They have not commented/have no desire to fix the "bug" where you are given the choice of a starting city, yet are forced into New Haven (On prodo) and Britain (on Siege/Mugen).
So, in essence, you agree with the thread title.thats not exactly a bug. Its just a leftover from before New Haven, when you'd be dropped in the middle of the city you picked. Its just not a huge priority to get rid of that one screen because New Haven is a better place to start than any of the choices.
If they didn't care about new players, the choice would work.
Would it be hard to offer those places, but for new accounts offer the haven pick?I would much rather start off in Brit, Thats the place i am most familiar with, So please give us the choice back.
Granted, I haven't used KR.. but just the fact that 2d still allows this false choice, along with the non-response about updating the 2d client at all.. speaks much.KR doesnt allow you to pick a city.
It starts you in New Haven with a small tutorial for new players.
I edited my post while you were replyingGranted, I haven't used KR.. but just the fact that 2d still allows this false choice, along with the non-response about updating the 2d client at all.. speaks much.
OMG! UO could be wiped out because of this! It's a one time thing, and not really a bug. You should really reevaluate why you play the game if this is the type of thing that "bugs" you. Seriously, why do you continue to play if you hate UO so much?They have not commented/have no desire to fix the "bug" where you are given the choice of a starting city, yet are forced into New Haven (On prodo) and Britain (on Siege/Mugen).
I'm guessing you love it when truly new players are boggled by such easily fixed issues.. and why it makes them wonder as to the state of the whole game when such a simple thing can't be addressed.OMG! UO could be wiped out because of this! It's a one time thing, and not really a bug. You should really reevaluate why you play the game if this is the type of thing that "bugs" you. Seriously, why do you continue to play if you hate UO so much?
A true new char might actually think the area they selected was brit, skara, minoc wherever...how are they to truly know any different?Course this also can confuse new customers TRUE new customers in that the *choice* is offered and then EA UO wisks em to some town they did not pick so they may wonder what they did wrong with their new acct to land somewhere they did not select.
While I won't say that having all new players start in New Haven is 'bad'. I will say that allowing them to start in various cities would be better. To me, there should be 3 or 4 'starting city' options for players depending on what 'play style' there were looking for.how does saying exactly the opposite of what you said mean I agree with you?
Whats so bad about new players starting in New Haven?
what do the old starting places have for new players that New Haven doesn't? And why would it imply that they don't care about new players just because they don't get rid of a splash that isn't hurting anyone? And why would they bother fixing such an harmless oversight when the client it exists in is about to be made obsolete?
haha Sometimes they DO. If a player selects the *automatic Paladin* template chr. on Siege they end up in Ocllo cuz there is no new Haven of course, but the Paldin set up that was in the OLD New Haven still pops em onto Ocllo on Siege and there is no gate OFF Ocllo on Siege.New players should start on an island with no way off except boats and with limited facilites. They then have to work together to gm lumberjack,carpentry and tailoring to make rafts with sails to escape Newbie Island while all the time Lizardmen attack them and eat their faces.
Meanwhile us veteran players, dressed in our fancy capes,cloaks etc sail past in our galleons firing exploding mongbats at the newbies, or landing on the island and administering punishment beatings out to those living there.
The help option for physically stuck doesn't work on Siege?...
So unless they page a gm to get off or find someone to get em off, or another way off they are virtually STUCK there on Ocllo on Siege, or some wait till they can delete that new chr. ...
Oh I agree... but then Siege is for the "hardcore" player, right? No wonder there are so few Siege players.... they create a new paladin character, get ported to Ocllo, think that is all there is to the Siege shard! heh...
New players should not have to be stuck on an island with no way off ...
I see no where anyone said that. It seems we all agree that is should be fixed, and that all bugs should be fixed.Wow you people amaze me.. wanting to help new players seems to be the least of your troubles.
"Who cares for the new players?", you say... this is why UO is on the decline.
First impressions make the whole impression...I see no where anyone said that. It seems we all agree that is should be fixed, and that all bugs should be fixed.
We just don't agree with you that:
A) this proves EA/Mythic doesn't care about new players
b) this is all that big of a bug and that it should be the first thing fixed.
Last time I used it was also on Siege back in 2004 new to Siege but not new to UO.I used the stuck player option once and got a button back from a GM telling me that it isn't there for my convenience.
What new players?...la"Who cares for the new players?", you say... this is why UO is on the decline.
I do..What new players?...la
LOL...where do I sign up? ^.^New players should start on an island with no way off except boats and with limited facilites. They then have to work together to gm lumberjack,carpentry and tailoring to make rafts with sails to escape Newbie Island while all the time Lizardmen attack them and eat their faces.
Meanwhile us veteran players, dressed in our fancy capes,cloaks etc sail past in our galleons firing exploding mongbats at the newbies, or landing on the island and administering punishment beatings out to those living there.
ROFLMAOWhat a coincidence, I don't care about new players either.
The only "bug" is that they didn't remove the city selection screen yet. Their intention is to have all new characters start in New Haven.
Indeed!The only "bug" is that they didn't remove the city selection screen yet. Their intention is to have all new characters start in New Haven.
new players don't care.I'm over it. I'm not the target that this thread is about. This is about how NEW PLAYERS would experience their first hour or day in game.
I haven't logged into the game other than to harvest logs from some stumps in several weeks... don't really care about the game at the moment.
This thread just caught my eye so I'm saying it's been a problem for 5+ years and I don't see anyone scrambling to fix it now.
You are confusing cause and effect. New players aren't dropped in New Haven because there are veteran players there. Veteran players are there because new players are dropped there. If there were options of starting towns based on play style those new players would be more likely to pop into a town with people they want to play with as opposed to some they want to play with and more that they don't.new players don't care.
Whats better, being dropped in a town built for new players, with walkthroughs and help and veteran players who go to Haven just to find newbs to help, or dropping them in the middle of a deserted town with no information on how to find anyone or get out?
no, you just misunderstood what I was saying.You are confusing cause and effect. New players aren't dropped in New Haven because there are veteran players there. Veteran players are there because new players are dropped there. If there were options of starting towns based on play style those new players would be more likely to pop into a town with people they want to play with as opposed to some they want to play with and more that they don't.