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is UO changed


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
jw If UO has been changed in the past 3 months? is it any better or a lot worse?

I will try the closed beta but honestly I Don't know, it better be pretty good they been workin' on it for like 2 years

Arch Magus

Something's changed.

I'm kicking major ass in Felucca with these faction arty's. :D
*smokes joint*

Arch Magus

mmm, If I sleep now who would get all the work done at the hospital?
Plenty of time for that when I get home.

Damn, I could sure go for some pizza right now....

AND YOU...why don't you go drink some beer... all day .. or w/e.
lol :D

What exactly did you hope was going to be changed?
Archer/tamers still pwn, and dread mares can kiss my ass.....


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Beerdude! Was wondering where you'd gone.

For changes since you have gone, you can check out the patch notes:


Some issues re champ spawns have been fixed and others like ghost cams are being looked at. See the sticky on

Champ Spawn Pub 58 Fixes and Q&A