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Felucca Terrain in Trammel

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Okay... to start, the bug report's been filled out... just writing here to find out if anyone else has had a similar experience and/or a cure for it. The GM staff (at least today) does not seem to.

On one character (and only that character) if I sit in Trammel for a random amount of time (sometimes immediately after I log in, sometimes 10 minutes, sometimes 30), I'll hear the old moonstone Felucca evil noise and whammo, my Trammel terrain goes all Felucca on me. Mind you, my pointer stays gold, and the ruleset doesn't change (thank god that seems to be server-side... heh), but all my trees and ground tiles go all Felucca.

Anyone seen this before? Any advice? Since it's only happening on one character, I don't think reinstalling would be effective, because this isn't the only char I frequently move between Tram and Fel, but the only one it happens to, whether or not I start off the day in Fel or Tram.



Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
happens to me all the time, i just ignore it


Well, I'm sort of glad I'm not the only one. hehe I mean, obviously it doesn't affect play... it's just a bit annoying.
Happens to me all the time. I always get that Felucca "ringing" sound that plays when you enter Fel, then all scenery becomes Fel scenery. Weird, but I've had it happen since at least 2005.

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Any advice?

Doesn't happen in KR.... just sayin'.`
hehe And when they get KR working so that the differences between 2D and KR are that KR does stuff better, but it can do everything 2D can, then I'll consider it. It's come a long way, granted, but it's still faulty.


this is an old and very well known bug, nothings going to be done about it any time soon. The devs have even said to just recall or gate out and back to fix it.

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Happens to me all the time. I always get that Felucca "ringing" sound that plays when you enter Fel, then all scenery becomes Fel scenery. Weird, but I've had it happen since at least 2005.
Yeah... weird thing is, it seems to be more pronounced now, and only the one character shown. I have four or five other characters that cross facets frequently, and they don't do it... just this one.

I know it's happened from time to time before on this char, but it didn't used to be every login, every recall... and now it seems to be.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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That's understandible and you'll get no argument from me there. Let's just say that there are things I can't say in that regard for the time being.

The Fel "swap" bug has been in for a LONG time (used to get it in the 3d client as well), so it's nothing new.

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
this is an old and very well known bug, nothings going to be done about it any time soon. The devs have even said to just recall or gate out and back to fix it.
Well... if that worked, that'd be great. *chuckle* It doesn't, at least for me. I recall/gate and it just happens again.

Oh well...

I know I could just turn of desolation, but then, to me, that's just like ignoring a huge part of the game's history. Minax might get mad...

Nyte Doombringer

Happened to me for the first time late at night. I had come back to UO after a 2,5year break. I was like hmm whats going on. It was really late and I was really tired so at first I thought somehow I had been teleported to Fel. lol

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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I roleplay a non-roleplayer...la
Good one!! :thumbsup:

Happens to me fairly regular too.
In my case, logging out completely, and restarting UO is the only way I have found to fix it. Recalling between houses, crossing server lines, etc etc, hasn't helped me any.


Good Luck

Cear Dallben Dragon

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
this has been happening to me since i can remember. i havent seen living trees in years. i hear it happens more the more time you spend in fel


It started happening the day trammel came out. It's just one of those things you kinda have to deal with.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To my knowledge, it is a client bug which should vanish with SA. The display of tree canopies is triggered by a client-side option. If you switch between Trammel and Felucca a lot, this regularly happens. It does not affect gameplay though.

Phaen Grey

Lore Master
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I've often wondered why the offered a way to turn off Fel's desolation when in Fel, but never a way to turn it on for Trammel. I like trees but for some activities the foliage just causes lag.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Campaign Supporter
That bug has been around for a long, long time... as well the same bug occurs after visiting Tokuno.... only it's not nearly as dramatic or noticeable.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Only fix is to make Felucca look like Trammel
Edit uo.cfg


Always Present
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Just a weird bug that can sometimes resurface then it seems to just go away.

Since ye mentioned it, I have not had that happen in a long time but it did happen for me once this past week when I gated home.

Now granted I was on Siege but that *weird* feluccan eery musicy thing never happens in UMBRA. . where leaves are on the trees...even though Siege is all felucca it's *topiary* is same as your Umbra with leaves and no fel sound music.

I gated home from Serp. Hold, and got that weird eery fel music thing and the trees what few are by my home went leafless..................

OMG IM IN FELUCCA haha *on Siege*

Anyhow it disappeared in a gate or two later...but yeh it happened even to me ON SIEGE this past week. :)


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
I use to just delete all that chara's files all but the Macro2d & desktop files & it would clear it up for a long time. I haven't had to do it in ages so it must work (least for me anyways).


I use to just delete all that chara's files all but the Macro2d & desktop files & it would clear it up for a long time. I haven't had to do it in ages so it must work (least for me anyways).
Mind spelling this out a bit clearer so I can fix Connor? This happens to him every time he goes to Fel and back.


Great Lakes Forever!
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Okay... to start, the bug report's been filled out... just writing here to find out if anyone else has had a similar experience and/or a cure for it. The GM staff (at least today) does not seem to.

On one character (and only that character) if I sit in Trammel for a random amount of time (sometimes immediately after I log in, sometimes 10 minutes, sometimes 30), I'll hear the old moonstone Felucca evil noise and whammo, my Trammel terrain goes all Felucca on me. Mind you, my pointer stays gold, and the ruleset doesn't change (thank god that seems to be server-side... heh), but all my trees and ground tiles go all Felucca.

Anyone seen this before? Any advice? Since it's only happening on one character, I don't think reinstalling would be effective, because this isn't the only char I frequently move between Tram and Fel, but the only one it happens to, whether or not I start off the day in Fel or Tram.

Loging out in Felucca and loging in there somehow the client loads up on what i call the felucca version of UO, which happens when i go to trammel or malas even the sound happens i studder step and the terrain is Felucca like


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It does if you're trying to run away from something and keep running into gravestones that shouldn't be there....

In Felucca and Trammel, objects that block your movements are located at the same places. What's a gravestone in Felucca is brambles or some plant in Trammel.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mind spelling this out a bit clearer so I can fix Connor? This happens to him every time he goes to Fel and back.

Go into the Character Folder for that particular Char you're having a problem with. I left Only The macro2d file & the desktop file, all the others (char data, skill group & multicache I deleted. I did delete the UO.cfg a couple of time, but you can delete it or leave it, you just have to redo it once in the game for text color Etc if you delete it) I then restarted UO & I was free from Tram looking like Fel.
Someone once told me ages ago it was because I either gated or recalled away too close to a server line. Don't know if it's true, but I do remember one friends home was 2 tiles from the server line when we would leave his home & it did happen there a lot.