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Where's the herding skill?

  • Thread starter Old Man of UO
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  • Watchers 1

Old Man of UO

Reading the tamers forum, looks like a fun new skill to work on. Looking for a guide on the herding skill, and don't see it on the main page under the skills list. Is there a herding guide on Stratics and I am just looking in the wrong place? Didn't see anything under Professions guides either.



Grand Poobah
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There's not much to it. You get a shephards crook, double click it (doesn't need to be equipped) then target an animal. Then you target either the ground or a mobile (yourself, someone else, another animal) and it will walk to the spot you clicked or follow the mobile. Once it walks to the spot it will wander off, but it will keep following the person/animal you have targetted.

You can herd anything that is an animal or is tamable. It goes great with stealth and animal lore for weeding out good cu's or greater dragons etc. It is good for grabbing animals you want to tame then doing them all in a big pile (how i used to use it).

You can't drag herded animals through moongates.


Lore Keeper
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been working on this skill for roleplaying. It is a blast and Sarsmi is right very easy to train. A stealth herder is wonderful as you can then help tamers plus its just a blast to see a mixed herd on animals wander into a town. The only draw back is they won't follow you into gates and being stubborn they don't follow directions.


I use the KR client and what I find works best is to hotbar a crook. From there I just target an animal press the key over and over. You don't even need to have the targeted animal move. The delay is so short to reuse the skill, you can almost press the key as fast as you can.

I started small with a sheep and moved to timber wolves then bears. Got to 70 Herding from zero in less than an hour.

I am trying to finish off my Tamer and added Herding to make it easier to seperate the beasts.

The skill gain check is done when you use the crook and not when you attempt to move the animal.

Old Man of UO

Thank you Petra, Sarsmi, Tamais and Grumm! That helps a lot. I thought I knew how it worked, but the guide helps a lot. I have a dungeon thief that I am well, kinda bored with.

Is there a herding profession guide in the works?


Petra put a link in Her reply. Also, the skill is slated for a guide revamp next week.

Old Man of UO

Petra put a link in Her reply. Also, the skill is slated for a guide revamp next week.
Ya, but I assumed that link went under the Skill section on the left hand side of the main UO page. The Professions links are on the right hand side, and is more of an expanded "what to do with the skill" type of essay. If done right, they do a nice complimentary job to the skills section.


That I am not sure of. I use it to seperate what I want to tame from what I don't want to kill me.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
herding can be a blast in destard! Imagine getting all the dragons over to the area that drops down to lvl 2 or over to the water eles area!! It makes for one heck of a wall! Just remember that they can reveal you from time to time and that fire breath is NASTY!

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Sarsmi, I've never gotten a herded animal to follow anyone, they'll walk to where the person is, but they didn't follow if the person moves. How have you gotten them to follow?

Erm, I wasn't planning on more than the two pieces that are in the link. I don't think I can think of much more to say. The page is for the 'professions' link, with the anecdotal item linked off it through the menu at the top. If I add a link under 'skills' it will probably only have the information that's on uo.com playguide.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Sarsmi, I've never gotten a herded animal to follow anyone, they'll walk to where the person is, but they didn't follow if the person moves. How have you gotten them to follow?

Erm, I wasn't planning on more than the two pieces that are in the link. I don't think I can think of much more to say. The page is for the 'professions' link, with the anecdotal item linked off it through the menu at the top. If I add a link under 'skills' it will probably only have the information that's on uo.com playguide.
Hrm, maybe they won't do that, but just go up to the person. Tho they'll follow other animals. I haven't messed with herding in a while, been too busy doing vendor stuff when I've been playing for the fun stuff, lately.


When I need feathers for missiles, I will sometimes herd 40-50 kirin into the harpy nest and let them do all the dirty work while I harvest feathers and gold. Provided of course the Oals spawn is worked up to kirin level. No one complains because most avoid killing kirins anyway.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I worked herding on Ice Island till I was around 90..... then if you go to Illshnar and hang out at that Oaks spawn... it's awesome get all those Kirins and Unicorns.... and herd the whole lot of them around.... hehe


Stratics Veteran
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I'd like to add a note here.. It is IMPOSABLE to herd a fire steed... I have no idea why I would assume an over site... on the devs side, but it does not work.


Babbling Loonie
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Petra, 1 more to add - fire beetle. Works as well as unicorns/cu's but since they will follow anyone's commands, no need for taming/stables.

Works wonders for my stealth-herding combat miner/ninja/thief/mage. I so love trying to cram as much skills I can into a well synergized template!

It's much easier to train now that there's no anti-macro code. Previously, I had to herd 10+ different animals and you can only bring up the health bar of up to 10 creatures.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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erm, why would you need taming/stables to herd unicorns and cu? You just herd them round and round where they spawn.


Babbling Loonie
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1) To train in peace at home or where-ever you are. No need to make illegal stables at home.

2) To avoid having to look for new ones when tamers come tame them away :D

To clarify, I meant a tamed fire beetle that the herder owns. You can herd your own pets. Fire beetle requires 93+ to tame, which herding difficulty is based on as far as I can tell.

Don't need to herd them around, just herd them on to you (ie telling them to follow you). When you get tired of hitting the last object/last target marco, mount and log off. Logon, unmount and repeat the following day.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
ah, oki. The table isn't mine, but I don't see why I can't add fire beetles to it.
Just out of curiosity, has anyone read the second page?

Old Man of UO

ah, oki. The table isn't mine, but I don't see why I can't add fire beetles to it.
Just out of curiosity, has anyone read the second page?
AHH... I didn't see the link to the second page. The dark brown bars are crowding the link in Firefox and covering it up a bit, and are not alligned correctly. Heidi's Journal is what I was looking for when I mentioned the "Professions" link for the skill.

Thanks for pointing it out, Petra!

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
heh, thank you for pointing out the flaw with the layout. That's why I said the page wasn't properly finished, spotting stuff like that and spellers or typos.

Old Man of UO

Okay... herding from zero to GM in 75 minutes:

This was using the KR client, no macroing and no key-mashing (KR won't let you press and hold a macro key). The trick that took me nearly 20 minutes to figure out is you don't actually have to tell your target where to walk to. You can easily cut 20 minutes or more off my time, and do it under an hour. These are actual times using the game timer built into the KR-BBE user interface, so they are real.

Here is what I did:
0 - 28.1 skill : bought from Rancher outside Brit farms
28.1 - 30.0 : Sheep in New Haven - got bored and left - 5 mins
30.0 - 45.0 : Cows outside Delucia - got bored and left - 14 mins
45.0 - 70.0 : Great Harts east of Delucia - got bored and left - 10 mins
70.0 - 75.0 : White Wolves on Dagger Isle - not gaining fast enough - 3 mins
75.0 - 82.5 : Bulls outside Delucia - not gaining fast enough - 9 mins
82.5 - 90.0 : Drakes south of Ilsh. Compassion gate - 12 mins
90.0 - 93.0 : Dragons west of Ilsh. Valor - not gaining fast enough - 7 mins
93.0 - 100.0: Greater Dragons west of Ilsh. Valor gate - 15 mins

Also found out you can't herd paragon greater dragons - dang
You get the message, "That wasn't even challenging" if the target is too easy.

NOW, need a few minutes to rest my fingers and look for a challenge... stealth mage/thief and now GM Shepherd!