No one would have to do anything. If they chose to do that they could.
And it would be easier if they were all in haven instead of spread out in 3-4 different towns. "Drop them off in haven that way when someone feels like helping newblets, they don't have to chase all over trying to find them." That's the point that I was trying to make with that last sentence. If they chose to help they could, but you can't expect people to give more help just because they would supposedly be in a more convenient place. I do agree with the statement that you made above, but not necessarily how it should be done.
Why would a non rp'er go to the RP newbie drop off town looking for players?
Not all RPrs are in an RP guild, and I know some that aren't in any guild at all and actually prefer interacting with non RPers. That aside, I think its more about the "how this game works", and not all of it has to do playstyles (of which playing templates does have a lot to do with any playstyle) or rulesets.
What does how someone plays a template have to do with it?
Because seperating playstyles according to towns doesn't help any new player, regardless of playstyle or template. Whoever decides to help should be able to help new players when they feel like it, and this shouldn't be made any more of a hassle than it has to be. If its made more of a hassle, people who are the "kind of/sort of" will be less likely to do so. In my shard, and I'm speaking specifically of people with different crafter toons, will drop off overstock but good items in Haven. Yes some of this will get picked over. Imagine if they had to drop this stuff off in 3-4 different towns trying to reach all the new players. And the litter would be worse. My last statement goes along with this as well.
How is that OCD? I know plenty of pvp'ers that won't go near haven because of the rp'ers there. And I also know plenty of rp'ers that won't go because of all the pvp'ers there. I think its silly but many people feel that way.
My apologies for calling you OCD...
The OCD comment was about the overall statement "As it stands now, New Haven is either the number one hang out spot for multiple play styles or its a ghetto that people don't want to hang out in because of all the conflicting play styles gathered there", and "But, in my mind, having 3 or 4 starting towns for new characters to choose from based on their play style would allow groups of each play style to gather in the town matching their style and 'help' or 'recruit' those new players that are interested in the same style."
People really should just try and get along.
Again I agree with you, it is silly.
I understand you wanting to get help to the newblets because some RPrs and some Pvprs won't go into a town to help their folks, but it is unnecessary and a bad image to be giving new players.
You are right, not. Having something like you are suggesting is idiotic. I am glad we agree on that.
Lol. You were the one talking about separating RPrs and PVPrs and whatever else into separate towns. I thought you meant templates, but it still works either way. We shouldn't need to split anything up to help new players have a better first experience. I was using sarcasm to point out how what you were suggesting was idiotic. "For players looking for pvp they would have a town that new players of that PLAY STYLE start in. Then, pvp'ers looking for new players (those that stay away from New Haven now) would know they could go there to find them." We do know where to find them. Its called HAVEN. If they want to help new players, they will go there.
You don't understand the word playstyles? Or is it various that you don't get? Supports? Which word confuses you so much?
See the second to last thing at the very bottom.
I thought I made it clear. For players looking for pvp they would have a town that new players of that PLAY STYLE start in. Then, pvp'ers looking for new players (those that stay away from New Haven now) would know they could go there to find them.
And some people don't really care if you are RP, PVP or PVM, they'll know enough to help you get you're toon started in the right direction. If you need help getting in touch with someone who RPs, someone like me will know where some RPrs hang out. If they want to PVP then I could introduce them, safely, to some I know. Spreading them out in all different directions won't help those of us who aren't RP or PVP to help. If you are PVP and don't like RPrs or an RPr that doesn't like PVP then don't talk to each other, and learn to ignore whatever it is that the other set is doing that annoys you.
If you spend all your time avoiding certain people, then you will also know who to point a pvp, rp, or pvm new player toward.
I really, really doubt that a new player is going to give to shakes of a stick what playstyle you use, when you're offering them help.
That may be true for you. But not for others. Some people choose not to hang around with certain other people so forcing them to all go to one town to find new players means they have to suffer.
Its not my fault that they're suffering being on a screen with a couple of people they aren't going to interact with anyway. (unless its seige, of course). And I really don't see how anyone would be "suffering" from this. Its not torture, they don't have to be there. If they are genuinely interested in helping new players, it won't bother them. Doing any of what you are suggesting to convenience people who aren't new is rather silly, when we're talking about getting a bigger playerbase. If you aren't new, then spreading things out like you were suggesting would be an inconvenience to everyone who isn't having issues getting along with certain types of playstyles.
No, I meant play styles. PVP is a playstyle. PVM is a playstyle. If you want to call those professions then go ahead. Its not correct though. Your 'Profession' title in UO is your highest skill based on its table order. Its not what specific style of play you prefer. If so, I would be a Legendary RP'erthatusedtoPVPbutstoppedatAoSbecauseitbecamele ssskillbased. But, I am not. I am Legendary *insert profession here*.
Aah, ok. I thought you meant one thing but were saying another. I know what profession is, but what you meant and what some other people were talking about is different. On the specific screen that this thread was started about, you choose a location based on your profession rather than your playstyle.
Having that screen ask you what you're playstyle is and then give you options wouldn't help someone who isn't a big RPG gamer, and probably wouldn't know what any of that means. That won't help us gain more of a new player base either.
As a side note, I really don't think new players would be interested in doing RPG or PVP, those being the two more involved playstyles, until they get their feeting in this game. Getting their feeting means getting their skills up and learning how people interact with each other in game (which seems to be very very politely in almost everything), learning the whats whos and whys....etc.. Almost anyone could get them good armor or supplies, and it shouldn't be the sole responsibility of RPrs to help people who think they might like RPing, and PVPrs to help people who might like PVPing and the PVM people to help others who might do PVM. If they're new to this specific game, they might not know that they don't like how PVP or PVM is set up.