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UO Startics Forums banner art

The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You know ... the bit at the top of the page...

Can we have that horrible blue Mondains Legacy elf image removed from the banner. This image is probably one of the worst that could be chosen if you wanted to encapsulate the spirit of UO. Its been up there since ML came out and hasnt been replaced since.

It would be nice if we could have something more suitable and im sure wouldnt be too much trouble for some mod or site admin to change.



Yeah, how about reducing the amount of dead space as well.

Between the functionless Stratics banner and the ad banner about 20% of the page is wasted. This is on 1920 x 1200.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The banner art is the same as is on the uo.stratics site, when it gets changed the forum will undoubtedly get changed to match.

The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The banner art is the same as is on the uo.stratics site, when it gets changed the forum will undoubtedly get changed to match.
In that case can I rephrase my question and ask can the uo.stratics site banner image be changed? Again for all of the reasons I cited in my original post. It really does give a wrong impression of what UO is about.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So the same guy that called Stratics Mods "clowns" is now asking for them to do something for him. Amazing..


second/third/fourth........ whatever...... changing that irritating elf!!

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The process is not as simple as you make it sound. It is something that's in hand, along with the rest of the updating we're doing. I'm doing the best I know how.

The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The process is not as simple as you make it sound. It is something that's in hand, along with the rest of the updating we're doing. I'm doing the best I know how.
Hmm. I'll take your word for it. It is however simply a .gif so shouldnt be difficult at all. Whilst I appreciate that you are a Mod Petra, doesnt Stratics have admins who do this sort of thing? Probably the same people I would think who put up the ads that you have. It should quite literally be a two minute job ... if you really took your time doing it.

The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So the same guy that called Stratics Mods "clowns" is now asking for them to do something for him. Amazing..
Im not asking for anything for "me".

Someone coming to the UO stratics site to maybe see what this game was about, maybe with a view to giving it a try, would be totally misled upon being presented with the image of a blue elf and most probably put off.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Please take the time to cast your eyes left <-----

It doesn't say 'uo moderator' It doesn't even say 'uo administrator' anymore. It says UOSS Managing Editor.

The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Please take the time to cast your eyes left <-----

It doesn't say 'uo moderator' It doesn't even say 'uo administrator' anymore. It says UOSS Managing Editor.
Fair comment, although that title doesnt necessarily mean that you have any hands on web design role ...

Thanks for the explanatory PM though ... I'll wait with baited breath.

Sneaky Que

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can we have that horrible blue Mondains Legacy elf image removed from the banner. This image is probably one of the worst that could be chosen if you wanted to encapsulate the spirit of UO. Its been up there since ML came out and hasnt been replaced since.
Agreed. It is far to Tram currently. That's the best word I can think to describe it with, but is probably unfair to Trams.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The process is not as simple as you make it sound. It is something that's in hand, along with the rest of the updating we're doing. I'm doing the best I know how.
Agreed, What is on top is not just one single banner (image). In actuality is 3 images. On the left is a logo image. The elf is a static image, The graphic space between is a background fill.

What you are dealing with here is a mixture of tables and div tags along with Css not to mention the jscript. Take a look at the snippet

<title> UO Startics Forums banner art - Stratics Forums</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/vbulletin_post_loader.js?v=372"></script>
<style type="text/css" id="vbulletin_showthread_css">

#links div { white-space: nowrap; }
#links img { vertical-align: middle; }
<body onload="">
<!-- logo -->

<a name="top"></a>

<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center">


<td align="left"><a href="index.php"><img src="/images/holder.gif" border="0" alt="Stratics Forums" /></a></td>

<td align="right" id="header_right_cell">

&nbsp;<else />




<!-- /logo -->

Changes that seem simple to the viewer can become a trying job for a developer.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Shouldn't none of that matter if they just replace the file directly that's being accessed tho? You said yourself the elf picture is a static image.. surely uploading a replacement file of the same name, dimensions, and filetype with a new character (likely a gargoyle) overwriting the original would require no changes to the script... it would just load the new file as if it were still the same.

Old Man of UO

Heh... it's the UO03.gif file


<td width="605" height="115"><img src="http://uo.stratics.com/images/header2/uo01.gif" width=605 height=115 border="0" usemap="#Map1"></td>

<td align="right" background="http://uo.stratics.com/images/header2/uo02.gif"><img src="http://uo.stratics.com/images/header2/uo03.gif" width=153 height=115></td>

BUT, what I don't understand is what's the big deal? Petra knows about it, and it's not like Stratics is going to fall down or UO will all of a sudden stop working just because this graphics hasn't been updated...

*EDIT* It's a 153x115 GIF... How about a Stratics contest from its users to design a better graphic? I am graphically challenged myself.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It *is* in hand, there are considerations you're not aware of beyond just switching a file out, beyond even creating a suitable file *to* switch out.

At the moment I'm pouring all my energies into updating the information on the site, however I am becoming aware that the weekly announcements and pretty red 'new' and 'upd' tags on the site's menu bars are going unnoticed by some people.


It *is* in hand, there are considerations you're not aware of beyond just switching a file out, beyond even creating a suitable file *to* switch out.

At the moment I'm pouring all my energies into updating the information on the site, however I am becoming aware that the weekly announcements and pretty red 'new' and 'upd' tags on the site's menu bars are going unnoticed by some people.
Not by me, appreciate the effort. Has to be a daunting task seeing how out of date som eof that info is!

Edit: just reminded me of something i wanted to highlight


This page would be slightly confusing for a new player, the 2different breakdowns of drop chance. The top one should be removed, it was a pre-release number. The bottom is the actual drop rate.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you! Edited, please let me know if you find anything else like that.


A bright color not of the red or green variety would work better. I know I couldn't even see them until they were pointed out for me. A sky blue or white would have been my choice. Something that stands out for everyone.

Old Man of UO

I'm clicking on every red one that I see... but ya, red (and some other colors) is an issue with many people. I do appreciate the updates, checking to see what has changed since the last time I visited the pages.

Question... how long with the "NEW" be posted for each page?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Agreed. It is far to Tram currently. That's the best word I can think to describe it with, but is probably unfair to Trams.
Yes, when I think of Trammel I also think of blue elves. Just another day for the UHall trolls :loser:


Yes, when I think of Trammel I also think of blue elves. Just another day for the UHall trolls :loser:
I dont think it was meant to be a troll...i kinda see his point though, its a bit...namby pamby, teletubies style

The game is meant to be challenging and that picture doesnt reflect that.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Question... how long with the "NEW" be posted for each page?

There's more than one answer to that one :)

I haven't really decided to be honest, at the moment it's helping keep track of where we still need to do. How long do you think is reasonable?

The other answer is: Till I remember to take them off :D


Yes, when I think of Trammel I also think of blue elves. Just another day for the UHall trolls :loser:
When I think of Trammel, I think of angry women in pirate hats.
However! When I think of angry women in pirate hats, I think of the deep blue sea.
When I think of the deep blue sea, I think of... blue.
And when I think of blue, I think of...


In conclusion, Que is right. That blue elf is so totally Tram. Especially the way she's obviously stabbing something, which, as we all know, is an action that reeks of pacifism.


Say a month-2 for new and then 6-7months for updated.

(unless of course they need new updates...then have to put both tags :p)


I dont think it was meant to be a troll...i kinda see his point though, its a bit...namby pamby, teletubies style

The game is meant to be challenging and that picture doesnt reflect that.
In honour of RichDC, I vote changing the picture to a bloodstained Rubiks Cube.
...actually, cut the sarcasm, my vote stands.


I vote for a Paladin with shield in hand being firebreathed by a Dragon...That happens alot these days...expecially in PvP :p.

+i think it would look pretty cool, and reflect the D&D nature of the game.

Edit: i would like that rubix cube idea...if the PvM aspect of the game was a challenge


Sorry, was thinking of someone else that posts in the warrior forum with a SN that starts with an R.

Yeah, I need more coffee....


Says the guy that got schooled by a Blood Elemental. :lick:
Don't feel bad, Rich. I was once schooled by a mongbat.
And a headless one.
And a timber wolf.
And a HIND.

...I'm not really helping those persistent "Roleplayers can't actually play the game" theories, am I?

Nyte Doombringer

Maybe have a contest and have people create a banner and send it in and then choose the best 3 or something post then and have a vote. Something like that anyways. hehe


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ugh, please no contests. . . I really don't want to hear

1) How come mine didn't get picked, it was better than so and so's
2) That banner suxxors I could have made a better one
3)My banner one and it hasn't been displayed yet. . waahhh

and many others we've heard over and over before.:talktothehand:


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
Petra is concerned with content, much of which is outdated or just flat out wrong or confusing. Aesthetics, in my opinion, is a lower priority. *nods(


Petra is concerned with content, much of which is outdated or just flat out wrong or confusing. Aesthetics, in my opinion, is a lower priority. *nods(
But we therefore agree...it is a priority! :p

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'll say it once more. It's in hand, not forgotten, not neglected, being worked on. But. It's not as straightforward as it appears to be.


My main issue with the picture is that the armour just looks so damned impractical. A bustier doesn't protect anything. At least give the poor girl some chainmail.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My main issue with the picture is that the armour just looks so damned impractical. A bustier doesn't protect anything. At least give the poor girl some chainmail.

But more on topic, the banner is probably the lowest item on the list of things to do. I couldn't care less about what's up there if the decision comes down to worry about that picture or updating content.

Old Man of UO

Petra is concerned with content, much of which is outdated or just flat out wrong or confusing. Aesthetics, in my opinion, is a lower priority. *nods(
I agree completely with Kelmo here. Everyone has an opinion and an... hmm... what was that word?

There's more than one answer to that one :)

I haven't really decided to be honest, at the moment it's helping keep track of where we still need to do. How long do you think is reasonable?

The other answer is: Till I remember to take them off :D
Don't worry Petra. It looks to me like there will be plenty of "volunteers" to remind you if you forget!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Petra is concerned with content, much of which is outdated or just flat out wrong or confusing. Aesthetics, in my opinion, is a lower priority. *nods(
But the aesthetics are as outdated as the content is... not been any changes to them for as long as there haven't been changes to the content (if not longer.. the image was changed before the ML release.. the last content updates were several weeks after release). We do have a new expansion coming up and plenty of art to choose from. Its something to do as part of the update, not instead of it or in addition to it.