cooped up in the basement, that's also what they make MP3/CD players for. If it's neither of these, just be like "Yo mom, what the dilly yo!". :stir:


The only time that Savanna's (my daughter) music gets on my nerves and I start yelling is when she gets stuck on a song and she replays it over and over at the loudest volume possible. (She did that with the Flo Rida song "Low" - now I can't stand to hear that song at all.) Other than that, we actually have similar taste in music and sometimes I'll catch myself humming or singing along with whatever she listens to.

Crazy Fireball

Yeah but i dont understand, when it was in the living room she didnt care at all really, but all the sudden, its like to loud when i move away and have nobody to hear it other than me, its a tad bit comfusing to me :p

And yes - the school i go to hates swearing but people do it to, when people dont listen... so i guess its a bad thing we break the rules and swear, but i think it makes teens feel better.


Young kids like to use curse words to make them seem more grown up but it really makes them seem more immature.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Young kids like to use curse words to make them seem more grown up but it really makes them seem more immature.
Indeed. In the music it never bothered me to hear it as my kids listen to it. But when I heard it coming out of their mouth, that's a different story.