In the past Ea has put out mulitple new expantions, each was given forth as the new wave of UO. Sadly each has come with multi flaws, changes that were not fully working, and loses to many things players loved about the game. This sent players flying for the account page to end their UO playing days. Much to the games loss.
I'm a beta player from the dawn of UO. This is the worst I personally have seen the shards as a whole look since the early days of fel (population/house wise).
I dont speak flippantly about this fact we all can see, yes Chessy,Atl, Cats are still booming with players but i have seen the underside of them at hours when we all remember going on hunts the shard is dead but for the few straglers who sleep at luna bank.
UO is facing a new expantion in SA very soon to come out and it is with great hopes that new players will join us......... but what about the player who has stayed with EA through thick and thin?? Oh, yes the new player who gets the NEW game pack will get gifts beyond their dreams but what of "us"?
I have a few idea's I would like the dev team to consider:
1.) Reset the accounts back to 1 house per shard per account (no yelling)
Reason is 2 fold, 1 This will give old players the chance to place that house they wanted on siege/mugen also ending the dev's long drawn out thinking of how to do it. The small bonus would be for the old player to place that coveted house on the shard they go to to play but cant have a home now (no jeering you know you go to atl to do factions/pvp!) Secondly the players who do have homes on a few shard could get that bigger home with out the haunting guilt of loosing one home cause they NEED that bigger place. Face it 1 house per account was one of the biggest reason for some players leaving the game. That house resizing has its points but what many hoped for didnt come with it. We who have smalls and so much room around us now suffer cause to make it bigger we will loose our grandfathered home somewhere else, it wasnt fair. I as with many have paid for this game for years and to get slaped for it is not my idea of being wanted by EA.
Money is tight in this ecconomy if you want people to spend on a game give them some reason to do so.
2. Skill - Taming open the stables !! Add worth to taming
What tamer hasnt had in recient times yelled "I NEED MORE SLOTS!!" In a nut shell 14 spots with all the new pets pending in SA and old ones we love and dont want to part with. How the bloody hadies do you stable a Greater Dragon when all 14 slots are full??? is the cry I have heard so many times. Opening the stable which is account based should help greatly to the ecconomy of UO. The average tamer took months to gain his or her skill only to be twarted by the past Dev teams in killing any worthwile selling of pets till recient times with the advent of Greater Dragons and the coveted Dread Warhorse. ** Yea you must keep one of your precious slots open!!! you cant exchange that Greater Dragon with out it for yoru mare. Still though you stable your mare and get out your trusty Greater dragon..... and walk. Whats wrong with this picture?? (yes i can hear the warriors or pvp'rs yelling NO dont give them their mares!!!) ok i can see their point but i do have a solution that 99% of us agree on the etherials should not count to your pet slot count!! or better yet ;et me ride my Greater Dragon!!
** second idea would be to make pets forsale deedable. if say you tame 2 Greater Dragons and want ot sell one you would go to the stable person and get a claim ticket to sell that would place the pet(any pet for this ) able to be placed on a vendor available to anyone at any time. New market would open up for tamers to make $$ again.
3.) Loot
Be it from a treasure map or a SoS, critter or quest there is a glut of garbage!!
I would bet if you polled the populace of UO you would hear better loot not more junk just some better stuff... As a T-Hunter I have seen chests so stuffed with this junk! I mean junk, no not the regs, gems, scrolls, but the useless armor and weps in one is over board. Id be happy with 1 or 2 pieces of the better stat stuff then the 99 pieces of lag making junk you get in a lvl 5 or 6 chest. not counting the semi artie you get of course.
** quest items not lockable and stuck in packs return them to the old way. the cat is way out of the bag and well quite frankly to make them stick to your bag is anoyance! Many dont have time to complete a quest in one sitting and like to wait a day or two and do other things and that little item you think wont get in the way DOES! I for one would like ot be able ot take that ticket and put in bank for time when i can do it.)
4.) Bods more plz!
Tinker, carpentery, fletching, inscription.. to name a few yes we have heartwood to do some but to be honest make more trade based bod getting. * idea for new system based on old one would be something like this:
**example** Tailoring: the rewards are getting old. This small addon of a secondery bod system would revamp it and add more content to the learning of the skill. 20 sandals poof a new bod. Just by adding a bod for lets say the sm. stretched hide deed 20x would give you a new gift with incraments of 20x 50 x 100x the item needed to fill it. There is plenty of things ppl would covet in the data base already so NO NEW ART would be needed perhaps a color added to make it special is all and you could add in a bod that would collect those gifts too to get a bigger prize and so on to getting perhaps an artie! hey a girl can dream... But you get the drift. *idea the spring collection items as say top prizes the kitty with regs for inscription , the basket for tailoriing.etc...
5.) Wow take a lesson from the dev over there
Yes i know i said the W word... get it out of your system and calm down. You have to admit they have a good thing going over 13 million accounts active so they are doing someting right. I have to admit i play it and find many things id love to see put to use in uo. Not out right copy but the ideas they have is something UO should use.
The pvp system to name one. Get over it all you who stand there and want to kil any blue who daes to step foot in fel. You call them Trammies well you made them that way!
If not for the constant ganking an thiefs who steal you blind no decient home owner wanted to stay behind and loose value and items they worked hard for.
I want to see a toggle system that wil let people who want a fight fight and let the rest of us alone. Fel needs a revamp! put the trees back make it a livable place and open to houseing for the new player as well. Make a tournie type ye ol english style where fighting is encouraged perhaps in a off relm world where fields of 2, 3, of more sides can be formed of players to hold and keep while battleing for supremacy.
Basicly Money is Tight and well UO is my home game a few well thougth out ideas cant hurt to look into. Who knows a few more players might not hurt as well.
For all you detractors who want to shoot me down, think for a second not about yourself but the game you so velamently like to hate when it doesnt do what you want. WE need new life poured into UO. SA will I hope be that second life but these small changes would enhance play for the old and new. For once give the old player who has served the game well a gift before you hand the new guy all the goodies when SA comes out. It's a small thing to think about the vet player who has been here throught thick and thin.
I'm a beta player from the dawn of UO. This is the worst I personally have seen the shards as a whole look since the early days of fel (population/house wise).
I dont speak flippantly about this fact we all can see, yes Chessy,Atl, Cats are still booming with players but i have seen the underside of them at hours when we all remember going on hunts the shard is dead but for the few straglers who sleep at luna bank.
UO is facing a new expantion in SA very soon to come out and it is with great hopes that new players will join us......... but what about the player who has stayed with EA through thick and thin?? Oh, yes the new player who gets the NEW game pack will get gifts beyond their dreams but what of "us"?
I have a few idea's I would like the dev team to consider:
1.) Reset the accounts back to 1 house per shard per account (no yelling)
Reason is 2 fold, 1 This will give old players the chance to place that house they wanted on siege/mugen also ending the dev's long drawn out thinking of how to do it. The small bonus would be for the old player to place that coveted house on the shard they go to to play but cant have a home now (no jeering you know you go to atl to do factions/pvp!) Secondly the players who do have homes on a few shard could get that bigger home with out the haunting guilt of loosing one home cause they NEED that bigger place. Face it 1 house per account was one of the biggest reason for some players leaving the game. That house resizing has its points but what many hoped for didnt come with it. We who have smalls and so much room around us now suffer cause to make it bigger we will loose our grandfathered home somewhere else, it wasnt fair. I as with many have paid for this game for years and to get slaped for it is not my idea of being wanted by EA.
Money is tight in this ecconomy if you want people to spend on a game give them some reason to do so.
2. Skill - Taming open the stables !! Add worth to taming
What tamer hasnt had in recient times yelled "I NEED MORE SLOTS!!" In a nut shell 14 spots with all the new pets pending in SA and old ones we love and dont want to part with. How the bloody hadies do you stable a Greater Dragon when all 14 slots are full??? is the cry I have heard so many times. Opening the stable which is account based should help greatly to the ecconomy of UO. The average tamer took months to gain his or her skill only to be twarted by the past Dev teams in killing any worthwile selling of pets till recient times with the advent of Greater Dragons and the coveted Dread Warhorse. ** Yea you must keep one of your precious slots open!!! you cant exchange that Greater Dragon with out it for yoru mare. Still though you stable your mare and get out your trusty Greater dragon..... and walk. Whats wrong with this picture?? (yes i can hear the warriors or pvp'rs yelling NO dont give them their mares!!!) ok i can see their point but i do have a solution that 99% of us agree on the etherials should not count to your pet slot count!! or better yet ;et me ride my Greater Dragon!!
** second idea would be to make pets forsale deedable. if say you tame 2 Greater Dragons and want ot sell one you would go to the stable person and get a claim ticket to sell that would place the pet(any pet for this ) able to be placed on a vendor available to anyone at any time. New market would open up for tamers to make $$ again.
3.) Loot
Be it from a treasure map or a SoS, critter or quest there is a glut of garbage!!
I would bet if you polled the populace of UO you would hear better loot not more junk just some better stuff... As a T-Hunter I have seen chests so stuffed with this junk! I mean junk, no not the regs, gems, scrolls, but the useless armor and weps in one is over board. Id be happy with 1 or 2 pieces of the better stat stuff then the 99 pieces of lag making junk you get in a lvl 5 or 6 chest. not counting the semi artie you get of course.
** quest items not lockable and stuck in packs return them to the old way. the cat is way out of the bag and well quite frankly to make them stick to your bag is anoyance! Many dont have time to complete a quest in one sitting and like to wait a day or two and do other things and that little item you think wont get in the way DOES! I for one would like ot be able ot take that ticket and put in bank for time when i can do it.)
4.) Bods more plz!
Tinker, carpentery, fletching, inscription.. to name a few yes we have heartwood to do some but to be honest make more trade based bod getting. * idea for new system based on old one would be something like this:
**example** Tailoring: the rewards are getting old. This small addon of a secondery bod system would revamp it and add more content to the learning of the skill. 20 sandals poof a new bod. Just by adding a bod for lets say the sm. stretched hide deed 20x would give you a new gift with incraments of 20x 50 x 100x the item needed to fill it. There is plenty of things ppl would covet in the data base already so NO NEW ART would be needed perhaps a color added to make it special is all and you could add in a bod that would collect those gifts too to get a bigger prize and so on to getting perhaps an artie! hey a girl can dream... But you get the drift. *idea the spring collection items as say top prizes the kitty with regs for inscription , the basket for tailoriing.etc...
5.) Wow take a lesson from the dev over there
Yes i know i said the W word... get it out of your system and calm down. You have to admit they have a good thing going over 13 million accounts active so they are doing someting right. I have to admit i play it and find many things id love to see put to use in uo. Not out right copy but the ideas they have is something UO should use.
The pvp system to name one. Get over it all you who stand there and want to kil any blue who daes to step foot in fel. You call them Trammies well you made them that way!
If not for the constant ganking an thiefs who steal you blind no decient home owner wanted to stay behind and loose value and items they worked hard for.
I want to see a toggle system that wil let people who want a fight fight and let the rest of us alone. Fel needs a revamp! put the trees back make it a livable place and open to houseing for the new player as well. Make a tournie type ye ol english style where fighting is encouraged perhaps in a off relm world where fields of 2, 3, of more sides can be formed of players to hold and keep while battleing for supremacy.
Basicly Money is Tight and well UO is my home game a few well thougth out ideas cant hurt to look into. Who knows a few more players might not hurt as well.
For all you detractors who want to shoot me down, think for a second not about yourself but the game you so velamently like to hate when it doesnt do what you want. WE need new life poured into UO. SA will I hope be that second life but these small changes would enhance play for the old and new. For once give the old player who has served the game well a gift before you hand the new guy all the goodies when SA comes out. It's a small thing to think about the vet player who has been here throught thick and thin.