Every bamboo stool I can find in game is labelled 'bamboo stool'
The only bamboo stool I have found that is labelled 'short stool' is the one from the Humility cloak quest.
The stools being sold on a mentioned vendor are labelled 'short stool'
I have therefore given up looking for a spawning stool.
Ditto here!!
And nobody as ever reported ever seeing a ''bamboo stool'' on any shards vendors, only the ''short stool'' -which makes me beleive there is no spawnig bamboo stool at all- to which the devs said there was?? and have wasted a lot of peeps time who have looked for them- was fun for a while..lol
The ''short stool'' which were obtainable like u say and useable /takeable within the first week of the humility quest before the devs fixed it to make them quest items- no trade/no drop items.
I firmly beleive these takeable 'short stools'' were probably duped in the last big dupe-a-thon ..hence why we see them for sale on the same shard same vendor.