What is your guild again?
Just because people can organize and synch spells they are cheating?WidowMaker... on Drachs there was a guild that would cast flamestrike and hit us when we came in range... 6-7 flamestrikes on the same target. After we got 7 jamies on the battlefield... that same guild would consistently lose connection and would die in a matter of seconds... ultimately they left Drachs, beaten by a name... jamie.
What was going on?
They were using a targetting script... the multiple names made them lose connection or freeze... or most of the times attack the wrong target.
The cheats are real...
Wrong there brother... wraiths are very much alike...It would, however, make it difficult to call targets. When people come at me like that I'll identify them by a weapon type or artical of clothing that separates them.
You guys field fight in wraith form?Wrong there brother... wraiths are very much alike...
True. Though UO loses subscriptions everytime dev actually takes one of these crazy forum posters suggestions. Could be the Reason stratics removedUO isn't spiraling the drain.
Do you have any other good jokes for me today?
UO isn't spiraling the drain.
If you understand programming then you would have understood what i said. You can not know how something will react in an environment with out testing it out (do you think QA testing in programming is for fun?) honestly, its not naive nor defensive since i don't agree with anyone saying what it can or can not do, since i have not tried to do it personally i don't know if it would react the way i *THINK* it would, at the same time I'm also very sure a good programmer can in fact make a script that would have nearly no hindrance to them (as i stated, thus giving everyone who scripts the benefit of the doubt that they all know how to program and well) My status had nothing to do with anything being mysterious it was a fact. you have to in fact test something in programming to know what it will do. so if you HAVE done it, and it did or didn't work, does it really matter? my point was "why do it in the first place". I don't even know how you concluded that i assumed people didn't know things when in fact my entire post would imply they did (as i didn't explain the part where in programming you have to test it to know it "wont" work). Heh, i think i mentioned this in my last post as well but "flame on"That's just stupid, there are A LOT of people here that know programming and don't script and know how scripting works. For some reason, UO has always attracked the geek type. Now how a program works is simple all you have to do is learn the syntax of a particular language and off you go.
if(posioned) {
drink cure potion
if(hitpoint < maxpoints && (timer >= lasthealing + timetoheal)) {
apply bandage
if (hitpoint < potionhitpoints && (timer >= lastpot + timetopotl)) {
drink heal potion
if (stamina < targetstamina) {
drink refresh
That's very simplified and wouldn't really work in any language as is, but is just for an example how ANY programming basicly works.
You act like 3rd party scripting is some very mysterious thing that can't be understood unless you do it. That's either just really nieve, or some really lame defence of 3rd party scripting.