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Any Charts for Stealth?



Im at 100.0 Hide and 107.8...been running around stealth for about 1 1/2 hours now without a gain.

I have changed up my clothing, adding weight with a chainmail tunic, ringmail sleeves etc. but I cant seem to gain.

The charts i've found tell you what armor to wear from 0 to GM but nothing from GM to 120 anyone have any ideas?


I guess a better question would be...has anyone achieved 120.0 stealth?

How the heck do you do it?


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
It's possible... but why would you want to? With Shadow dancer leggings available what would be the purpose? Other than to say you did?

Personally, I find wearing chain and a plate helm NON-meddable work better for gains ... as well as you might try plate arms..... but outside that just stealthing in highly populated areas.... try stealthing around and around Luna bank..... though rooms with high level monsters (in that heavy armor)....

If you are on GL then I know a place to work stealth... it works quite well... but it doesn't seem to work on other shards...


dont have gold to buy Leggings...dont have the U.S Dollars to buy Gold, I can barely pay for my account lol

I only have 5 character slots and I cant go to Luna cause I never bought the 30 dollar upgrade :-D


Stealth round an area with a high density of players i.e. luna bank or possibly brit bank


I was under the impression that stealth and hiding gains are not effected by the amount of players you are visble to


I always thought threads like this would get better answers, and less mod attention, if they were posted in the Thief forum.

But then that's just me....


I always thought threads like this would get better answers, and less mod attention, if they were posted in the Thief forum.

But then that's just me....

Clearly you were wrong, posted this question in Thief forum around 4-5 days ago and got 1 unhelpful reply...in less then 2 hours I already have 6 replies to this one


I have gone from 105.2 to 119.8 in about a week

I am wearing Studded Tunic Closed helm plate arms and plate gloves and holding a viking sword (fance is my weapon skill)

I habve been doing it on a boat just to stay away from people

I switch around the tunic with a ringmail tunic minus the plate arms and sword


Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Back when I trained it, whenever the gains dryed up I just kept throwing on armor until the game literally told me I was wearing too much (at which point I'd swap a single piece back and continue).

I wasn't aware weapons made a difference.

the 4th man

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I always thought threads like this would get better answers, and less mod attention, if they were posted in the Thief forum.

But then that's just me....
Not necessarily my good man....I have used stealth on a tamer and an archer, in the past. For one, when we had an invasion once.....buncha red critters in woods and near houses....I seriously used stealth to regain my corpses items....came in pretty handy.

Also used it back when that that chick was appearing down in, I dunno, that dungeon full of dead stuff.......helped alot.


Why take it beyond 80 in the first place?...la
Prodo shards have passive detect.

80 is fine on siege but doesnt cut it when even a mongbat can passivly reveal a 120 stealther!

The suggestions on using studed and close helm worked best for me(actually used an old suit of ranger armour)

An alternative option is to fight stuff and get stealth jewels :p

My thief on GL has ony 79 stealth real, (+11 on bracelet, +10 on mark of travesty and +20 on legs)

Keep at it, with non-med armour and youll get there.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Clearly you were wrong, posted this question in Thief forum around 4-5 days ago and got 1 unhelpful reply...in less then 2 hours I already have 6 replies to this one
You got an answer in the thief forum. It's just an answer you didn't want to hear.

DVDA- I've not seen a chart for this and depending who you talk to you will get a different answer for this, basically add plate pieces until you get a 50/50 fail rate.
From this Post

I saw no reason to add to the information there, as it is already correct. Going from GM to 120 seems to vary on different chars, for whatever reason, in the requirements on what they wear. I have 2 stealthers above GM (both at 115). One got by just fine wearing the recommended armour to GM. The other had to add plate arms and a plate gorget. That's why there are no charts.

Most of the folks, in this thread, have given you the exact same answer as what you got 4 - 5 days ago.

We would be happy to add your results to the Hiding and Stealth FAQ, if you keep track of what your wearing and how fast you are gaining.
