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Camped my first IDOC yesterday.



Had yesterday off from work and decided to give it a go. From listening to my GF talk to her guildmates on Vent, I determined that it would probably fall around noon.

It was an 18x18 in Malas in an area free of monsters next to the mountains. An ideal location for my crafting playstyle. I kept checking back every 15 minutes knowing others would arrive to grab up what they could. Since it was a private home, I had no idea what kind of goodies were to be had.

Due to poor time management in real life, I had to run an errand. When I returned, the house had just fallen. I am thinking I had struck out my first at bat. Quite the contrary. I was the only one there. Not a single other person came by. I had all the time in the world to pick and choose what I wanted.

This player didn't have hoards of high end loot. They did however have hundreds of thousands of resources and alot of potion kegs. Even with a few pack animals, this was going to be a daunting task to get them to my other house.

Since I didn't know the wait timer on placing another house there, I started to move the potion kegs. That alone took a few trip with three packies. Luckily, I was able to place an 18x18 about 30 minutes after collapse. I drug the rest onto the footprint and secured it.

Among the loot was seven Miasma (sp?) Paragon chests still locked. I don't have a character with lockpicking so opening them poses a problem. Is there anyone on GL that is willing to help me? I will let you choose a few items from the chests for your help. How does picking any three items sound?

Anyway, my first IDOC may not have been filled with a mad dash for loot, it had loot I can really use.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I always like it when someone leaves me a bunch of resources. I can do without all the fancy rares and artifacts though.

I don't like people leaving, but that's a different story.

Congrats on the new house!


I was really suprised no one else was there. I attempted a couple others in the past and they had several people there. I was dreading getting all the cloth needed to work up Tailoring. Not anymore. They had 360K of cloth. That had to of taken a while to get. I am more interested in what is inside the Paragon chests though.

Since I have another house in Malas next to the mountains, I am willing to sell this plot to a needy soul. I wont ask millions for it either.

For all your fishermen out there, I also know if a 12x17 spot east of Skara right on the water in Trammel.

wee papa smurf

Place a vendor and put the chests on them and you should be able to see whats in them :D:D


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Congrats on the solo IDOC.. it's rare and awesome when that happens. As for this:

I am more interested in what is inside the Paragon chests though.
I'm afraid you are going to be very disapointed, the loot in these chests is more trash than treasure.


As long as the chest has mundane items such as regs, I will be satisfied. It's never been about high end loot for me.

Tina Small

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Grumm, I can pick those locks for you. Just drop me a PM if you still need help.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Put chests on a packie and dbl click them, then you can see inside them. Dunno why it works but it does, did it yesterday at an idoc.

Kratos Aurion

Wow you found an uncamped 18x18 IDOC on GL? That either 1) tells you the state of the game or 2) almost every IDOCer, aside from you, thought it was worthless enough to not invest time in.

When I IDOCed on GL (2yrs ago, and some last year), my problem was always finding houses (any size) with hordes of IDOC campers. Of course, thats when I got the clever idea to do fel IDOCs and soon discovered it wasn't any different, aside from the masacres.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow you found an uncamped 18x18 IDOC on GL? That either 1) tells you the state of the game or 2) almost every IDOCer, aside from you, thought it was worthless enough to not invest time in.

When I IDOCed on GL (2yrs ago, and some last year), my problem was always finding houses (any size) with hordes of IDOC campers. Of course, thats when I got the clever idea to do fel IDOCs and soon discovered it wasn't any different, aside from the masacres.
Actually the 3) is that there was a castle or keep or really nice house falling at the same time that all the campers knew about. It's like going to the friggen mall, when you camp idocs on Baja now (a much less busy shard than GL). I don't see so many players in dungeons as I do at falling houses (fel too). A plague of locusts would take longer to clean out an area as a herd of Baja idoc'ers armed with packies. :)

To the OP, congrats! It's rare to get one to yourself! I love the big ol pile of resources too, my favorites are leather and ingots. Even nicer when the previous owner has thoughtfully left em in commodity deeds. :D


I don't think I've ever done an idoc without at LEAST five other people there, on Chesapeake. I found one out in the middle of the Trinsic wilderness, fairly small (probably 11 x 14 or something?) and STILL, craploads of people came.

I've found another very small place that will be falling in a couple fo days that looks promising... i'm hoping it'll turn out to be ignored, because it's literally out in the middle of nowhere.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sarsmi, I believe the stuff I see at idocs doesn't even have the time to hit the ground anymore...kinda sad so many people letting accts go.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Sarsmi, I believe the stuff I see at idocs doesn't even have the time to hit the ground anymore...kinda sad so many people letting accts go.

Whats sad is that new accounts aren't replacing the old. It's the cycle of (game) life for people to leave, but when new people don't show up to replace them, it's depressing. A new game release should help boost numbers, it always has before. It's just been so long since the last release...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I sure hope you're right. It would help if they had better ingame support for people leaving the games that actually do have good ingame support.


Congrads on your find :danceb: Just wondering though? How in the world do you know if a house is about to fall?? I know in the old days you could just dbl click on the house sign and it would tell you if this house is about to fall.. Just wondering.. Maybe I could find a house on LS to stake out..


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Theres a very informative IDOC faq stickied in the homes and castles forum. Basically you can mouse over a house sign and if it's decaying there will be a fourth line indicating it's decay status.

The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I drug the rest onto the footprint and secured it.
Nice story but its 'dragged' not 'drug'. Its a bit like people using the phrase 'snuck' when in fact the correct english is 'sneaked'. I know most of you are American but at least try and show a little respect to the English language.


Actually the 3) is that there was a castle or keep or really nice house falling at the same time that all the campers knew about. It's like going to the friggen mall, when you camp idocs on Baja now (a much less busy shard than GL). I don't see so many players in dungeons as I do at falling houses (fel too). A plague of locusts would take longer to clean out an area as a herd of Baja idoc'ers armed with packies. :)

To the OP, congrats! It's rare to get one to yourself! I love the big ol pile of resources too, my favorites are leather and ingots. Even nicer when the previous owner has thoughtfully left em in commodity deeds. :D
Same effect I've seen on Baja. A castle fell just outside tram-brit recently and it was packed. I knew of a tower falling at the same time that no one hit. I grabbed some bulk resources and then placed a 17x17 on the spot when the timer went off. The tower was near Destard, so I think everyone was just camping the castle instead.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maybe he meant drugged? I mean ovar at them thar ladies house where I go, sumtimes they drugs me and takes mah wallet and such and have thar way with me, sometimes I wakes up with one eyebrow, missing some teeth like and englishman and then sometime I wakes up face down...drug over to tha edge of the porch so's I can hang meh head over the side in case I get a sick belly...now that's butchering the English language.


Did you just read this thread to correct a single word I spelled wrong? Let ye who has never spelled a word wrong cast the first correction. :scholar:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
English?? I thought this was a Canadian board! You tell 'em Grumm! :thumbsup:


QUOTE=Arrgh;1247960]Maybe he meant drugged? I mean ovar at them thar ladies house where I go, sumtimes they drugs me and takes mah wallet and such and have thar way with me, sometimes I wakes up with one eyebrow, missing some teeth like and englishman and then sometime I wakes up face down...drug over to tha edge of the porch so's I can hang meh head over the side in case I get a sick belly...now that's butchering the English language.


The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Did you just read this thread to correct a single word I spelled wrong? Let ye who has never spelled a word wrong cast the first correction. :scholar:
Heh. No I didnt .. I actually found your post a good read and quite interesting. And you didnt actually spell the word wrong ... 'draged' or draggedd' would be spelling the word incorrectly ... 'drug' on the other hand is something completely different from a spelling mistake. Still a good post though.


UO Forum Moderator
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Actually, "drug" is an accepted regional dialect alternative to "dragged". Much like the different use of "bag", "sack" and "poke" to refer to a container one brings home groceries in - or for that matter, the "soda"/"cola"/"coke" issue (yes, there are some regions where people call nearly ANY carbonated beverage a "coke" - drives both Coca-cola AND Pepsi bottlers/distributors half-crazy dealing with them).

At least it isn't ebonics....


I didn't get offended by your reply. I threw in a cute scholar at the end. I am currrently watching another house with much better loot. Stay tuned for more. Should fall Monday.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I love that "just look for the 4th line in the house sign" way of finding IDOCs. Yeah right, that's how you IDOC pros do it right? You run around the shard at mounted speed while you click on the house signs of every single house, and you only stop when you notice there's a 4th line in the description....LOLOLOLOLOL...gotcha.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I love that "just look for the 4th line in the house sign" way of finding IDOCs. Yeah right, that's how you IDOC pros do it right? You run around the shard at mounted speed while you click on the house signs of every single house, and you only stop when you notice there's a 4th line in the description....LOLOLOLOLOL...gotcha.
"I love" how you think all of us cheat. Yep, I run around on a mount and stop at every house sign and mouse over it. I have done it so often for so many houses I can quote house names and owners of upcoming houses that have been there a while. Don't h8 the player h8 the game! Tower of impropriety, nacho's storage shack, Beat u 2 it (i even remember that fall, I didn't want that tower spot anyways)...one of my favorite houses is a small owned by "Tuna Britches". That name never fails to make me smile.

Not everyone cheats.


I personally stop at each house and mouse over the signs. The only time I am moving at running speeds is when I am being chased by a Mob. I am in no stretch of the word a pro, but I do find at least one a day that is in a state of decay.


Myself and about 10 other people from HOT on Atlantic were at a 18x18 house in Malas 3 months ago...this house was fully loaded.

There was tons of people there...

Needless to say....the thing fell...and I crap you not...
It was picked dry in 14 seconds. lol


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lim, I was at an IDOC where a famous IDOC Pro was at. This person was standing beside a chest inside the public house. They obviously only cared about that single chest in a house full of chests. So the house falls, and another scripter places immediately (this was before the change), so all of the items go under the sign. And as anyone who does IDOCs know, thats a lot of stuff. This person proceeds to walk over to the house sign, and pulls out the very chest they were waiting on. Out of all of the things stacked upon top of each other, they magically pulled out exactly what they wanted....nuff said.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lim, I was at an IDOC where a famous IDOC Pro was at. This person was standing beside a chest inside the public house. They obviously only cared about that single chest in a house full of chests. So the house falls, and another scripter places immediately (this was before the change), so all of the items go under the sign. And as anyone who does IDOCs know, thats a lot of stuff. This person proceeds to walk over to the house sign, and pulls out the very chest they were waiting on. Out of all of the things stacked upon top of each other, they magically pulled out exactly what they wanted....nuff said.
Yep, people script grab items. That keep I was at where I just got the dragon brazier I was going for a tombstone, but even though the house was an hour late it was gone as soon as the house fell. That's just the most recent instance I've seen of where stuff has vanished suspiciously fast. I've seen the same thing with singing balls and other stuff. Though people don't always script grab stuff. There was an idoc near tram brit gate with a ruined painting a couple months ago, and that ruined painting didn't get nabbed for several seconds after the house fell. There were only three or four of us, and me and one other person I'm pretty sure were actually standing right under where the painting was on the z axis, it was on the second floor. I thought at first it got grabbed quickly, but then I saw it float in the air after a few seconds from being picked up. On reflection later realized I was directly underneath it which is why the graphic didn't show when the house fell. I still feel dumb about missing that one.


Nice story but its 'dragged' not 'drug'. Its a bit like people using the phrase 'snuck' when in fact the correct english is 'sneaked'. I know most of you are American but at least try and show a little respect to the English language.
roflmao. You're Silly :D


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Myself and about 10 other people from HOT on Atlantic were at a 18x18 house in Malas 3 months ago...this house was fully loaded.

There was tons of people there...

Needless to say....the thing fell...and I crap you not...
It was picked dry in 14 seconds. lol
Was it right outside the west gate?


Nice story but its 'dragged' not 'drug'. Its a bit like people using the phrase 'snuck' when in fact the correct english is 'sneaked'. I know most of you are American but at least try and show a little respect to the English language.
While you are correct on the usage of 'dragged', you are partially incorrect in the usage of 'snuck'. The word 'snuck' is an Americanism of 'sneaked', and is considered to be perfectly acceptable and correct English as used in the US.

So it goes back to the old saying:

"How stupid your are depends on which country you happen to be standing in."

The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The word 'snuck' is an Americanism of 'sneaked'
..and thus incorrect. The English language is the English language. Americanism's simply dont count. Its a bit like your incorrect spelling of the word 'colour'. Your quaint coloquialism's are simply not English.

The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wouldnt expect anything else from a country of immigrants. This subject is closed. You are dismissed. :talktothehand:


If you want to see how much we care about your opinion, why don't you send another shipload of tea our way?


..and thus incorrect. The English language is the English language. Americanism's simply dont count. Its a bit like your incorrect spelling of the word 'colour'. Your quaint coloquialism's are simply not English.
Go colonize something.

Oh, and yeah, it's 'colonize', not 'colonise' -- we actually care about orthogonality in our phonetics on this side of the pond.


Ok now, let's not get this thread locked. This all started with him correcting me and I am not upset about it.