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UO...tick tick tick

Mook Chessy

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As we can all see UO is slipping away and will continue until the numbers don't make sense anymore and EA pulls the plug. They really can't expect to attract new players when they don't even put the game on the shelf!

That being said, come to Siege now while you still have time! Imagine when UO goes dark and you realize you never played Siege, the horror!

Leave your billions and leet suits and come try it out, trust me the yew gate will still be there when you come back, if you do...

We are currently having Guild Wars and would love to have more people!

Truth be told you can make a playable char in about a month, plenty of people will help!

So tonight when you pick a shard, force you hand over and click Siege.

Please remember Siege is alot more then PVP, our crafter community is a huge part of what happens here. With no Insurance people actually buy things they make!!

For the people who want to give it a try PM me and you will get all the help you need!!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As we can all see UO is slipping away and will continue until the numbers don't make sense anymore and EA pulls the plug. They really can't expect to attract new players when they don't even put the game on the shelf!

That being said, come to Siege now while you still have time! Imagine when UO goes dark and you realize you never played Siege, the horror!

Leave your billions and leet suits and come try it out, trust me the yew gate will still be there when you come back, if you do...

We are currently having Guild Wars and would love to have more people!

Truth be told you can make a playable char in about a month, plenty of people will help!

So tonight when you pick a shard, force you hand over and click Siege.

Please remember Siege is alot more then PVP, our crafter community is a huge part of what happens here. With no Insurance people actually buy things they make!!

For the people who want to give it a try PM me and you will get all the help you need!!
It is funny to see one of them doom-sayers posting on Stratics again, like it has been happening every month since 1998. It is yet even more amusing to see someone instrumentalizing the alleged demise of UO in order to advertise the Siege shard.

Say, how desperate are you people on Siege Perilous?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For the love of god.....see my website!! It will tell you definitively that UO is already dead. EA stopped paying for the server space a couple of years ago, and sooner or later the server administrators will realize their space isn't being paid for anymore, and then the shards and login servers will shut down one by one!

Why do you people keep saying UO is dying? It is, in point of fact, already dead. UO has only 10 players, they just have a lot of accounts. 8 of the 10 are located in Japan.

-Galen's player

Mook Chessy

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It is funny to see one of them doom-sayers posting on Stratics again, like it has been happening every month since 1998. It is yet even more amusing to see someone instrumentalizing the alleged demise of UO in order to advertise the Siege shard.

Say, how desperate are you people on Siege Perilous?

First of all I am not a Siege person, 14 months does not give me that title.

Call it desperation, perspiration or constipation, I don’t care! I want to have more people on the shard and the only way that can happen is posts like this!

Rather then troll the post and spew trash, really read it and think to yourself if not now when? If you are playing UO a few nights a week, couple hours on the weekend, play it on Siege.


So basically.....UO is almost dead, so come to Siege where it really is dead.

Uh yeah. Riiiiight.

If you want to recruit maybe you should try dropping books on other shards like a certain guild does. You'd probably get more response from that than telling the same people that have heard it a thousand times already "come to Siege". Those that wanted to be on Siege from here already are.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Do you only play for a few hours a day a couple days a week?

Come waste that time on seige, heck, in 6 months you'll be able to actually play! But since UO is apparently dying it will be too late so on second thought just stick to your prodo shard.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In my estimation if UO dies Siege will be one of the first shards to be closed then Origin and Lake Austin and Legends. I beleive EA would close low poplation shards first. Then again you might seen all European shards close first. Sounds like you guys on Siege just need fresh meat. I tried it for a week a few years ago. I couldn't sell any thing to npc couldn't buy anything, no money and there didn't seem to be another soul on Seige so I quit playing there.

Mook Chessy

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you for the kind words...

I did like the one line, I think it would make a great tag line

"come waste your time on Siege"

Sums it up, thanks!


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As we can all see UO is slipping away and will continue until the numbers don't make sense anymore and EA pulls the plug.
Erm, I am seeing more and more people in UO across many production shards. Anyways, good luck with your campaign.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For the love of god.....see my website!! It will tell you definitively that UO is already dead. EA stopped paying for the server space a couple of years ago, and sooner or later the server administrators will realize their space isn't being paid for anymore, and then the shards and login servers will shut down one by one!

Why do you people keep saying UO is dying? It is, in point of fact, already dead. UO has only 10 players, they just have a lot of accounts. 8 of the 10 are located in Japan.

-Galen's player
I hate to say this, Galen...but you are lying to all of us, and you know it damn well.

UO was dead, before it was ever even born.

All of these last 11 years have been a horribly cruel and unusual mass hypnosis joke.

There is no internet...it is all imagined.

And yet...somehow, and for reasons unknown, you help perpetuate the myth with a "website".

The nerve.

OK. I am done.



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
First of all I am not a Siege person, 14 months does not give me that title.

Call it desperation, perspiration or constipation, I don’t care! I want to have more people on the shard and the only way that can happen is posts like this!

Rather then troll the post and spew trash, really read it and think to yourself if not now when? If you are playing UO a few nights a week, couple hours on the weekend, play it on Siege.
No, I won't play on Siege, and I have my reasons.
I'm not accusing you of anything. Nobody of us wants his home shard to be deserted, which is totally understandable. But still I do not get one point in your logic: If UO is dying, they're probably going to shut down shards with low population long before they'll shut down UO completely. If I wanted to play UO as long as possible, this would be one more reason to avoid Siege Perilous.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
I have Zero desire to play on Siege or any other shard for that matter.... My home is GL ..... I know that.

I tried other shards before... I always return home to GL.

There is nothing on any other shard that I can't have on GL.... and at present working up 8 or 9 characters on Siege has little to no appeal to me... besides I can't move my stuff there.... who cares?

And moving to any other shard I know would be extremely expensive... With as many accounts as I have and things that I know I would want on a new shard (been there done that).... Moving unless mandatory and paid for by EA/UO is NOT an option. Not that I'd want to anyway... GL's is my home and that is where I shall remain until the end of days.... be that tomorrow, next week, 6 months for now or 40 years from now... (Yes I plan to still be playing in 40 years)....


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have Zero desire to play on Siege or any other shard for that matter.... My home is GL ..... I know that.

I tried other shards before... I always return home to GL.

There is nothing on any other shard that I can't have on GL.... and at present working up 8 or 9 characters on Siege has little to no appeal to me... besides I can't move my stuff there.... who cares?

And moving to any other shard I know would be extremely expensive... With as many accounts as I have and things that I know I would want on a new shard (been there done that).... Moving unless mandatory and paid for by EA/UO is NOT an option. Not that I'd want to anyway... GL's is my home and that is where I shall remain until the end of days.... be that tomorrow, next week, 6 months for now or 40 years from now... (Yes I plan to still be playing in 40 years)....
You should make "Come to Great Lakes" posts in U-Hall every 2 or 3 days.

-Galen's player


come to Siege now while you still have time! Imagine when UO goes dark and you realize you never played Siege, the horror!


No thanks Siege sucks and is a waste of time....


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I loved Siege back when people played it. It became pretty barren after AOS and I dread to think how empty it must be now. Shame.


didnt uo die already.
the activity i see on altantic is just dead people.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I want my 30 seconds back!

If I knew this was another "come play Siege thread" I woudln't have bothered....... ( Why is it that you only see siege players asking for more people and never other shards ?? )

Emil Ispep

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
All these 'UO is dying' posts.. and not one re-assuring post from a dev stating otherwise..


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It is funny to see one of them doom-sayers posting on Stratics again, like it has been happening every month since 1998. It is yet even more amusing to see someone instrumentalizing the alleged demise of UO in order to advertise the Siege shard.

Say, how desperate are you people on Siege Perilous?
It's also funny how with every post like this, UO is getting closer and closer to being dead.

Cear Dallben Dragon

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i play siege on the side and really dont get the come to siege posts. there are plenty of people there. I mostly see them around luna/umbra.
but to be honest i dont see much of a difference.
I havent sold anything to an NPC in about 100 thousand years, if i want to pvp on atlantic I can, any day, any time. And the last time i died on fire island i lost half my insured suit and two blessed talismans. the cool thing about siege is a few of the players. they can always spot a newb and try to have fun with you. kinda like they did on East(atl) a loooong time ago before tram. When i started playing siege i got punched to death farming gold of hoppers from a guy in kirin form. rezed, and had a good conversation. on atlantic any new player would get x fielded, ganked and **** talked for about 45 minutes and/or rez killed. But I mean its UO ya know. theres cool killers on atlantic. i actually got x fielded in brit playing factions and was able to win my freedom with a game of insta-pop UOTrivia.
btw uo will more than likley never die. ive seen atleast 20 young players in new haven in the past month. one of them i taught how to move. i guess he opted out of the tutorial is UO still has one.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If I knew this was another "come play Siege thread" I woudln't have bothered....... ( Why is it that you only see siege players asking for more people and never other shards ?? )
Because the other shards have nothing to offer players that they don't already have?

... :thumbsup:


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Siege was cool up until um.....................................AOS! now its not really worth the time. Siege does not work well with the AOS system everybody gets it except the dozen or so that play there.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ugh, if UO was really dieing, why would I waste my time making a character on another shard with a slower gaining system instead of just enjoying my fully created characters on production shards where there are typically more people around?


ya know what? WHEN I played, except for Rico, every one of the posts like this simply steered my away from Siege more than anything else.

Oh, I played it for a while when it was new ... and have not ever been back.

Nyte Doombringer

There is always a post about UO dying. Seems to be one every month for what the past 9 years. Sure UO will never have the players the big games have such as wow ect but then UO is not designed to handle that amount of players either. I see new players all the time on Europa and new/old players coming back. I know there are shards that are not populated anymore and some people stay there because of their housing and others move and start over on populated shards. In other games they just close servers and migrate people but with housing in this game that makes it a big issue.