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2 suggestions for in-game chat system


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1. Let players create a chat channel that allows cross-guild-chatting (similar to Alliance chat). Player activity often depends on communication. Having to maintain contact lists in external programs (ICQ) is too complicated.

2. Allow Guildmasters and Emissaries to leave messages/announcements in the guild chat that every guild member (even if they're offline) can see as soon as they log in.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1. Let players create a chat channel that allows cross-guild-chatting (similar to Alliance chat). Player activity often depends on communication. Having to maintain contact lists in external programs (ICQ) is too complicated.

2. Allow Guildmasters and Emissaries to leave messages/announcements in the guild chat that every guild member (even if they're offline) can see as soon as they log in.
1. invite them to party
2. make use of bulletin boards

also, ventrilo is awesome.

Arch Magus

No doubt, real time voice chat is great for peak performance on the field.

I just said it's annoying. :p


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
and its better then typing cause before i can type "guild; Here comes xxxx" im dead and we lost the spawn where i can scream it in their ear and they get to work faster

Old Man of UO

1. Let players create a chat channel that allows cross-guild-chatting (similar to Alliance chat). Player activity often depends on communication. Having to maintain contact lists in external programs (ICQ) is too complicated.

2. Allow Guildmasters and Emissaries to leave messages/announcements in the guild chat that every guild member (even if they're offline) can see as soon as they log in.
#1 is already available, and you can create multiple chat tabs, and only the selected text type (e.g. Alliance, Guild and Party that I use in one chat tab, System messages in another) in each channel. It's called KR with the BBE UI.

#2, yes, we need a way to leave in-game messages. We asked about it, whether Sherry the Mouse might be put to this use, or some other method, and nothing came of it. Maybe in the new client.

Frey Wavestrider

Bulletin boards are excellent, as for ventrillo, works great if you can hear. My wife is deaf so ventrillo is definitely not an option. The in game chat is not perfect but it does work and should be used more I think.

Old Man of UO

What's wrong with bulletin boards? They rock!
Bulletin boards are a terrible way to leave message. Who wants to scroll through 30 messages to find the one you want? BB's should have a way to send messages to players, but the player has to search for a message. Text lenght is too short, too. They could be improved to work well, but as they are right now, they don't work well at all.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1. invite them to party
2. make use of bulletin boards

also, ventrilo is awesome.
1. How do I invite players to a party when I don't even know whether they're online? I want to be able to address a group across guild boundaries, TO FIND OUT who's online.

2. You're not serious, are you? Bulletin boards are the most annoying "messaging thing" I've seen.

Not everybody wants to use voice communication. Btw, I was asking for in-game chat features.


1. Let players create a chat channel that allows cross-guild-chatting (similar to Alliance chat).
There is one... long ago, GRI guild meetings were done like this...

(do remember chat was down for many years...)

Go to your bar... click on Chat.


Joining Chat

The first time you enter Chat on any given shard, you will be asked to supply an account name. Your account name must be unique - if someone is already using the name you want, you will be assigned a number. For example, if you're the fourth user on your shard to request the name Gandalf, you will get the name Gandalf4. You may accept this name or choose to submit a new one.

Once you have selected and confirmed an account name, you will be prompted to enter your name each subsequent time you enter chat.

Once you're logged on, you will be presented with a pull-down list of all currently active conferences. A conference is a "room" with up to 300 users. Click on the conference you wish to join, and you will be taken directly there, unless the conference is password protected (see below). If the conference requires a password, a window will appear in which you must enter the correct password to join. Once you are in a conference, you will be able to chat.


Once you are in a chat conference, three fields will be visible.

The Input Field is where you compose your messages to post to the chat.
The Display Field is where the messages from all users are displayed (as well as any messages from the Chat system itself). This field can be scrolled back using the side scroll bar, to read earlier messages.
The User List Field is a list of all users currently active in that conference.
Resize Buttons are located at the center and bottom of the screen. The center button allows you to adjust the size of the Display Field, and the other fields will be automatically adjusted to conform. The bottom button allows you to adjust the size of the entire chat window, with the fields remaining in proportion to one another.
The Minimize Button minimizes the Chat Window within the UO playing screen.
The Close Button closes chat.


The following commands are available to anyone in any conference. These commands can be entered from the Input Field, or selected from a pull down menu.

Message to Conference - This is the default command, and requires no special code or command selection. Any message in the Input Field not recognized as a command will be posted to all users of the conference when e is pressed.

Join Conference - (/join confname or /join confname password, where confname is the name of the conference you wish to join, and password is the password for that conference). Removes you from your current conference and takes you to the conference indicated.

Send a Private Message - (/msg name text, where name is the user name of the person receiving the message, and text is the text of the message). Sends a private message to another use that only that user can see.

Ignore a Player - (/+ignore name, where name is the user name of the person to be ignored). Allows you to ignore another user. Neither private nor public messages from that user will be displayed to you.

Remove Ignore - (/-ignore name). Removes a person from your ignore list so you can see his messages.

Toggle Ignore - (/ignore name) Begins ignoring a person not previously ignored, or ends ignoring a person you had been ignoring.

Emote - (/emote text, where text is the content of the emote). Displays a message as an *Emote*.

Who is This Player? - (/who is name, where name is someone's user name). Displays the name of the character currently being played by that user. The user may disable this information.

Show My Character Name - (/+showname) Allows other users to see the name of your current character by using Whois. This is the default status.

Do Not Show My Character Name - (/-showname) Disables the ability for other users to see the name of your current character by using Whois.

Toggle Showing My Character Name - (/showname) Disables Showname if it is currently enabled, and vice versa.

Add Receive - (/+receive) Allows you to receive private messages from other users (does not apply to users currently being ignored). This is the default state.

Remove Receive - (/-receive) Disables your ability to receive private messages from other users.

Toggle Receiving Messages - (/receive) Enables private messages if currently disable, disable them if currently enabled.

Creating And Operating A Conference

Any user can create a new conference. When you enter chat the first entry on the conference list is always "New Conference". When you click on this option you will be prompted to name the conference, and set a password if one is desired. Once the new conference is created, you will be taken directly to it.

You may also create a new conference from within an existing conference.

Create a New Conference (/newconf name or /newconf name {password}), where name is the new conference name and password is its password.

Moderator Commands

The creator of a new conference automatically has moderator (ops) status within that conference. Moderator status allows access to the following commands.

Change Conference Password - (/pw password or /pw, where password is the new password for the conference). Changes the conference password as indicated. Using the command without specifying a password (/pw) will remove password protection from the conference.

Kick Out of the Conference - (/kick name, where name is a user currently in the conference). Kicks a user out of the conference entirely. The kicked user can re-enter, unless the password is changed.

Grant Speaking Privileges - (/+voice name, where name is a user currently in the conference). Gives a user the ability to post messages in the conference. Note that any time a user enters the conference, he has the ability to speak by default.

Remove Speaking Privileges - (/-voice name) Removes a user's ability to post messages to the conference.

Toggle Speaking Privileges - (/voice name) Removes a user's ability to post if he has it, adds it if he doesn't.

Add Defaultvoice - (/+defaultvoice) Allows everyone entering the conference to post to the conference. As the name suggests, this is the default state for a new conference.

Remove Defaultvoice - (/-defaultvoice) Makes it so that no one entering the conference can post to the conference.

Toggle Defaultvoice - (/defaultvoice) Adds defaultvoice if it is disabled, removes it if it is enabled.

Grant Moderator Status - (/+ops name, where name is a user currently in the conference). Gives moderator status to another user.

Remove Moderator Status - (/-ops name) Removes moderator status from another user.

Toggle Moderator Status - (/ops name) Grants moderator status to a user who doesn't have it, or removes it from a user who does.

Ban from the Conference - (/ban name, where name is a user currently in the conference). Removes a user from the conference.

Short Answer...

Thank you Certyl for the lesson...

Diomedes Artega

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Bulletin boards are excellent, as for ventrillo, works great if you can hear. My wife is deaf so ventrillo is definitely not an option. The in game chat is not perfect but it does work and should be used more I think.
Good points, however the UO chat system is very elementary. I haven't played WoW, but other games are much more advanced with a chat interface that is friendly, quick to switch back and forth on, and easy to use. I have found while I know how to use the in game chat system...to me, it is cumbersome.

Need to have simple dos commands or quick keyboard shortcuts. Not an a cumbersome interface. I'm glad UO had at least for the most part stayed unique. It needs to get on board though and come up with a good interface.


the ability to make a channel with a password for specific usage would be extremely useful. The alliance system has serious flaws, communities of guilds would benefit greatly from a more dynamic chat system.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Bulletin boards are bad. If a house is private, you have no chance to leave a message.
There is no direct indicator, that there is a new message, so why bother and check it?

Id like to to have a letterbox integrated in the house sign to leave a message to the house owner account, which he gets presented at login or while entering the house.
This letterbox would allow everybody to leave a message, unless he is banned from the house. Security of this would function as the ban list, so I would be able to ban accounts from house and letterbox, if necessary.



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Someone please tell me where to get Vent, then let me join you in a "party". So I can come back here and make fun of you... :lame:

It's right up there with Town Halls being held at D & B's. Sorry EA, but what, Chuck E Cheeses are always booked? :loser:

Kratos Aurion

No, it really doesn't. It's just fine how it is.
How about an improved interface? Allowing the user full customization and control over what they use. For instance, you could use the 2d backpack while using the SA hotkey tray.


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

2. You're not serious, are you? Bulletin boards are the most annoying "messaging thing" I've seen.
Bulletin boards rock. I love finding old bulletin boards with messages left by people.. It is a great way to relive past memories that you might have forgotten. Modern chat systems are impersonal and don't even get me started about the global chat b.s.

However, there is definite room for improvement. Bulletin boards can be improved for instance. There can also be other types of systems but it is important that we remember that this is Ultima Online and not WoW.


There are several levels of interaction...


Short Term:
Alliance Chat
Guild Chat
UO Chat
Party Chat

Mid Term:
Ingame Message Boards.
Web Message Boards

Long Term:
E Mail
Web Message Boards
Ingame Message boards

Some players like some better... in the end it is all up to the User.
Knowing each system quirks and commands is always useful.
Knowledge is the ultimate tool.

(My apologies to all the players on my icq list... I know the mass messages are a Pain...)

PS: I BET... BET... our devs are one step ahead of us... and SA will have a GREAT ingame chat system. Trust me... hum, Them...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Barkeepers can relay news for ya if you bother to fiddle around with them quite handy

Set commands to speak when hear word "Guild News" Bar keep tells you

Tonight we shall all meet up and sizzel the grizzel 9 pm cst...Ext get the msg

I wish the personal heralds would have this sort of option also but this works ok just a bit of a pain to setup

Also handy to have guild houses in luna since they all go to luna often.