Exercise does wonders to cure boredomVery... Ideas??!
Iv done my 2 hous of swimming and 3 hours of exam revision for today, now is my GAME timeExercise does wonders to cure boredom
Hmm sounds intresting, explain plzor, you could wait until its night, turn on dark nights, and run around the lost lands with a torch and battle thy way to, something.
Some of us have already done that when the game came out. Slimes, rats, oh my.Remove all your items from your character and then go buy equipment from NPC merchants. Then see how skilled you are using these weak items. See what you can kill.
game mechanics have changed a lot since the beginning. Fighting in gm-only gear now isn't quite what it was in the 90sSome of us have already done that when the game came out. Slimes, rats, oh my.
hmm ... What's your Myers-Briggs personality type?Very... Ideas??!
Yes, I remember when AoS was released, there were a ton of players dying to ettins because armor that had once been fine now just wasn't cutting it.game mechanics have changed a lot since the beginning. Fighting in gm-only gear now isn't quite what it was in the 90s
If you're saying it was easier back then you are very mistaken. Healing was a waste of skill points, heal potions did very little. It was attack for a little bit then run and ask a mage for a heal or wait for your health to recover. There was no exceptional bonus for armor, most didn't have the strength to wear plate.game mechanics have changed a lot since the beginning. Fighting in gm-only gear now isn't quite what it was in the 90sSome of us have already done that when the game came out. Slimes, rats, oh my.
I know.If you're saying it was easier back then you are very mistaken. Healing was a waste of skill points, heal potions did very little. It was attack for a little bit then run and ask a mage for a heal or wait for your health to recover. There was no exceptional bonus for armor, most didn't have the strength to wear plate.
Very... Ideas??!