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What faction is the Harrower in?



He is in the 'pwnt' faction their base is random and he eats bandages and pots, their faction allied monster is the zerg.


Stratics Veteran
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None, there may be a bug with monsters putting chars into stat based off some earlier posts of people asking why they were put into stat working spawns when the spawns didn't have any of the faction monsters (wisps, silver serpents, and demons).


Is it possible he got stuck when pulled in and thought he was parrad, hit his trap box or something?


Grand Poobah
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The thought of the Harrower being in a Faction is weirdly awesome in its own way.

What Faction is your friend in? We can do it by process of elimination.

And how sure are you that a rival Faction stealther didn't sneak in and get off a few hits unseen on your friend?

-Galen's player


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
The thought of the Harrower being in a Faction is weirdly awesome in its own way.

What Faction is your friend in? We can do it by process of elimination.

And how sure are you that a rival Faction stealther didn't sneak in and get off a few hits unseen on your friend?

-Galen's player
I wonder how much silver he'd give out.

-Galen's player


Always Present
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None, there may be a bug with monsters putting chars into stat based off some earlier posts of people asking why they were put into stat working spawns when the spawns didn't have any of the faction monsters (wisps, silver serpents, and demons).
I know it was a joke ;)


Always Present
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The harrower did not put your friend in stat. Fact.
Ummm... yeah he did actually. Friend definitely died to harry (ie: suck in blow up) No other factions anywhere in the entire dungeon much less on screen. In stat. Promise.

Arch Magus

Has the harry every put anyone in stat before?

maybe he's anti-factions.


Always Present
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Has the harry every put anyone in stat before?

maybe he's anti-factions.
lol idk this post was mostly just a tongue-in-cheek type of post I didn't think I'd get called a liar. Just figured I'd bring it up today and see if it happened to anyone else.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Has the harry every put anyone in stat before?

maybe he's anti-factions.
When the Harrower first appeared, he gave out hundreds of murder counts. Was Great Lakes I think that spawned it first. LS was, thankfully, second. (So that way another shard got to experience the murder count bug! ;) )

So maybe now he gives out skill loss instead.

-Galen's player

Arch Magus

lol idk this post was mostly just a tongue-in-cheek type of post I didn't think I'd get called a liar. Just figured I'd bring it up today and see if it happened to anyone else.
I'm guessing that the statted player accidently did damage to himself somehow..:blushing:


Grand Poobah
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Sorry... I just had to. :p


Grand Poobah
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lol idk this post was mostly just a tongue-in-cheek type of post I didn't think I'd get called a liar. Just figured I'd bring it up today and see if it happened to anyone else.
So seriously, what Faction are you and your guildmate in?

There is, of course, always the very, very small possibility that this is part of the event cycle, rather than a weird bug.

-Galen's player


Always Present
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lol idk this post was mostly just a tongue-in-cheek type of post I didn't think I'd get called a liar. Just figured I'd bring it up today and see if it happened to anyone else.
So seriously, what Faction are you and your guildmate in?

There is, of course, always the very, very small possibility that this is part of the event cycle, rather than a weird bug.

-Galen's player
Shadowlords. And he didn't die to anything he did to himself (there would have been a corpse) He died to the Harry 'spoding him.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
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Ummm... yeah he did actually. Friend definitely died to harry (ie: suck in blow up) No other factions anywhere in the entire dungeon much less on screen. In stat. Promise.
If your buddy was almost dead, he could very well have killed himself. That would be the only way he went into stat. Now they prob wont admit to that, but the harry def didnt strike the killing blow...ur buddy did. :)


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You dont blow up until AFTER u r dead...silly. :p
This. You don't *know* the Harrower killed him just because it blew up his corpse. The corpse exploding thing happens to any corpse within 5 tiles of Harry, whether it killed them or not.


Grand Poobah
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Is it possible there is some sort of bug where blood oath is considered "killing yourself". Cause it kinda is killing yourself, maybe you stat yourself with blood oath. Maybe test that out.


Lore Master
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Nope. I slammed myself to the ground because of doing a 160 AI on a harry (fake and true) while blood oathed and never went in to stat!


Grand Poobah
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Shadowlords. And he didn't die to anything he did to himself (there would have been a corpse) He died to the Harry 'spoding him.
Well that makes the Harrower in Minax....Or do you go into skill loss when someone in your own Faction kills you as well? I should know, it's why I left TB, but I don't recall.

No one got silver when it died, I take it?

The Harrower's a buggy monster to be sure. (Anyone remember when you could get it to move?)

But has this happened to anyone else before?

-Galen's player


Slightly Crazed
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Is it possible there was an opposing faction stealth archer hidden? And when he was low on life the stealth archer took the kill shot?

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
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the harrower is the faction commander of the secret new sherry the mouse faction................called the cheeselords


Grand Poobah
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You're not crazy, necessarily.....On UOFOrums, someone has reported getting skill loss from a non-Faction monster....And in Trammel.

-Galen's player

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Ummm... yeah he did actually. Friend definitely died to harry (ie: suck in blow up) No other factions anywhere in the entire dungeon much less on screen. In stat. Promise.
Harrower had nothing to do with it. We've done dozens of Harrower as Minax and never once has anyone gone into stat dying from it. Something else happened to cause you friend's stat loss.

Why don't you spawn a Harrower and then have a faction member die to it. You will see.


Always Present
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Ummm... yeah he did actually. Friend definitely died to harry (ie: suck in blow up) No other factions anywhere in the entire dungeon much less on screen. In stat. Promise.
Harrower had nothing to do with it. We've done dozens of Harrower as Minax and never once has anyone gone into stat dying from it. Something else happened to cause you friend's stat loss.

Why don't you spawn a Harrower and then have a faction member die to it. You will see.
We've done dozens and this has never happened before.
Whatever guys, really it happened. If you believe it or not doesn't really matter to me.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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I'm sure it happened. There is just an explanation why it did. Perhaps your friend got hit by a faction monster in the dungeon on the way to the Harrower. The Harrower has caused many strange issues with its unique abilities. Such as the time when it was first introduced and everyone who attacked it was given dozens of murder counts.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
We've done dozens and this has never happened before.
Whatever guys, really it happened. If you believe it or not doesn't really matter to me.
I don't think more than 1 or 2 folks didn't believe you, we were mostly just having fun with it, like you were.

I tend to think it was a weird Harrower bug, of which there've been many over the years.

I'd surely like to think it was part of the event but I think we all know it wasn't.

-Galen's player


I went into stat the other day at the Humility champ spawn in Ilshenar...so maybe there's some obscure bug at work.


Always Present
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I went into stat the other day at the Humility champ spawn in Ilshenar...so maybe there's some obscure bug at work.
There is, I've gone into stat for a guard whack. I was mostly making a joke of it on the boards here for fun and to bring it up once again in case our community chick is reading. It's not a major game stopping issue.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
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We've done dozens and this has never happened before.
Whatever guys, really it happened. If you believe it or not doesn't really matter to me.
I wasnt trying to give you a hard time...and I believe your guildie DID go into statloss...what I am trying to open you up to is the possibility that either:

a) they killed themselves...and quite possibly did so unaware of how. (for example target self instead of last target...see gumms post for another fine example :p)


b) ko'ed by stealther...

Again...no harm no foul...a lot of thing happen, and quite often coincidence has a habit of working its way into the picture.

wee papa smurf

Well actually it is possible, because i got put into stat duelling a blue who wasnt in any faction. Call me a liar if ye like i know its true so does the guy i was duelling


Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Well actually it is possible, because i got put into stat duelling a blue who wasnt in any faction. Call me a liar if ye like i know its true so does the guy i was duelling

yes, and if you read carefully...you will see where I mention accidental self tardgetting...

how do I know, from personal experience of course! :dunce:

wee papa smurf

yes, and if you read carefully...you will see where I mention accidental self tardgetting...

how do I know, from personal experience of course! :dunce:
ofc, but i remember it, i was in a harm spam healing my self then finally he got a lightning off and killed me, i was casting no offencive spells before i died :p


Slightly Crazed
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I'm confused. How exactly can you manage to get a tard on yourself? I must have missed this in an FoF somewhere.....

heh as funny as it sounds it is possible.

if you use uoassist with heal self macroes and cast too quickly, you can over ride the first healing spell and hit yourself with the next spell you cast, such as an explode.


Always Present
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There is a way to bug yourself and be "in a faction" without actually being in a faction.
You get all of the benefits with none of the risks. (any pms about this from anyone other than a dev team member will be deleted without reading so dont ask)

Anyhow I know it's possible to go into stat by random monsters even in trammel. The post was in fun because I thought it was common knowledge.
That said I think this thread has served it's purpose so there's no sense in folks continuing to "argue" about it.


Lore Master
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We've done dozens and this has never happened before.
Whatever guys, really it happened. If you believe it or not doesn't really matter to me.
Actually... Now that I think about it... I went AFK once and died to a couple of headless ones/mongbats. When I came back I found myself to be in stat (about 1-2 months ago). Checked the journal and there were no signs of any opposite faction members/monsters causing the death!

Also had the 600 gp per item withdrawn from my bank account.