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just to let all know i'm getting married september 25, 09 :) any advice would be appreciated about dress shopping :p and such:danceb::D


Congratulations, Ali! We had a simple wedding at the base chapel, so I can't help you with dress shopping and such. $40 at JC Penney for me! Good luck to you and your fiance.

Crazy Fireball


I am farrrr to young to know anything about what to do for a wedding!

My parents got married when i was one, i only remember that i cryed during the entire thing, and ate alot of the cake XD.

Sally Bumblefoot

Congratulations Ali!!

My advice to you is to research the bridal shop you go through!! I found my perfect dress and veil, went thru numerous fittings and such. The week before my wedding, the store went out of business. My friend caught wind of it and we flew down there immediately and got my dress and veil! I am a wimp but she isnt and she fought with them to get the "display" veil (they said mine wasnt in yet and turns out it wasnt coming!!). She said she wasnt leaving without my dress, the flower girls dress, and the bridesmaids dresses!! While we were there, there were girls trying on dresses, getting fittings. I know they never got their dresses. Within a couple days, they were closed and so many people were just out of luck. They paid for the dresses but never got them. So many girls crying and banging on the doors on the evening news!! You dont need that kind of stress!! Order it early and take possession early!! If you need another fitting after the fact so be it!

Have fun with it and don't stress......just plan!!! :thumbup1:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Congratulations, Ali! We had a simple wedding at the base chapel, so I can't help you with dress shopping and such. $40 at JC Penney for me! Good luck to you and your fiance.
Courthouse for me. :) I'm the least materialistic person I know.

Congrats, Ali!


Happy 23rd b'day and congrats on the upcoming wedding!
No suggestions from me, go with what feels right and comfortable for you.
Me? beach, bathing suit and drinks with umbrellas!


lol omg you guys are all so loving! our thoughts. either a pink or a black dress preferably tennis shoes, light curls, stud earrings, eagle necklace with sentimental meaning, black and white photos, courthouse, no reception, no caterers, nobody but his family, and honeymoon possibly at disneyland :)



Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sounds sweet, congrats! My oldest brother had a traditional wedding at the bride's parents house. Which was kinda cool as they had a large deck and backyard so they just had the reception and wedding there. My other brother on the other hand went to the courthouse. The zinger on that one was that his wife never told her parents they were doing it. After the courthouse they went on honeymoon at Niagra Falls. They were kind enough to call the parents on the way. My parents knew all about it, but luckily her parents were cool with it! I would have to say though the simpler, the better. Good luck!

princess kitty

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I had myself a made-to-order gown -- same seamsstress who made my prom dress, school uniforms, etc). Her making it made it more special than anything else. I've had a friend wear sneakers decorated with dainty lace. She was running around flipping her gown up to show everyone.

I had a reception in the clubhouse where I spent most weekends and summers since I was 8y/o. Invited family and close friends. My brother had his reception in our school football field which is surrounded by trees. They just added fairy lights.
trees. They just added fairy lights.

B/W photos are great. Videos, hardly anyone watches after the first few times.