Aye *laughs* grab that first one to get the mark OUT of ye back pack...sometimes those sold Separately are like cute lil icons of unstackables gone by with a REAL GM MARK name on them that some just buy cuz...it HAS a gm mark name on it.

Like soveneirs.

Soon as they stack on another exceptional .....they seem to loose their *identity* ! haha
I believe we are having the same issue with our gm chefed up cakes, they get the mark, once they stack on exceptional other gm cakes they all loose their ..identity ie the gm mark. WEIRD ! I mean we are all greatful they finally stackin up some of these things that never stacked but.....be nice if our gm mark didnt get lost in the stacking pile.

Makes our 100.0 seem pointless or just sad...have to keep the single gm marked ones SEPARATE, just to show off our gm mark. We work up all those points to GET GM MARK, so ya want it to show on something.