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Account Stealing?!?!?!?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Got a question about account transfers. I was told that it is possible for a former owner to steal his account back by contacting EA and saying "I had my account hacked, I need it back" and by simply stating the former credit card info and name on the account, that person can gain access to the former account.

Is that true?

I was told there was a application & fax process to convert owners of a UO account with having the problem of worrying about the former owner stealing it back.

If there is a new credit card on the account, will that prevent the former owner from getting the former account back?

I purchased an account and was told to fill out this application EA offers just in case one of the former owners attempted to get the account back.

Someone please explain this situation to me. Thank you!!!

Lord Drakelord

I purchased an account and was told to fill out this application EA offers just in case one of the former owners attempted to get the account back.
best thing you can do to protect yourself is do just that


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
best thing you can do to protect yourself is do just that
Probably should of stated this first. The application has to be filled out by the former owner and what not. So it would take the former owner, filling it out, faxing back to me (fax needed due to owners signature) and me filling out and faxing to EA.

Can't get many former owners to do that yet alone get ahold of them again :p

Lord Drakelord

next best thing you can do is add the security question, a few of our accounts were given to us yrs ago, since then the email and CC has changed but we have a security question on all the accounts.


Got a question about account transfers. I was told that it is possible for a former owner to steal his account back by contacting EA and saying "I had my account hacked, I need it back" and by simply stating the former credit card info and name on the account, that person can gain access to the former account.

Is that true?

I was told there was a application & fax process to convert owners of a UO account with having the problem of worrying about the former owner stealing it back.

If there is a new credit card on the account, will that prevent the former owner from getting the former account back?

I purchased an account and was told to fill out this application EA offers just in case one of the former owners attempted to get the account back.

Someone please explain this situation to me. Thank you!!!
If you use the official account transfer program through EA it's NOT possible for someone to reclaim an account via credit card information. However, if you use other means and do NOT go through EA for the transfer it is entirely possible someone could reclaim the account by verifying the previous billing information. Since there is no proof a trade ever took place. If you trade accounts you are best off by paying the $30 to transfer it.

The FAQ regarding account transfers can be found here.
The form to transfer accounts is found here.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you use the official account transfer program through EA it's NOT possible for someone to reclaim an account via credit card information. However, if you use other means and do NOT go through EA for the transfer it is entirely possible someone could reclaim the account by verifying the previous billing information. Since there is no proof a trade ever took place. If you trade accounts you are best off by paying the $30 to transfer it.

The FAQ regarding account transfers can be found here.
The form to transfer accounts is found here.

Thanks for the help, but like I stated, this application needs information from previous owners.

The application is also put in position for the original owner to fill out. I am the current user on the account, so how am I going to fill out my name as the Current User AND the New User?


Grand Poobah
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So...if we have an account that we got from someone in a way outside of this account transfer program that i didn't know existed, is there a way to safeguard it now?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So...if we have an account that we got from someone in a way outside of this account transfer program that i didn't know existed, is there a way to safeguard it now?
Yes, contact EA and have them add a security word to the account. I just did that 5 mins ago and secured all of my accounts.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes, contact EA and have them add a security word to the account. I just did that 5 mins ago and secured all of my accounts.
Can you email them and do it or something, i hate talking to a bunch of EA employees that do not know what ultima online is.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I see that costs like 30 bucks. Kinda steep almost like buying the account again.


Stratics Veteran
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Think of it like a $30.00 insurance policy on the account. Plus it also removes any marks against the account. Never know if the person selling the account already had 2 suspensions and the next one would result in a perma ban.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend

Me: hello?

Him: Hi

Me: Remember me? You gave me your account 5 years ago?

Him: Uh... what do you want?

Me: Ya, I need you to sign something, what's your fax number?

Him: *click*


If you have questions regarding your account contact customer support. They are able to provide you with the answers specific to your account. Go to http://support.ea.com to create the ticket.


Jirel of Joiry

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wtih Account Access Transfer you better make DAMNED sure its applied on on the in game side or you'll end up like my sister; fighting for your account because they didn't erase the previous marks on the account.

Let me explain: In Febuary 2001 My sister bought a UO acct from a player leaving UO. She went through the account access transfer process. She THOUGHT all was was well. Then in May 2001 she had a run in at West Brit bank with a griefer. She was trying to tame a bunch of Ridgebacks that someone had freed. This obnoxious person was killing them as fast as she would try to tame them. She repeatedly asked the griefer to stop; which his response was to mock her and continue with his griefing activities. She finally blew her top after he killled the last of the Ridgebacks and proceeded to call him a a-hole with a adverb beginning with an F in front of it.

Well someone paged she got banned; only what should have been a 24 or 72 hr first offense suspension turn into a perma-ban. Why???
Because the previous marks WERE STILL ON THE ACCOUNT! The AAT had not been applied properly as we later found out. It took a whole lot of phone calls and us faxing copies of sis's credit card statments to prove when she paid for the transfer and when she took custody of The account. Ultimately we save her account and sis learned to watch her mouth in game. Chrissay, I hope to god ya'll got the bugs worked out because I wouldn't want anyone else to go through what Sis and I did.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can you email them and do it or something, i hate talking to a bunch of EA employees that do not know what ultima online is.
First off, no, just call them, it took me no longer than 10 minutes, including the wait time and the actual process of getting it done. I had them do four accounts even though I only play two of them just to be safe.

That won't do jack, you need to do what Chrissay said.
Second off, that does do "jack". The former owners MUST know the secret word before EA will give out any of the account information let alone giving it back to the former owner. One of the accounts I had done today had a secret word on it and even though my credit card, full name, and address was on the billing info of the account, they couldn't do ANYTHING for me when it came to the account what so ever. I actually had to track down the former owner to get the secret word before I could secure it and put me as the sole owner of the account.

Just call EA Account Services, cheaper than paying $30.00 per account and easier than having someone fill out, sign, and fax you a application for Ultima Online.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
question was this about account you were just selling??



First off, no, just call them, it took me no longer than 10 minutes, including the wait time and the actual process of getting it done. I had them do four accounts even though I only play two of them just to be safe.

Second off, that does do "jack". The former owners MUST know the secret word before EA will give out any of the account information let alone giving it back to the former owner. One of the accounts I had done today had a secret word on it and even though my credit card, full name, and address was on the billing info of the account, they couldn't do ANYTHING for me when it came to the account what so ever. I actually had to track down the former owner to get the secret word before I could secure it and put me as the sole owner of the account.

Just call EA Account Services, cheaper than paying $30.00 per account and easier than having someone fill out, sign, and fax you a application for Ultima Online.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
question was this about account you were just selling??


No, these are about the accounts that I all ready had. I had two accounts that were inactive. I returned after 3 years and was told after chattin with a friend that I should do the EA transfer thing. Only problem was, I purchased one of the accounts off eBay. This was awhile ago when eBay was the ideal place for all UO related things. Well, that was 3+ years ago, how could I have found the former owner of that account? So I called EA looking for an alternate solution to this problem and found one.


Always Present
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And tell me, what would stop the previous owner from saying "I never had a pass phrase for my account, the thief set it, here's all the original info and the account creation key to prove it was mine."


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
thread kind of reminds me of this guy on siege he would sell accounts and get them back after the $ cleared, and when he would buy one would get the paypal money back after he got the info. Think he still plays there but its been a while.

Arch Magus

I hope mazamotuck isn't trying to steal back accounts he's selling..

I would be very disappointed in you Maz.:bored:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I hope mazamotuck isn't trying to steal back accounts he's selling..

I would be very disappointed in you Maz.:bored:
Lol if i was trying to do that I wouldn't be spreading this on a thread advising people of the possibilities. I also wouldn't be seeking for advice on preventing people from doing so. I'm trying to protect myself and all those who purchase accounts in the future.

I just needed a way of protecting myself and all those who have purchased accounts recently or even years ago.

Arch Magus

Lol if i was trying to do that I wouldn't be spreading this on a thread advising people of the possibilities. I also wouldn't be seeking for advice on preventing people from doing so. I'm trying to protect myself and all those who purchase accounts in the future.

I just needed a way of protecting myself and all those who have purchased accounts recently or even years ago.
good call brotha' :thumbsup:


Wtih Account Access Transfer you better make DAMNED sure its applied on on the in game side or you'll end up like my sister; fighting for your account because they didn't erase the previous marks on the account. . . Chrissay, I hope to god ya'll got the bugs worked out because I wouldn't want anyone else to go through what Sis and I did.
I didn't have the kind of problem with the Account Transfer process that your sister did but I did have issues with it.

The seller of the account filled out all the paperwork and faxed it to me. I filled out all the paperwork and faxed it to the proper people at EA. They NEVER did anything with it. I spent months on the phone with them trying to figure out why it wasn't done. I refaxed the paperwork numerous times but still nothing was done. I will tell you that this was when the Account Transfer program just started so maybe it was just new bugs. I NEVER did get the account transferred to me through EA. Fortunately I never had an issue with the person I bought it from wanting it back and I guess there were never any marks on it. But then again I probably wouldn't know because I never do anything in game that might bring that to front.

Hopefully, all those kinds of issues have been long ago straightened out.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wtih Account Access Transfer you better make DAMNED sure its applied on on the in game side or you'll end up like my sister; fighting for your account because they didn't erase the previous marks on the account.
Strange, considering this from their website:

"If I acquire access to an account from a player that has been reprimanded in the game and I get Origin to officially transfer the account, will the official transfer remove the reprimands accumulated by the other player?

Yes, if you use the Account Access Transfer program Origin has provided, any and all comments and infractions on the account will not affect your standing in the game once the Account Access Transfer process is completed. What this means is that any comments on an account prior to the transfer will not affect your standing with Origin."

A link: http://www.uo.com/acct_xfer.html

Jirel of Joiry

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wtih Account Access Transfer you better make DAMNED sure its applied on on the in game side or you'll end up like my sister; fighting for your account because they didn't erase the previous marks on the account.
Strange, considering this from their website:

"If I acquire access to an account from a player that has been reprimanded in the game and I get Origin to officially transfer the account, will the official transfer remove the reprimands accumulated by the other player?

Yes, if you use the Account Access Transfer program Origin has provided, any and all comments and infractions on the account will not affect your standing in the game once the Account Access Transfer process is completed. What this means is that any comments on an account prior to the transfer will not affect your standing with Origin."

A link: http://www.uo.com/acct_xfer.html

Yes, it is strange but it is 100% true! What happened is sis was charged on her credit card for the Account Access Transfer, but it was NEVER applied on the In-Game side. This from the lips of a EA/Origin Customer Service supervisor who called from Austin to apologize for the mess. This was back in 2001 when UO customer service was in Austin before the great California migration of UO.

Just because EAMythic says something on their website doesn't make it law and gospel! They are HUMAN and as we all know too well around here they do screw up royally.

I will try to hunt down the notice of permenant ban email and the resulting correspondance. I could even scan and post the old credit card statments showign where she paid her first month's subscription fee and the Account Access Transfer fee since the credit card in question has been closed.

Bottomline believe what you want but it did happen. I'd dearly love for Chrissay to comment, Because there are notes on sis's account I'm sure.