What UO needs is to realize what it has and capitalize on that... which is a better gaming experiance than anything else on the market.... with more to offer than 99% of other games as far as content goes.... no it doesn't have the best graphics but it don't need them....
when you look at the variety that UO offers it's just unmatched.... with a crafting system, PvP, PvM, the EM programs, as well as housing... which by far puts UO above and beyond most other games with just that.... then they having the whole fishing, MIB and T-Hunting systems... as well as a vast range of dungeons to expand upon.... What we don't need is more shards... or more facets for now at least....
what we really DO need is a focus on updating old systems, customer service and support boost... and more than anything fixes to the system... not only bugs, and improvements but fixing things like Dupes, Hacks and things of that nature... putting the customer first... UO has long put the customer last.... they don't replace anything, they don't help if you get hacked much, they don't offer more security for your accounts and things like that....
basiclly if anything adverse happens to your account (which in my opinion after a person has played a game 10 years it is more of an INVESTMENT! than just an account, really cause you put 10 years into something it's an investment of both time and money.... we have been as responsible for shaping the game every bit as much as the DEV team.)... Your basiclly S.O.L... And EA doesn't care...