To make people have to put 100chiv on there template(like they did necro) wouldn't increase its power...that argument is stupid!
Here's what you said. You ready? Your exact words, using this nifty thing called copy and paste.
Chiv shoudl be skill based and not karma based
Yes, that would make Chivalry, arguably, more powerful. And this is why.
Currently, one's ability to combine Chivalry and Necromancy is limited in large part by Chivalry's reliance on Karma.
And Chivalry and Necromancy in combination is extremely powerful; I know this from watching those who have tried it and carefully managed their Karma.
Think of the following combinations.
• Corpse Skin + Consecrate Weapon + Double Strike.
• Wither + Holy Light (two area effects doing two different kinds of damage, one after the other).
• Consecrate Weapon + Curse Weapon (targeting your enemy's lowest resist, and then leaching off of the potentially massive damage you do).
That's just 3 combos, and I am a very very non-creative person when it comes to UO tactics. Imagine what a better player could do with that.
Immediately after the Sampire nerf, when they made it so you actually had to maintain the skill in order to maintain the form you got from the skill, there were almost immediately cries to nerf Necro-Paladins. Soon people realized that Sampires were still viable, just in altered form, and the nerf cries stopped for Necro-Paladins.....But if Sampires had never regained their former favor?
And that's with Karma-based Chiv. Now, imagine Necro-Paladins without the Karma requirement.
And let me also point out that not losing Karma can be way more difficult than it seems. It means you can't kill Grobu, which means you have a hard time killing Lurg. It means you can't ever cast a Necro spell. It effectively means you can't work the Oaks spawn because the 4th level and the Champ level you can't work without losing Karma. It means you can't help kill the Cu Sidhe that wandered over and is trashing your party's Necromancer. Not unless you want your effectiveness diminished.
Removing the Karma-based aspect of Chiv would greatly broaden the scope of what Paladins could do in-game. And yes, that means making them more powerful, because you've removed an important disadvantage.
Let me quote you again.
Chiv shoudl be skill based and not karma based
Now, I for one would not object if Chiv became more skill-based than it is. Like I said, I already find plenty of reasons to have GM Chivalry. Of course there's always the fear that they'll make it so you basically need 110 or more Chiv! And there's already too many skills for which GM just seems too low, they don't need to add to it.
But I wouldn't protest if they wanted to make Chiv more skill-based than it is, at least somewhat.
But if they wanted to make it so that:
Chiv shoudl be skill based and not karma based
like you said, that's opening a very nasty Pandora's box.
-Galen's player