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[UO Herald] Beta Update

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We are currently crossing our T’s and dotting our I’s in anticipation for the Beta invitations. We hope to send them out next week. So if you haven’t signed up for the beta yet you can do so here.



Does anyone know if the beta is just for the SA client, or if it's for functionality of the SA content in current client?

Cos if it's for SA client, I'm crap out of luck, (don't think I could download it in the time that the beta is open =P) But if it's for functionality in the existing client, I could probably manage that =)

Tina Small

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Teeshy, look at this Q&A from the SA website FAQ page (http://www.uoherald.com/stygianabyss/gameoverview/faq/):

Will current Kingdom Reborn users have to do a completely new installation for the new client?
So much has changed with the new client that even if we allowed you to patch up from KR, it would basically be patching the entire thing. I do have some good news though. The new client uses a completely new patching system that is far superior to its predecessor.

Patches are no longer incremental. This means you won't have to download every single patch that has been released since you installed the game. The patcher will only download updates to each file once when you run it.

The patching system is built from the ground up to work with our data format. This will result in much smaller patches than what we are used to.

The patcher can actually download the entire game from the UO Patch Server. The installer for the new client will be small, around 20 megabytes. When you run the patcher for the first time, it will download the rest of the game files.
In other words, even from your location, downloading the client and patching it might not take as long as you might expect.


Lore Master
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*Crosses finger*

Now lets see if they choose anyone from oceania...
We won't know if they will, however it's highly unlikely because of our small population and the fact that we will have to download SA at agonisingly slow speeds and lag like crap while playing it.


Crazed Zealot
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So we're looking at Tuesday at the earliest, huh? Damn, I hate waiting, especially when you wait to find out you weren't accepted.

Sneaky Que

Babbling Loonie
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We won't know if they will, however it's highly unlikely because of our small population and the fact that we will have to download SA at agonisingly slow speeds and lag like crap while playing it.
Nah, plenty of Oceanians have been in betas/focus groups before.


Well at least I know, now, that I wasn't rejected............ yet.


Babbling Loonie
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"early in the week" is monday or tuesday and as of today nothing yet. Better say middle or end of the week for emails

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Except when Monday is a National holiday, then the week starts with Tuesday for working folk and Wednesday is only the 2nd day in the working week.


Slightly Crazed
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I hope I'm wrong but I figure it will be friday before they start sending the emails out. :sad4:


It would be nice if they would send out a E-mail to those not excepted for the beta, just to say Thanks for applying, but the beta is now full.
But of course there is a whole different Pandora's Box to deal with if they did.
You have to figure that they had to postpone the SA for fixes to the KR client, so they are probably just making darned sure that it is not gonna be a bugfest like KR was. My advice, be patient. I know, its hard, but I am not a patient man either.
I would rather have a almost decent client to beta test, than one that I spend 90% of my time sending bug reports.
Good Luck to all, and hope to see everyone in the beta.... if I get in. :D