I have to say the odds of getting a weapon like this seem to destroy this template. If I have to have all this on a weapon, it's going to kill me gold or time-wise. If my character hinges on have a set weapon, I can't see this happening. Anyone ever figure the odds of making a SL, ML, SSI weapon?
I have no idea about the odds, though I'm sure it is in the 1/10000's. All I can tell you is to stick with it, it WILL happen, and when it does just be prepared to catch yourself before you fall out of your seat.
When I came back from a while away from the game and dusted my sampire off I decided to refit and rearm him from the ground up. The suit wasn't all that tough to get put together (though I have since moved to the assasin set, which adds challenges of its own), but the weapon is without a doubt the hardest part of the build to aquire.
And IMO it SHOULD be hard. Your weapon is your life with this build, period.
I started buying up gold, aggy, verite and valorite hammers to make the weapons I wanted. My Heavy Ornate was first on the list and I scored it on the 2nd or 3rd hammer. Then the Twinklie...thought I would never get this one and was getting disgusted with it. But on the first swing of about my 20th hammer I made the most insane PvM scimitar that I personally have ever laid eyes on. I use it for everything, its crazy. I still as of this writing, and 50+ more hammers burned through, still can't seem to score a rune blade that's worth a damn.
Just keep an eye out for those awesome PvP weapons, mage weps, etc. I sold a few of them for a small fortune in gold which helps keep me stocked with hammers to burn.
Stick with it, the first time you head down to doom and solo a DF or destroy a peerless boss and open that corpse knowing that everything in it is yours...Believe me, it is well worth the time, money, and energy you put into creating the build.
Best of luck!