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Question for macro experts (gorget/robe removal)


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi everyone.

A question for those of you who are really good with macros. (I, for one, suck, I only learned how to use a "dress" macro a few months ago, after many years of playing. I only learned how to record a custom UOA macro last week.)

I want to record a macro that will:

  1. remove Galen's robe;
  2. remove Galen's neck piece (a mempo);
  3. e-mote *removes the hood*.

Can you think of how to do this, using either the 2d client or UO Assist, in a manner that won't screw up anything else?

This is what I've done so far.

  • Set a key in UO to *removes the hood*.
  • Hit "Record" in the macro tab of UO assist, removed robe, removed neck piece, hit "Stop."
  • Then set the key for that macro in UO Assist to be the same key as I had in the UO client for *removes the hood*.

I tried it with both the key "passed on to UO" and NOT "passed on to UO."

It didn't work either way.

Someone suggested to record "undress" when I was only wearing the robe and the mempo, but this didn't work either. Every time I hit the undress key it undressed everything.

Many thanks.

-Galen's player


I don't think you can with 2D & UOA. I think KR probably can but I don't use it to say for sure.

Pass To UO is for combining UO & UOA macros on the same key for more advanced macros.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Galen, on the UO Assist "Keys" tab, you can assign a key combination to remove your hat and then pass the key combination to UO. That was the closest thing I could find.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
2d with UOA

unless those two items you are wearing... are the only 2 items you have on your character. You can't do it.

Remove hat is the only macro aside from undress. I used to use that macro ALLL the time back when wizard hats altered your stats and mindblast did damage based on your stats....

otherwise, you're kind of out of luck.

UO KR may have what you seek, but I don't know as I stopped using that client all-together over a year ago...

Old Man of UO

KR can do this and do it instantly. It's a very easy macro to make.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That's one of the things about KR that's pretty slick. You can undress a full suit and dress another one, with 1 click, and it takes about 1 second...

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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Yep, that's an EASY one for KR both for the client to handle and for the user to create.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yep KR is the only way, and yes, one click, those of us who play it can give you instruction in 5 seconds how to set that particular party trick up, in fact, you could take off your robe, take off your mempo, say e-mote *removes the hood* then throw in for good measure:

*I have arrived* *where is the party* *sneers down nose* *hrmph, not here hey?* *my earstwhile presence is not then required* *puts on hood & scarf* [opens door] leaves!

All on the same click :)

btw you forgot to take off your gloves, which etiquette would demand on arrival so better toss that in the mix as well.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Unless you don't care about your other items .... YOu could wear only those two items in UO Assist and save what is currently worn... then set it to take them off theoretically it would work.... but I don't know about saying your doing it.

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
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Remove hat is the only macro aside from undress. I used to use that macro ALLL the time back when wizard hats altered your stats and mindblast did damage based on your stats....
"Magical" wizard hats still do this. You can buy them off most mage vendors.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yup, the only way to just remove that 2 pieces is to do it using KR. It does the equip/unequip very quickly too. The new SA client should include this. Hopefully, they add this to the improved legacy client too.

Sadly, UOA only has special keys to remove rings/earrings/hats. To do what you want in 2D, you have to save what you are wearing under "dress". Then remove your gorget/hat and save that as "dress alternate 1"

Use the "undress" all function, check the "pass key to uo". In UO, bind the same key to emote *removes the hood*.

Once you have undressed, hit the "dress alternate 2" key (the one without the hat and gorget).

But you'll be naked for a while :D Perhaps you can emote something like *Galen pulls out invisible trans-dimensional changing room*, hide, and change while hidden. Then when you are done, emote *Galen re-appears without the silly hood and mempo*. The emote will automatically reveal you at the same time.

Alternate method is to lower str so that you aren't strong enough to wear the mempo (hopefully it's a platemail mempo that requires 50 str). Esp if you rely on your hat to meet the str requirement to wear the mempo. Just remove the hat using UOA and the mempo will come off automatically. If you use rings to meet the str requirement, it will work too.

But I'm just giving ideas on how to do it using the current limitations. Dropping str to below 50 isn't very healthy for an adventuring career.


Seasoned Veteran
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Need testing, but I would try to see if the store agent in UOA can't do this, by setting your main backpack as the storage bag. That way you could remove the two pieces you want.

Then by checking the "pass to Uo" option you could have the UO emote macro on the same key.


hat/helm & ring+earrings are the only slots UO:Assist can undress individually. What's needed are hooded robes with a double-click toggle (hood up = hooded robe, hood down = normal robe).. you could have a use item UOA macro for that.

KR's a breeze with dressing, one button instant dress/undress/swap/etc. I have a panel of icons for swapping out my hats, jewels and talismans on my crafter. All I'd like is an undress bag like UOA. I like a tidy main pack.


UO assist has 3 dress macro slots it's not something you record.

You take everything off but those three items, saved it as an alternate dress. Use the alternate undress macro to remove those items.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
UO assist has 3 dress macro slots it's not something you record.

You take everything off but those three items, saved it as an alternate dress. Use the alternate undress macro to remove those items.
There's a alternate undress macro in UOA? I didn't know that, I can only find "undress" and the 4 alternate dress. Which tab is it under?


All I'd like is an undress bag like UOA. I like a tidy main pack.
You and me both.. I tried to tinker to see if could put in a custom ui, after all someone redirected the auto loot to a bag other than the main backpack, but wasn't able to find a way as of yet.


There's a alternate undress macro in UOA? I didn't know that, I can only find "undress" and the 4 alternate dress. Which tab is it under?
You might be right it's been a year since I looked at it. Can't look at it right now, after not patching for a year it will be a while I am sure.