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A odd flaw in the game that makes you lose your vendor and its contents.



I have discovered a very troubling bug that cost me over 200 million gold, plus items on my vendor. After paging a GM three times, they told me there was nothing that they could do. You would think they would be interested to hear about it, but no.

Now I had a vendor on the front steps of my tower which has never been customizable because of a tree right next to the front side foundation. I'm really not even sure how the house is properly placed, but it is. I attempted to customize it for no reason, and it actually turned into a dirt plot. I was very suprised.

Once this happened, the entire foundation changes, and towers have an extra large stair case that comes out two tiles. The vendor was standing on the first tile, and when I customized the house the vendor was just standing there in mid air.

I then double clicked on him, and he immediatley disappeared and a bag appeared where he was standing. It had his vendor clothes, and a deed to a vendor.

Ok I thought, They mustve just put my vendor and its contents on this deed. So I put the new vendor up and it is STONE COLD EMPTY.

So, what the heck happened to my stuff?

It isn't on the house sign.
It isn't in my bank.
It isn't on my paperdoll options.
It isn't in my packing crate although EVERYTHING ELSE in the house is.

And NO one wants to help me or hear about my problem.

It is ammusing how 200 million gold can just disappear into thin air, and no one has an explanation. Of course, the worst part is since my vendor disappeared I have absolutely no proof.

This is a devestating bug. Although it will happen only in rare circumstances, it should still be made aware. I think the only thing right to would be to return my lost items, but the GM's have told me that they do not replace lost items. Nor do they show up when you page them. Or give you any actual help besides patronizing copy and pasted messages.

How is this fair to me as a player? What am I supposed to do now that I have lost every single gold piece? And not a word or an explanation or anything from anyone.

If I sound upset or rude, just imagine how you would feel.

Your thoughts???

PS. Now I am going to go cry in my pillow.


I also want to mention for those who do not know that you cannot customize your house while you have vendors in it that are owned by other people. However if you own all of the vendors you are free to customize your house.

If you will lose your vendors by customizing your house, there should be at least some sort of warning. How am I supposed to know that when I click my vendor he is going to disappear into thin air and take everything that I have?

Im going back to crying now.


Well, you just lost 200M gold. Good riddance IMHO. I can't say I'm not sorry to see the gold go, but if you don't pack up your vendor standing on your tower steps BEFORE you have random customizing thoughts, you have only yourself to blame.

Put it down to a lesson learned that this game for over ten years now has had bugs, and will continue to have bugs. If you want to stay safe, remember to pack your vendor up first.

Cheers ...



Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, you just lost 200M gold. Good riddance IMHO. I can't say I'm not sorry to see the gold go, but if you don't pack up your vendor standing on your tower steps BEFORE you have random customizing thoughts, you have only yourself to blame.

Put it down to a lesson learned that this game for over ten years now has had bugs, and will continue to have bugs. If you want to stay safe, remember to pack your vendor up first.

Cheers ...

You my friend are a tool.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am sorry for you loss mate. This is one of these unforseen painful things that can happen in the wonderful world of UO :(

Good luck getting back on your feet.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I hear in some games they can keep track of the gold and items in your inventory, and should they be lost they can look at the records and return your items to you.

What an amazing concept!


While I can certainly sympathize, you have to understand that you were asking a GM to replace gold in which it was illegally being stored. It states very clearly in the rules that vendors are not to be used as gold storage. It sucks that you got hit by the bug, but if you'd:

1. Kept your gold in characters banks instead of the vendor


2. Dropped the vendor prior to any house customization

You would still have your gold and any and all items the vendor had on it.

On the bright side, 200m is fairly easy to make back if you set your mind to accomplishing it.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, you just lost 200M gold. Good riddance IMHO. I can't say I'm not sorry to see the gold go, but if you don't pack up your vendor standing on your tower steps BEFORE you have random customizing thoughts, you have only yourself to blame.

Put it down to a lesson learned that this game for over ten years now has had bugs, and will continue to have bugs. If you want to stay safe, remember to pack your vendor up first.

Cheers ...

You my friend are a tool.
In closed circles we call him "The Hammuh"


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Don't feel too badly...everyone is either scammed, hit by a bug, forgotten to lock something important down, or outright cheated out of something. If you haven't lost big time at least once in this game...then you haven't played long enough! Chalk it up to UO's little lesson, and go out and earn that money back (hope it helps to know we've all done it, I think I did somebody elses's turn as well heh)


Just out of curiosity, did you check for a moving crate on the new plot? It's a long shot, but a shot...


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Don't feel too badly...everyone is either scammed, hit by a bug, forgotten to lock something important down, or outright cheated out of something. If you haven't lost big time at least once in this game...then you haven't played long enough! Chalk it up to UO's little lesson, and go out and earn that money back (hope it helps to know we've all done it, I think I did somebody elses's turn as well heh)
When paragon chest first came out I was moving to a different house and I had put a bunch of my rare stuff in one of the paragon chest that I had got. Well little did I know that there was a bug that made them disappear when you lock them down. I was very very upset when I woke up the next day and it was gone.

OP I am sorry for your loss. I know I would be very upset.:sad4:


Seems that if you can't customize your house with other people's vendors there, then they should make it so that you can't customize your house when you have YOUR vendors in there. Maybe that's coming next.

Anyway I am sorry you had this happen to you. Unfortunately as someone else posted above we've all made mistakes that cost us or had something happen to us. Hard lesson learned.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It states very clearly in the rules that vendors are not to be used as gold storage.

I've heard warnings that it's dangerous to rely on vendors for gold storage, but never that it was against the rules.

It had never occurred to me that it was even possible to customize with vendors present. The knowledge base has an interesting article on the subject ... not sure if it applies to your own house, but for your consideration:

If the home owner has customized the house then you will see a gump message when you enter the house. This message will tell you that the house was customized and that you will want to use your context menu to replace your vendor. This is done by standing exactly where you want your vendor to be and selecting the option to claim your vendor by name from your context menu.


Probably wouldn't be considered a flaw, as you have an old deedable vendors.

The new vendors aren't deedable, instead they just pop into the moving crate. Also the just disappear when you fire them.

He probably hit the option to turn it into a customizable house.


Since when can you customize a Tower?
I thought I heard/read somewhere that you can now "customize" a tower and what it does is turn it into a plot. Can anyone clarify this for sure?

P.S. I just placed a tower on TC1 and then customized it. It changed into a 16 x 14 plot.


Allow me to take several points here:

1. How is it my fault my vendor disappears into thin air, Darkvoid? It is completely reasonable to leave your vendor standing in your house, it usually goes into the moving crate. Sounds to me like you are just a jerk, big suprise.

2. It is NOT illegal to store gold on a vendor. Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds? Vendors are made to make you gold. Is your theory that once you sell something on a vendor that you have to immediatley move the money into your house, or in your bank box? If this is true, please tell me what the actual 'legal' timeframe is for allowing gold to be held on a vendor, during the interm between making a sale, and transfering it to a 'legal' storage place.

3. I didn't have an old vendor here people. It was not a 10 year old vendor. It was a normal vendor bought from a NPC. The deed didnt weigh 90 stones (FYI old vendor deeds weigh 90 stones). There is absolutely no reasonable explanation for why this happened. There is no where to place blame or figure anything.

My vendor didnt disappear. It was still standing there after I customized just like it should've been. But because of the way the houses stairs work, he was outside. Once I clicked on him, he disappears.

THATS THE PROBLEM. Please, illuminate me, tell me. How on gods green earth is this in anyones eyes MY fault?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
THATS THE PROBLEM. Please, illuminate me, tell me. How on gods green earth is this in anyones eyes MY fault?
I'll handle this.

Once I clicked on him, he disappears.
What exactly are you looking for? A Dev to see this and go "OMG, i better put 200m in his house right now"? Are you looking for a hug?


Well Lynk, since I know who you are I won't take your rudeness personally.

I don't expect anyone to do anything - I know they won't do anything. Doesn't mean that I can't come here and complain like the rest of you.

Because, well gee, I forgot. You can only make posts on the Uo stratics forums if they are productive and eloquent with a topic and a point and a resolution.

God forbid someone comes here and wants to talk about something that happened to them in game.

Jerks, I swear. No reason to be so rude. It only means you are unhappy IRL.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You did ask for peoples' thoughts ... always a dangerous thing around here :)

Just to make sure I understood what you are talking about ... I reproduced the following situation: place a tower, place a vendor at the tip of the steps, customize to custom plot ... the vendor now sits just off the new stairs. Click on the vendor and he disappears. In my test, a backpack was left on the ground containing the cloths, contract and for-sale goods. The gold from the vendor however appears to go poof (I only had a few k on it and forgot to check before-and-after balances to see if it attempted to deposit it in the bank)

(sorry about my confusion earlier trying to "troubleshoot" the story)


Well, you just lost 200M gold. Good riddance IMHO. I can't say I'm not sorry to see the gold go, but if you don't pack up your vendor standing on your tower steps BEFORE you have random customizing thoughts, you have only yourself to blame.

Put it down to a lesson learned that this game for over ten years now has had bugs, and will continue to have bugs. If you want to stay safe, remember to pack your vendor up first.

Cheers ...

You my friend are a tool.
i agree with Darkvoid.... always close vendors before doing changes to your house, good rule of thumb.. how ever .. Losing that much stuff is a nasty blow and i feel for you.


Hey Maplestone,

Thanks for looking into it and recreating what happened. By your description, that is exactly what happened to me. So If I have done it, and you have done it - THIS IS A BUG, and an easily reproduceable bug.

I am sure the limits of it are few, but I bet a clever person or two could figure out how to use this to royally screw someone over.

You know, I am not some newb. I've played Uo for 10 years. Any other time you customize a house with a vendor inside, guess what, he usually stays there or if you build a wall around him, he goes into the moving crate and you can pop him out.

Therefore there is no reason why anyone would have to be afraid of losing a vendor during a customization. They tell us and assure that it is safe to do so. If it wasn't, there wouldnt be an option that stores your vendor into your moving crate. That is just logical deduction, right?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well this sounds like a pretty awful bug for tower owner vendors. Report it and then get back on the horse or your metaphor of choice for re-earning what you lost. I think most of us have been hit by something that sucked (I know I have), just have to suck it up and move on.