Problem : Bod system is somewhat broke. There are a limited number of larges that make sense to complete and some smalls that have zero value. IE not worth turning in large and smalls cost too much to complete to even turn in for timer reset. Take Bone 20 Nn Spined. Large reward is +10 scroll? Small is some cloth? Neither one is worth the amt of spined and bone materials not to mention difficulty to craft.
Solution: Change bods to a point reward system. You get diff points for the type of bod you turn in. You collect points for them and then choose whatever rewards you want to save up for. Thus every bod becomes valuable to complete and you can acquire the highest rewards through sheer work instead of just getting 'lucky' in the bod lottery.
Proposal: Here is a stab at what the system would look like for tailor bods. I'd still need to do some thinking on the smith ones.
Quantity Lets give credit for larger bods
10 = 1x
15 = 2x
20 = 3x
Quality Its harder to craft and get Exceptional bods
Normal = 1x
Exceptional = 2x
Type The base type of bod should play a role. This allows us to 'boost' bone bods which are the WORST to complete due to difficulty and needing 2 materials for each.
Cloth/Leather = 1x
Studded = 2x
Bone = 3x
Material This allows us to give bonuses for higher grade material/leather which is due to not only acquiring it but also getting a bod with this level. IE Barb bods hardest to get
Cloth 1x
Leather 2x
Spined 3x
Horned 4x
Barbed 5x
Small/Large Last but not least, lets give credit for completing larges esp 6 piece larges that take the most items to collect and match up.
4pc/5pc Large = 2x the points of the small bods included
6pc Large = 3x the points of the small bods included
Point System Applied
Reward Points
Barb Runic 1200
Horned Runic 400
Spined Runic 150
Tailor +20 300
Tailor +15 200
Tailor +10 100
Tailor +5 50
Clothing Bless Deed 500
Bear Rug 100
Tapestry 75
Cloth Level 5 50
Cloth Level 4 40
Cloth Level 3 30
Cloth Level 2 20
Cloth Level 1 10
Sandals 150
Conclusion : This makes all bods worth doing and allows you to claim whatever rewards you'd like vs trying desperately to get the large bod that you want. You get alot more bonus here for bone bods which right now are under rewarded and it lessens the reward and ease of getting and completing barb kit 6pc bods. Spined 20 ex 6 pc should not get you a barb kit and this chart does not give that.
You can tweak the reward points or whatever, but it seemed a decent approximation based on current prices and desire for these rewards.
Last, we should consider rethinking the turn in a bod and reset the timer system. It allows you to really power-game a system like this. Maybe it should be 'turn in a bod reset timer to 10 min' and thus allow you to get a bod quicker - but not instantly. That would cut down to 6 bods per crafter per hour to turn in. This may need more discussion.
Solution: Change bods to a point reward system. You get diff points for the type of bod you turn in. You collect points for them and then choose whatever rewards you want to save up for. Thus every bod becomes valuable to complete and you can acquire the highest rewards through sheer work instead of just getting 'lucky' in the bod lottery.
Proposal: Here is a stab at what the system would look like for tailor bods. I'd still need to do some thinking on the smith ones.
Quantity Lets give credit for larger bods
10 = 1x
15 = 2x
20 = 3x
Quality Its harder to craft and get Exceptional bods
Normal = 1x
Exceptional = 2x
Type The base type of bod should play a role. This allows us to 'boost' bone bods which are the WORST to complete due to difficulty and needing 2 materials for each.
Cloth/Leather = 1x
Studded = 2x
Bone = 3x
Material This allows us to give bonuses for higher grade material/leather which is due to not only acquiring it but also getting a bod with this level. IE Barb bods hardest to get
Cloth 1x
Leather 2x
Spined 3x
Horned 4x
Barbed 5x
Small/Large Last but not least, lets give credit for completing larges esp 6 piece larges that take the most items to collect and match up.
4pc/5pc Large = 2x the points of the small bods included
6pc Large = 3x the points of the small bods included
Point System Applied

Reward Points
Barb Runic 1200
Horned Runic 400
Spined Runic 150
Tailor +20 300
Tailor +15 200
Tailor +10 100
Tailor +5 50
Clothing Bless Deed 500
Bear Rug 100
Tapestry 75
Cloth Level 5 50
Cloth Level 4 40
Cloth Level 3 30
Cloth Level 2 20
Cloth Level 1 10
Sandals 150
Conclusion : This makes all bods worth doing and allows you to claim whatever rewards you'd like vs trying desperately to get the large bod that you want. You get alot more bonus here for bone bods which right now are under rewarded and it lessens the reward and ease of getting and completing barb kit 6pc bods. Spined 20 ex 6 pc should not get you a barb kit and this chart does not give that.
You can tweak the reward points or whatever, but it seemed a decent approximation based on current prices and desire for these rewards.
Last, we should consider rethinking the turn in a bod and reset the timer system. It allows you to really power-game a system like this. Maybe it should be 'turn in a bod reset timer to 10 min' and thus allow you to get a bod quicker - but not instantly. That would cut down to 6 bods per crafter per hour to turn in. This may need more discussion.