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Question On [Blessed] Clothing




Long story short... I had some old [blessed] clothing (a robe and a pair of sandals) equipped when I stepped on those acid pools spit by the peerless boss in Bedlam.
Got home, got curious and did a repair and voila, the repair went through even though both the robe and the sandals show no durability on them.
Got curious again and tried using the Powder of Fortifying on them but the game wouldn't let me.

Now the question is... does anyone know whether they can be destroyed just like any other regular piece of armour?


Bomb Bloke

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Could have something to do with items like Melissa's Cloak (such as the replicas). Clothing with durability that can be repaired. The introduction of that stuff likely made all clothing repairable. Or maybe it was always possible? I really dunno.

(There was actually an odd bug with that cloak - to start with, it had the "feature" of acting like Powder of Fortification. Go figure).

Arch Magus

Could have something to do with item's like Melissa's Cloak (such as the replicas). Clothing with durability that can be repaired. The introduction of that stuff likely made all clothing repairable. Or maybe it was always possible? I really dunno.

(There was actually an odd bug with that cloak - to start with, it had the "feature" of acting like Powder of Fortification. Go figure).
did the cloaks disappear after `10 uses?
thats crazy talk.


OK I actually screwed around with them a bit more.

Blasted myself with a few spells, and damaged the robe and the sandals again. The repair was once again successful, and after that when I tried to repair them again the game wouldn't let me, saying the items' durability is already at its maximum etc. Again PoF didn't work.

I then made a robe and a pair of sandals with my tailor and did the same test, but after 30 min of hurting myself with magic arrows I can't even damage the items.

I remember in the old days (like 10 years ago) macers could destory clothing articles in PvP, which really got me to wonder if everything made prior to AoS actually has a hidden durability attribute attached to it...


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I have had pre-AoS blessed clothing destoyed from being damaged. There does indeed seem to be a hidden durability attribute. I have a collection of pre-AoS newbie clothing for that very reason.

Arch Magus

I've heard before that maces can destroy some of your cloth items.


Babbling Loonie
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A long time ago, pre Trammel (but after the publish for maker's mark), one of the weapon balances allowed weapons to damage any article of clothing, robes, armour, anything. Actually, it wasn't just weapons, attacks from mobs damaged your armour and clothing the same way too.

Macing weapons did the most damage. It would quickly tear apart whatever you were wearing. Made GM crafted quarterstaves very useful and a hot commodity. I had to refill my staff vendor with staves at least once a day.

Having said that, I'd yet to see any of my AOS clothing get destroyed after they revamped that system. If someone has confirmation that their AOS clothing have gotten destroyed recently, please let us know. I'd hate to lose my AOS sandals...


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Well its not exactly the same but i know if you get disarmed while holding a fishing pole it will break! :p

Xel The Wanderer

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A long time ago, pre Trammel (but after the publish for maker's mark), one of the weapon balances allowed weapons to damage any article of clothing, robes, armour, anything. Actually, it wasn't just weapons, attacks from mobs damaged your armour and clothing the same way too.

Macing weapons did the most damage. It would quickly tear apart whatever you were wearing.
Back in the day, you could destroy sandals which was easily done with Macing; a skill I had once upon a time. This is the reason why I never wore my black sandals which I eventually blessed. Those same pair of sandals now have the double-blessed tag on them, and it's kind of nice to have, a reminder of the old days and the changes of the times.


Lore Keeper
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I heard that if you use Item Identification old [Blessed] items you win the game. :)


So I guess I'll just let them rot either in my bank box or on my never-leave-town-l33t-banksitting-showing-off-my-gears char then (just in case, no, I don't have a banksitting char).


Grand Poobah
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I remember in the old days (like 10 years ago) macers could destory clothing articles in PvP, which really got me to wonder if everything made prior to AoS actually has a hidden durability attribute attached to it...
Yes this is would be correct. It wouldn't be surprising if pre-patch items (that weren't updated in subsequent patches properly) still have properties of old...


okay, so i just used a repair deed on my sandals [blessed] and it said "you repair the item"... Maybe I should take them off

Bo Hica

ok i know for a fact that all boots, cloaks, and capes could be destroyed. During the elly invasion on Minoc, I lost about a dozen or more of each. I have never lost any shirts or pants so I cannot say about those. (that char was made after AOS and all items worn were post-AOS)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ok i know for a fact that all boots, cloaks, and capes could be destroyed. During the elly invasion on Minoc, I lost about a dozen or more of each. I have never lost any shirts or pants so I cannot say about those. (that char was made after AOS and all items worn were post-AOS)
If the boots cloaks and capes weren't insured elementals can destroy items like old mace weapons. The last update about them stated insured or blessed items could not be destroyed by the elementals.