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Despawn bug?



I just got killed by three mobs and I saw that they "looted items" from my pack. When I returned to the area not a couple of minutes later, the spawn was gone. This common now-a-days?

Arch Magus

What type of spawn?

If you are in a Champ spawn area, the corpses of monsters disappear rather quickly.

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Monsters do despawn automatically; typically they won't last longer then four hours.

Creatures that have previously been tamed will typically last over 24 hours before going poof.

Peerless typically last just an hour. I hear Dark Fathers have stayed around for days, and may not despawn at all.

In your case, where three monsters were involved, I'd assume the monsters wandered away... More information on the area would be required for a more accurate guess, but in eg Bedlam, it is not uncommon for monsters to change location very quickly indeed.


Terrethan Keep in The Lost Lands. I was killed by a pair of Avengers and a Justicar. I saw one of the Av's take something from my pack. I had to run to Papua and back. When I came back they were gone. I had lead them a good ways away from the main spawn. I cleared out the area for about 20 minutes and nothing. They disappeared without a trace. And there was absolutely no other players around.

Arch Magus

When I came back they were gone. I had lead them a good ways away from the main spawn. .
That might be your problem right there.
*clanks around under the car hood*

Yep, that might be your prob. They probably got transported back to their normal spots or something. Hopefully you didn't lose anything good.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
From what I see, mobs will unspawn after a couple of hours max, though sometimes their unspawning timers seem to extend/reset if they go into aggro or take damage. However, I had mobs unspawn sometimes in the middle of combat too (shadow elemental pet training), so maybe it's the damage thing.

This timer starts once they have been spawned, so the ophidians might have spawned 2 hours ago and has only a couple of minutes before they unspawn when you came along.

Once unspawned/killed, a new mob will respawn back at it's respawn point when this happens (but it will not have any stuff it looted).

Would be nice if the devs could code in something to turn them into corpses that decay normally (so that it's helpful during champ spawns too) when they unspawn, get guardwhacked, got sacrificed as long as it has looted something. Corpses will of course contain only the looted stuff if they were not killed by players.

I added the sacrifice issue because once I sacrificed a lich that I forgot had killed and looted me. Lost me a bag of nice weapons.